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C Street Scandal, the Media, the Future of the Family: An Interview with Jeff Sharlet

…. For a relatively brief period you made the rounds, were interviewed in a number of mainstream media venues. Then, nothing! What happened?   Actually, as an author, I was lucky. Spurred by the sex scandals, this story got a lot more attention than most books do; especially long, dense books with footnotes. I think I did about 200 interviews over the summer. The Washington Post called, but gave the story to a style reporter. Gail Collins cited my…

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The Curious Case of Mormons and LGBT Rights

…des in Salt Lake City, Boise, and other cities for the first time in large numbers, carrying banners that read “Mormons Building Bridges” (MBB). Donning Sunday attire and holding signs with messages of love, MBB forbade signs that criticized Church teachings—namely the notion that same-sex intimacy is a sin. Erika Munson, the founder of MBB, has assured me that the marches were a grassroots affair not in any way directed by Church leaders, but giv…

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Sex and the (Hipster) Church—Just a Gimmick?

…scoll has had a corner on shock-value pastoring since the emergence of his Seattle-based Mars Hill Church, and his latest book, Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together, co-authored with his wife Grace, is the most recent example of his penchant for the dramatic. The book sparked immediate outrage among Christians, who labeled it too sexy—but the heaviest criticism came from those, Christians and non-Christians alike, who…

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Notify This! Vatican Bungles Response to Sexual Ethics Book

…evention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, now the FaithTrust Institute, in Seattle, Washington, “a national, multicultural training and education organization with global reach working to end sexual and domestic violence.” It is the go-to place for work on religion and violence. Dr. Fortune’s book, Love Does No Harm, shows the strong influence of her professor and friend, Dr. Farley, who preached at her ordination and encouraged her to work toward…

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Evangelical Writers Take Homophobic Hipster Pastor to the Mat—Sort Of

Mark Driscoll, founding pastor of the emergent, evangelical, Seattle-based Mars Hill megachurch, stirred a week of digital debate by sharing the following post on his Facebook page [see image, right]: So, what story do you have about the most effeminate anatomically male worship leader you’ve ever personally witnessed? Driscoll was called out by progressive evangelical blogger and writer Rachel Held Evans, who urged readers to write, call, and em…

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Scopes Redux DOA Pending Expert Input

…ould include, “Biological evolution, the chemical origins of life, global warming, and human cloning.” Scientists say the wording is a ploy to sneak creationism into science class. Once again, the bill’s language is based on sample legislation proposed by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute. The bill is not yet officially dead, however. According to the Sentinel, “the Senate Education Committee wound up adjourning Wednesday night with some other…

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Leadership Conference of Women Religious: No Retreat, No Surrender

…m of sustained measure to stop the CDF and the Archbishop Peter Sartain of Seattle appointed to oversee the CDF mandate to carry out reforms in the LCWR. New President Franciscan Sr. Florence Deacon will lead the LCWR during this time. She will have to forge a path to keep the organization intact, while dealing with clerics who would rather watch and censure than engage in dialogue. As a Church Historian, I applaud this move. Anyone with an eye to…

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Anti-Science Bill Passes Tennessee House

…oning.” The bill’s language is based on sample legislation proposed by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, an organization that promotes intelligent design. The Senate version is scheduled for the Senate Education Committee on April 20. In March, the Sensuous Curmudgeon predicted that of the record number of creationist bills that have been introduced in states across the country, the Tennessee bill would be the one to become law. So far, he’s…

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Court Rules Against Texas Education Employee Forced To Resign Over Forwarded Email

…ess, who testified about the Wedge Document, an internal memo in which the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, the nation’s leading proponent of intelligent design, outlined a public-relations strategy to destroy “scientific materialism” and affirm the idea that human beings are created in the image of God. After Comer forwarded the email, Lizzette Reynolds, a TEA hire who had worked as an advisor to Gov. George W. Bush, recommended that Comer be f…

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Funding of Creationist Organizations Doubles

…eator of the DVD series Why Evolution is Stupid. In 2008, the organization, also known as Creation Science Evangelism, brought in more than $931,000 in sales and donations. The Seattle-based Discovery Institute, which pushes the creationist concept of intelligent design, was not included in the ranking….

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