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Indonesia Allows Abusive Sharia Laws to Stand; Kenyan Priest Joins Challenge to Anti-LGBT Laws; Dominican Republic Bishop Slams ‘Gender Ideology’ at OAS; Global LGBT Recap

…ber “that you have as much place in the church as the pope does, of your local bishop does—or I do.” The International Day for the Victims of Torture falls on June 26; a group of human rights experts at the UN released a statement urging countries to prevent the abuse and torture that LGBT people experience in prison and other detention facilities. In the wake of the Orlando massacre, the Journal of Human Rights special 2014 issue on local resista…

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Manufacturing Religious Freedom Martyrs

…and Joanna Duka, the two young owners of the Phoenix-based stationary and calligraphy studio, Brush & Nib. With the help of ADF counsel, the two women filed a so-called “pre-enforcement challenge” arguing they could face months of jail time for violating a Phoenix ordinance that prohibits businesses from discriminating on the basis of “race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,…

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Smelling the Sacred: Better (Lived) Religion Through Chemistry

…r have gone away. The finding has implications for the study of human chemical signaling—and also, perhaps, for the study of religion. The German research team starts from an unusual premise: crowds don’t just release all sorts of noises and smells. They may also change the chemical composition of the air. A movie theater, for example, contains more than flickering images and surround sound. It also contains a whole cocktail of chemicals released…

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“American Values” and “Standing With Israel”

…’ U.S.A.” blared from a stage designed for a photo opportunity for a political figure yearning to be on a dais with the iconic white dome as a backdrop. The crowd was smallish, as these things go, a few hundred people at most, but the people who showed up for Concerned Women for America’s and Mike Huckabee’s Stand With Israel rally came with plenty of enthusiasm, waving their American flags—and their Israeli ones. How anthems to and of the sixties…

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After Early Christian Opposition, Iceland Gets First Pagan Temple in Nearly 1000 Years

This month an Icelandic Pagan organization called the Ásatrúarfélag (roughly translated,* “the fellowship of those who trust in the ancient gods”) will begin construction of a temple in Öskjuhlíð hill, Reykjavík. It will be the first heathen temple to be built in Northern Europe since the construction of the Temple at Uppsala in Sweden in 1070. More importantly, the temple symbolizes the arrival of the Ásatrúarfélag, founded in 1972, into Image o…

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Introducing The Cubit, RD’s New Religion & Science Portal

…ience,” and you’ll find plenty on creationism, Richard Dawkins, and the so-called “God spot” (where the brain seems to process religious experiences). You will also find heaps of commentary, most of which assumes either that Religion and science can never peacefully coexist, or that Religion and science get along just fine. Here at The Cubit, Religion Dispatches’ new religion and science portal, we view much of the religion-versus-science debate a…

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With Christian Schools At Risk In Israel, Crickets from American Christian Conservatives

…equiring the schools to raise tuition, thus placing pressure on the economically strapped families of their students. In contrast, as both Al Jazeera and Christianity Today noted, the Israeli government funds 100% of the budgets of ultra Orthodox Jewish yeshivas. According to Goldman’s reporting, 30,000 Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim, attend Israel’s Christian schools, which predate the founding of the state of Israel. These schools, Gold…

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“1913: Seeds of Conflict”: New Doc Explores Little-Known History of Palestine

…t is; not in any obvious way, no seismic event, national conflict or political edict. Rather, three things happened in 1913 that frame this film. First, Sokolowsky’s film “The Life of the Jews in Palestine” was made, containing the earliest moving images of Palestine; second, Arthur Ruppin’s speech at the Zionist Congress that year focusing on “conquest of the land” through land purchasing that set the Zionist nationalist agenda on a new course; a…

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Win For ‘Natural Family’ Crowd at UN Human Rights Council…

…lsewhere. Berry said his work with governments and civil society activists calls for nuance and pragmatism about the different realities existing in countries around in world. He described his work in places with deep-seated homophobia as a “tree-planting exercise.” The role of American religious conservatives in spreading or inflaming homophobia abroad was also the focus of a panel at last week’s Netroots Nation conference, which was moderated by…

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“As Orthodox As They Come”: A Backstage Conversation With Rob Bell

Rob Bell is on the move. In 1998, as a 28-year-old evangelical pastor in Michigan, Bell founded Mars Hill Church. The community swelled into a megachurch, and Bell gained a national reputation among evangelicals anxious about their ability to reach Millennials. But Bell stayed in motion. He developed a stylized image of a progressive, hip, open-minded Christianity. He preached social justice and pluralism, encouraged doubt, and supported gay marr…

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