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Will House “Freedom” Group’s Core Racism Go Unchallenged?

…s morning’s press conference. The way the “moderate” leadership intends to manage the chamber’s 36 Freedom Caucusoids appears to consist mainly of accommodating them on core policy, if not on rules. The corporate media chatter on about the consequences of a national default on middle-class people’s pensions. They chatter on about “will he or won’t he” Paul Ryan. Almost nobody with a soapbox, and (sadly) none of our religious leaders, talks about b…

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White People Dying Younger Because of…Moral Turpitude? Give Us a Break

…as the “blatant denial of gender differences adds to the disorientation of American’s working class.” Ah, so that’s what’s got working America gasping for breath! It’s not that good-paying jobs in the manufacturing sector of the economy have pretty much evaporated; it’s not that a majority of the Americans who work now make less than $30,000 per year for their trouble; it’s not that service sector employers have created a wretched temp economy in…

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New Mormon Anti-Gay Policy Sparks Mass Exodus From Church; Christian AID Workers in Africa Refuse to Help Gay Refugees; Ukraine Rejects, Then Accepts EU-Required Gay Rights Law; Global LGBT Recap

…spond. Referring to the 1969 New York riots that became a milestone in the American gay rights movement, he said, “The church needs a Stonewall.” Hong Kong: Catholic Bishop Defends Cardinal, Compares Homosexuality to Drug Abuse Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, defending a political letter from Cardinal John Tong opposing marriage equality and anti-discrimination protections, compared gays to drug addicts, repo…

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Krapp’s Last Tweet: The Rise (and Fall?) of Privilege in the Digital Economy

…back as Frederick Winslow Taylor’s 1911 tome The Principles of Scientific Management. In recent years, management techniques have expanded with quasi-religious flair, with Google serving as an exemplary case study. In the walls of the Googleplex, affable corporate elites tout the stress-relief benefits of Buddhist mindfulness practices even as they downplay the socio-economic impacts of the digital economy. Just two months after Fearless Felix le…

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Does Donald Trump Have a Catholic Problem?

…trates the campaign’s overall tone-deafness when it comes to Catholics: Of course, a strong Trump showing in the first two-thirds of the primary calendar would largely make the Catholic-leaning later states a moot point. But if Ted Cruz manages to peel off enough of the evangelical vote from Trump to keep himself, and Rubio, in the race through April, the Northeast and Midwest will have…

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5 Reasons That Cartoons Are the 21st Century’s Great Metaphysical Playground

…ime shows, which aren’t expected to fit into the neat categories that most American cartoons are, include dozens of spiritual and philosophical cartoons, including Bakemonogatari, Psycho-Pass, Kino’s Journey, and Japanese anime series Mushishi, which is set in a world where a man named Ginko solves Shinto-esque spirit-related problems So what makes the medium so ideally suited to metaphysical musing? I can think of at least five reasons: 1. There…

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You’re Right, Ross Douthat: Donald Trump Is Kind of Like Islam

…television so often, you hardly think you can be surprised by anything an American says anymore. But “The Party surrenders” was an instance of legitimate astonishment for me. In Arabic, Islam means “surrender”—as in, surrendering oneself to God. I’m not sure if that was a deliberate resonance, but the coincidence is telling. Because Douthat just compared the most Islamophobic candidate in American history to Islam. Trump is the guy who, may I rem…

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No, the Democratic Party Is (Still) Not the Party of God

…real world empires in our day. The best we can do is back lesser evils who manage the empire well. Some may say this is a pragmatic partnership. If so, it’s one with little accountability and almost no ability to push back. Obama’s nearly three million deportations (including plans to target Central American women and children once again in 2016) and Clinton’s hawkishness can be forgiven whereas it’s the Republicans who commit unpardonable sins. A…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

…entator believes that this act was simply evil. According to a guest on an American Family Association radio program, if Holmes had accepted Christ into his life he would have never committed such a crime. Meanwhile, Vision America Action President Dr. Rick Scarborough claimed that it is the removal of God from the public square that has left God no choice but to lower the divine “hedge of protection” of innocents at a movie theater. According to…

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International “Religious Freedom” Agenda Will Only Embolden ISIS

…ion and conflict, amplify and entrench the religious divisions it seeks to manage, and force political authorities to discriminate between “good” and “bad” religion. Each of these tendencies has implications for the current debate over ISIS. A bigger field of play Religious freedom advocacy singles out individuals and groups for legal protection as religious individuals and collectivities. Positing religion as prior to other affiliations re-politi…

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