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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…hat. I’m not seeing a lot of evidence that “some” adds up to a significant number. Not, at least, on the grounds of Novavax’s supposed selling point. To be fair, that’s not all there is to the piece. In fact, the question about Novavax’s allure reads like a wrapper for a bigger narrative about anti-vaxx activism merging with right-wing Christian nationalism. There’s an interesting story to be told there, and you should follow all the links in Jenk…

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Evangelicals Clutching Pearls Over Student Debt Relief: Lord Have Mercy!

…ancient agrarian society to our situation. The third guy, who works for a Washington PR firm, says let’s not debate this at all: Instead, we should humbly engage others with our biblical convictions and research about alternatives, cost-benefit analysis, and weighing of unintended consequences as we pursue human flourishing and the common good. This, too, is a standard maneuver in the evangelical world: an appeal to “pursue the common good” witho…

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High Ark: A Geologist on the True Meaning of Noah’s Flood

…Bretz in the book [a 1930s geologist who studied the landscape of eastern Washington state] who had such a hard time getting the scientific community to pay attention to his evidence for a catastrophic flood. But there’s a distinction to be made here between “large,” maybe even “regional” and “global.” Right, exactly. I’ve never understood how creationists are perfectly comfortable calling evidence of  the flood of eastern Washington a “global fl…

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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…r. Did some progressives really think everything was going to get fixed in Washington? This never happens! Our present situation compels a reexamination of how we do longer-term political organizing in our country,” suggests Ostendorf. When I spoke with Gaddy last Fall, I was visiting states like Idaho, Montana, and Washington to research the expansion of the Tea Party movement and the return of the armed militias. I was also interviewing immigran…

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US Names Int’l Envoy for LGBT Rights; Marriage revolution spreads in Mexico; Scott Lively Warns World of Anti-Christ; Global LGBT Recap

…e, in 2012, we won the first judgment in Oaxaca,” Méndez marveled during a phone interview last week. “In the two years [since], we have succeeded in covering almost the entire country. Even some LGBT rights supporters are a little mystified that marriage equality rulings haven’t sparked a national backlash. The fight over Mexico City’s 2009 marriage equality law brought strong opposition from the country’s Catholic hierarchy. Yet while some state…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…ays and Lesbians: Thanks, but no Thanks In an extensive interview with the Washington Blade, a longtime Washington, D.C.-based gay publication, Senator John McCain thanked the Log Cabin Republicans for their endorsement and said that he hoped gay voters would consider voting for him. On issues of import to gays, McCain basically said “Thanks, but no thanks.” Keen News Service reported that McCain “implied that he is skeptical about supporting the…

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Two people on a podium with a board that reads "Project 2025 kills democracy"

Project 2025: How Trump Loyalists and Right-Wing Leaders Are Paving a Fast Road to Fascism

…ely says the Constitution gives him ‘the right to do whatever I want,” The Washington Post, July 23, 2019, Article II of the U.S. Constitution establishes the Executive Branch of the government and describes the powers and duties of the president. [30] Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey, and Devlin Barrett, “Trump…

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Baptist Blogger who Discovered Land Plagiarism says Investigation is “Unprecedented”

…u don’t get bigger than Richard Land.” Land has been the SBC’s presence in Washington for decades, and was a key player in the conservative resurgence within the denomination as the religious right began its ascendance. Still, though, he’s more of a Washington insider than a representative of the pews. “He plays TV consultant,” said Weaver. “He’s the go-to expert and supposedly has his finger on the pulse on Southern Baptists, but if you’re around…

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Paul Weyrich, “Godfather” of Modern Conservative Movement, Dead at 66

…he had been named by Regardie’s Magazine as “one of the 100 most powerful Washingtonians”; he contributed op-ed pieces to the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal and was a regular contributor to the Washington Times. Weyrich, and a handful of other leaders (Richard Viguerie, the guru of direct mail, and Howard Philips, head of the poverty program in the Nixon administration) and philanthropists (William Simon), effectively arg…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…sion talking about the LGBT people being less than human. For example, the number two person in the state broadcasting company – actually now he’s the number one person – hosted a show devoted to the question of whether it was enough to protect our children to ban homosexual propaganda or whether more needed to be done. He argued that more needed to be done. He said and we need to outlaw blood and sperm donations by them. And if they die in car ac…

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