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Reconsidering Reagan’s Racism: Trump is the Culmination of The Gipper’s GOP

…it was still under federal investigation for policies against interracial dating; his cozying up to senators Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms—these are just a few examples that draw to mind their Trumpian analogues of birtherism, “shithole countries,” Jeff Sessions, “very fine people,” attacks against Black Lives Matter, the defense of Confederate monuments, and the constant assertion that he’s been the best president ever for African Americans. Lu…

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The Religious Reason Many Americans Refuse to Wear Masks

…rld who thought it was a good idea to handle venomous snakes for the Lord. Dating back to the early 20th century, some Appalachian Christians were inspired by Mark’s gospel (the wackiest of gospels, full of high-drama spirit possessions and demon warfare) to prove their faith in God by “taking up serpents,” or even drinking poison. Doing these dangerous things was—and still is—a way of being fearless, being willing to risk great sacrifice, making…

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Applaud If You Must, But Let’s Not Forget the Reason Bethany Christian Agreed to LGBTQ Adoption

…ts deep roots in the Dutch Reformed tradition, Bethanyhas moved in the opposite direction. This does, of course, mean that, on rare occasions, evangelical institutions do change for the better. But, if we want to address the question of whether evangelicalism can be reformed from the inside, it’s important to ask the question of how evangelical institutions change, and in response to which kinds of pressures and incentives. Once fiercely opposed t…

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Exvangelical TikTokkers Aren’t a Sign of the End Times, But Here’s What Evangelicals Need to Understand About ‘The Falling Away’

…nfluential (though now repudiated) 1997 book on Christian purity, I Kissed Dating Goodbye—who began using the term and hashtag “exvangelical” to describe himself shortly after his “apology tour documentary.” Harris even hosts an interview series on Instagram about the topic. Jeremiah later followed this allusion with another, referencing Ryan Bell’s in/famous experience of being “atheist for a year,” which garnered national coverage, and led him t…

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Religious Discrimination and the Violence Against Women Act

…ervices provided under VAWA—relating to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, among other things—it’s not terribly surprising that a far broader group of advocates has joined CARD in calling on DOJ to abandon 2007 OLC memo. As the coalition letter notes, it is difficult to imagine that RFRA envisions that requiring federally-funded, faith-based organizations to comply with anti-discrimination laws is a “substantial burd…

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With Demons Held Responsible These Days for Everything from Covid to LGBTQ Rights, Take a Visual Tour of the History of Demonization

…. The significance of this image, of which there are around fifty examples dating from the earliest years of the Common Era, remain obscure; yet it was argued until recently (not without controversy) that Cerunnos is the template for the archaic European pan-deity who was latter interpreted by the Christians as a demon, using that as pretext to persecute his worshipers who were subsequently labeled as witches. ***           *** A detail from the f…

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The Most Forgotten Queer Folks in the US are Fighting Back Against a Powerful — and Publicly Funded — Group That Discriminates With Impunity

…this way. To take just one example, as you can verify by perusing ADF’s website, a number of staff lawyers at ADF have degrees from Regent University, a far right-wing interdenominational school founded by notorious culture warrior Pat Robertson himself. Regent is, naturally, a CCCU member school, which will bring us back around to the issue of why we should view ADF and the CCCU in a similar light. Most readers concerned with the power of the Chr…

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As Catholic Bishops Punish Dissent, Rosemary Radford Ruether’s Life and Legacy Show the Way Forward

…who “procures” an abortion (Canon 1398) is a fairly recent revision, only dating back to the 1983 Canon Code reforms, when both the Vatican and the U.S. hierarchy were presented with growing political and social challenges to their opposition to reproductive rights. I can’t help but think it’s some sort of tragic irony that Rosemary Radford Ruether, a founding mother of feminist theology, passed away on May 21 at age 85, just a day after Cordileo…

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The Link Between Texas’ Law Requiring ‘In God We Trust’ Signs in Schools and the January 6 Insurrection

…past, like Utah in the early 90s, while Texas had a permissive display law dating back to the early 2000s. But this recent assault is more explicitly Christian Nationalist and coordinated. State legislators around the country are using this Christian Nationalist playbook to divide the country along religious lines. Because of my role spearheading the report on Christian Nationalism in the Capitol insurrection, I was asked to deliver written testim…

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Evangelicalism Thrived Because it Enabled White Christians to Avoid Civil Rights Movements According to New Book

…plicity, rigidity, and candor. These qualities have justified the argument—dating back at least as far as Dean Kelley’s Why Conservative Churches Are Growing in 1972—that evangelical success is owed to the stern moral demands that these churches make upon their congregants. A thesis that Mohler himself has endorsed, it contrasts evangelical moral rigor with the supposed laxity of the mainline Protestant denominations, which have subsequently decli…

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