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Cotizar seguro automotor Signal Hill CA llama ahora al 888-430-8975 Calcular seguro de auto Cotizar el seguro de mi auto Seguros para autos nuevos Que se necesita para asegurar un carro Mejores companias de seguros Cotizacion de mi auto

Yes, It Was an Attack on Christianity

…t. Yet assailants have flouted the sanctuary tradition, causing ecclesiastical flagstones to run red with blood. The church shall be open, even to our enemies. We are not here to triumph by fighting, by stratagem, or by resistance, Not to fight with beasts as men. We have fought the beast And have conquered. We have only to conquer Now, by suffering. This is the easier victory. — T.S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral The murder of Archbishop Thomas…

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Mormon Rejection of Trump Embarrassing for Evangelicals?

…tates, the LDS Church took the rare step of responding directly to a political candidate, issuing a statement that affirmed religious freedom and emphasized Mormon-Muslim partnerships in humanitarian causes. Aside from these political differences, Mormons have recoiled at the personality and style of Trump. Conservative, family-oriented, and devout, Mormons are a sharp contrast to the brash and profane Trump, and they have expressed disapproval fo…

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The Meaning of Make Believe (Why Religion Doesn’t Have to Be “Real”)

…t (though he had a surprisingly large collection of books about the historical Jesus), but the children’s Bible with pastel illustrations I got from Sunday School demanded a dignified, literarily respectable replacement. I couldn’t make much sense of King James, but I enjoyed leafing through the pages—more gold, on their edges!—and sensing some vague power in the sheer overwhelming quantity of words they contained. I started bringing this Bible wi…

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Mega-Church and State Separation? Not in an Election Year

…reat (big) youth program for the kids and not a lot of involvement for themselves. Unlike congregations like my own—where there might be a gap of a few years in the Sunday School—megachurches can attract a critical mass of children, and pay for quality programming. And of course many hands makes a light load, which means you won’t get tapped for endless committees and fundraisers. Eagle argues—correctly, I think—that megachurches reflect a weakeni…

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Conservative French Catholics a ‘Rightwing Patriarchal Bunch’?; Indonesian Prez Decries Anti-LGBT Discrimination; Romanian Prez Warns Against ‘Religious Fanaticism’; Global LGBT Recap

…dogmas are often given disproportionate focus: a point that advocacy at local or national levels could address. A Reuters report on the survey focused on the marriage question: 32 percent supported legal same-sex marriage while 45 percent were opposed and 23 percent were uncertain. The rights group said a breakdown of the results highlighted deep regional divisions. Only 19 percent of respondents in Africa and 26 percent in Asia said they approve…

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An Open Letter to American Muslims on Election Day

…to me, this election comes down to one simple question. Do you respect yourself? In a time of escalating Islamophobia, that question might be the single most critical question of all. Because, name one other community that we have discussed torturing. Or excluding from high office. Or refusing entry into our country. People only respect people who respect themselves. Bullies think twice about picking on the kid who shoves back. Even if he pushes b…

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A History of Prophetic Black Preaching That Doesn’t Start or End With Dr. King

…vil Rights? I take a lot of inspiration from my own spiritual quest toward self-discovery. But as a practical theologian and homiletics professor, I have written A Pursued Justice to answer three questions posed in the book: What does it mean to preach prophetically? Why is it important to discuss its nature and function in context-specific ways? And what must be the scope of prophetic preaching in the postmodern context? I wanted to write a book…

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Indonesia Hears Islamist Arguments For LGBT Criminalization; Zambian Churches Oppose Condom Distribution in Prisons; Lithuanian Conservative Manifesto Calls LGBTs Enemies of Freedom; Global LGBT Recap

…ticle – through an application of K.H. Chen’s (2010) Asia as Method – critically reviews how global LGBT politics interact with local societies influenced by Confucianism. Along a perpetual competition between the universalism and cultural relativism of human rights, this article not only identifies the pitfalls of ‘Asian values’ from a cosmopolitan perspective but also contributes to a queered approach to human rights-holders against homonational

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Will SB 1146 End LGBT Discrimination in California’s Religious Schools?

A new religious freedom battle has been brewing in California, but you probably haven’t heard of it yet. The Golden State’s Christian colleges and universities are up in arms over SB 1146, a Senate bill they argue would effectively end academic religious freedom altogether. Drowning under a wave of press releases, lobbying efforts, and social media campaigns is the intention behind Senator Ricardo Lara’s bill, which was to close a “loophole” that…

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UN Human Rights Council Creates LGBT Watchdog; Orthodox Council Affirms Traditional Teaching on Family; Pope Francis Says Church Should Apologize to Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…e its first-ever LGBT rights watchdog, a step that LGBT equality advocates called a major victory. Before the vote, anti-LGBT activist Austin Ruse had warned supporters: A major catastrophe is about to happen at UN Headquarters in Geneva. The sexual revolutionaries are about to defeat the forces of truth and goodness. It has been the long-term project of the sexual revolutionaries to undermine the teachings of the Church and to impose a new sexual

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