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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…ir multi-national, multi-racial and multi-ethnic character. That said, the numbers of nations and people that we mention are sourced solely on the claims of the groups themselves. We have no way to independently verify these numbers, so they should be used advisedly. Simply put, the global vision of the NAR is based on their understanding of the Great Commission text of Matthew 28:18-20, with an emphasis on “discipling nations” (28:19). Internatio…

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Why Conservative Evangelicals Won’t Let Us Pee in Peace

…ew Testament accorded the title of a church leader. The Orthodox Church in Greece ordains women as deacons. If you’re less progressive than them, you have to know you’re out on a limb. But set even that aside. The conservative SBC leaders would also really rather you didn’t notice the evidence from their own church. Women have been ordained by Southern Baptist congregations. The policy against women in ministry has evolved over time. There are som…

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Call it ‘Christian Globalism’: A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation, Part III

…ims of the groups themselves. We have no way to independently verify these numbers, so they should be used advisedly. Simply put, the global vision of the NAR is based on their understanding of the Great Commission text of Matthew 28:18-20, with an emphasis on “discipling nations” (28:19). International apostolic networks are therefore necessary for the apostles to lead the five-fold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher) whic…

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Sanctioning Patriarch Kirill Would Send a Strong Message — Is the Problem That He Doesn’t Wear Mullahs’ Robes?

…cooperated with the various military dictatorships in Latin America or in Greece (if we’re looking for an Orthodox example). Even clerics who cooperated with the apartheid-regime in South Africa, arguably one of the most sanctioned governments ever, didn’t incur any personal penalties. This discrepancy seems to suggest a part of the problem in the largely-Christian West’s response to the Russian Orthodox Church: Christian churches and clerics are…

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Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing

…local cuisines and food cultures of all of their homelands—whether Persia, Greece, Morocco, Poland, or India—and adapted them all quite adequately to function within the framework of kashrut. One wonders whether Pollan et al think the eco-culinary wisdom of these “traditional” cuisines is diminished when done within the parameters of kashrut? When Eco-Kosher Pigs Fly: Omnivory as a Universal Ideal One of the reasons we needed to contrive or redisc…

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Novak Djokovic, Extraordinary Tennis Player, Ordinary Orthodox Anti-Vaxxer

…s clerics who are leading the anti-vaxx movement in the Orthodox World. In Greece, where the official Church has been vocal in calling the faithful to be vaccinated, the influential Bishop Seraphim of Kythira has been a vocal proponent of the conspiracy theory that “vaccines are a product of abortions.” In Djokovic’s native Serbia a similar situation exists. The former Serbian Patriarch, Irinej, died in November of 2020, before a vaccine was avail…

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After Orthodox Priest Suspended for ‘Stop the Steal’ Activity, a Renewed Spotlight on the Orthodox Far-Right

…s to their traditional geographical homelands, such as Russia, Serbia, and Greece. Eastern Orthodoxy was historically a faith of immigrants in the U.S; however, in the last thirty-plus years, it’s become a haven for deeply conservative American converts who are fed up with what they see as progressive secularism invading Western Christianity. Certainly, there are more extreme converts than Hodges. Matthew Heimbach, who’s now been excommunicated fr…

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The Meaning of Make Believe (Why Religion Doesn’t Have to Be “Real”)

…riedrich Schiller, who lamented “de-divinization” in his poem “The Gods of Greece”: “There, where now, as we’re by sages told, / Whirls on high a soulless fiery ball, / Helios guided then his car of gold.” Schiller knew that the “sages” of modern science had discredited not only the animism and polytheism of the ancients—which saw the sun not as a giant physiochemical reaction, but as a chariot driven by a deity—but also the Christian view of natu…

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“The Slut Assumption”: Myths About Jewelry Reveal Diamonds Aren’t Always A Girl’s Best Friend

…ve exerted a powerful control over the minds of men and women from ancient Greece and India to the contemporary cinema. The stories about sex and jewelry in my book are myths in the sense of stories believed by many people over a long period, despite persistent evidence that they are not factually true. The point I try to make in my conclusion is that though myths fly in the face of reason, they have power over us because they play into our ration…

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Predicting the Future of Religion: A Thought Experiment

…r upswing evangelicals and Pentecostals will hold strong or increase their numbers. Our historian looking back on the twenty-first century may indeed lament the collapse of mainstream Protestantism in the United States, which at one time undergirded so much of American identity. She may lament that the country now seems split between an irreligious half and an evangelical one. What about the Roman Catholic Church in the United States? In many ways…

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