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Does Mormonism Encourage LDS People to Lie?

…two back-to-back hours of the same hour about Mormonism, one time for the American audiences, and a second time for the whole world. During the first hour, taping for American audiences, when the inevitable polygamy question came, I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to convey in a soundbite the terrible complexity of Mormonism’s relationship to polygamy: how while it is true that Mormons today no longer plurally cohabitate, polygamy has never been…

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Trick or….Bible: Christians Coping with Halloween

…and perhaps the temptation to mayhem, that the Church’s story can’t quite manage to contain? And what should faithful people do about it? The broader cultural narrative of modern Halloween continues to engage this question. So many communities have tried to de-fang Halloween by trick-or-treating only in daylight, or in explicitly self-contained environments like shopping malls or blocked off streets with an army of adult supervision, lest any gen…

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The Search For Proofs For God’s Existence

…o be the case that our beliefs become stronger and more satisfying when we manage to convince others of them; doing so also strengthens our personal commitment to those beliefs because of the power dynamics we experience as a result of persuading others. (Consult an evolutionary psychologist for a plethora of possible reasons why.) A lot of people get into the business of proofs because they themselves have experienced radical doubt at some point…

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Is Criticizing Mitt Romney an Excommunicable Offense? No.

…to everyday members.  While the institutional LDS Church once preferred to manage controversial elements of its own history—for example, the polygamy of Joseph Smith, or questions about the origins of the Book of Mormon—by presenting carefully crafted lessons in its own manuals, leaving more complicated discussions to scholarly journals and progressive magazines known to only a minority of Church members, the internet has now put an array of infor…

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A Superhuman Spirituality: Ang Lee’s Life of Pi

…not depict them in situations that would disrupt this glory. When Pi does manage to kill a meaty fish, one that he intends to eat, Lee does not give us a visual of Pi’s blade cutting into the fish’s body. Instead, we see Pi pull a large, tidy, sushi steak onto the screen and bite into it like any “civilized” human might do in a fine Japanese restaurant. The meat that Pi eats is abstracted from its animal body. We, the viewers, do not have to face…

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Murdoch’s Anti-Semitic Tweet

…subset of the people who are for him or against him, who he either has to manage or isolate. Along with his open dislike of Muslims—once, he explained to me his theory about how Muslims often married close cousins, therefore depressing their general IQ—and his geopolitical views about world domination, supporting Israel, I believe, is a way to win the support of what he perceives as the good Jews. (That is, if you support him, you are a good Jew….

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My Business, Myself: Piercing the Corporate Veil

…ligious freedom rights separate from those of the “real people” who own or manage it. An Oklahoma federal district court, rejecting a challenge by Hobby Lobby Stores to the coverage mandate, thought it was, finding: General business corporations do not, separate and apart from the actions or belief systems of their individual owners or employees, exercise religion. They do not pray, worship, observe sacraments or take other religiously-motivated a…

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Are Atheists The New Campus Crusaders?

…n umbrella lobbyist group for a number of once-competing groups, including American Atheists, the Council for Secular Humanism, and the American Humanist Association. These “adult” organizations support the growth of campus groups. American Atheists offers scholarships to student activists, noting that “special attention is given to those students who show activism specifically in their schools.” The American Humanist Association provides support…

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Protesting Yoga in Schools, But Welcoming Bible Study

…initas school district has an effective response to the first concern. The management and administration of the yoga program, the school insists, is internal. Assistant Superintendent Miyashiro, who has no connection with the Jois Foundation, sets the curriculum, helps choose the teachers, and monitors the results. He has the authority and the resources in place to manage the program and ensure that its content and execution it is answerable to th…

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Pentecostal With History of Hate Speech Selected as President of Brazil’s Human Rights Body

…l parliaments. Brazil’s new evangelicals have also begun to cooperate with American counterparts. In a recent article at Public Eye, I described how Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) met with Brazilian politicians, with the aid of Feliciano’s PSC, seeking support for the cause of a Christian pastor convicted of apostasy in Iran. The efficiency of Brazil’s evangelical political network so impressed the U.S. conservative group…

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