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After Early Christian Opposition, Iceland Gets First Pagan Temple in Nearly 1000 Years

…the same privileges enjoyed by the Christian establishment. Following the Greece v. Galloway decision, which authorized public prayers before government events, Chaz Stevens of Florida offered to open a town council meeting with a prayer to Satan. In response, conservative pastor Mark D. Boykin asserted that the first amendment applies only to religions “like Christianity” and not “malevolent and evil” religions. Boykin added that Satanism is “th…

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Thank You, Satanists

…er? Likewise the atheists who delivered the opening prayer at the infamous Greece, New York, town meeting, after courts ruled that such prayer was somehow legal. The fact that it was atheist prayer seemed meant to “prove a point,” and that point, to me, was that New Atheists have become just another religious sect, and they should get off their high horse. (Note: atheists get REALLY MAD when you say this.) But now that SCOTUS has ushered in a new…

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Christian Responses to COVID-19 Raise Old Religion v. Science Questions

…she thinks motivates the kind of irresponsible behavior we’re observing in Greece and Russia (where we have evidence that information about the spread of coronavirus has been suppressed). She referred to a “temptation to over-believe”; to insist on interpretations that defy logic. “Continuing to not take common sense measures against the transmission of a dangerous virus is, frankly, an example of the horrific effects of this over-belief.” And wha…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…sion talking about the LGBT people being less than human. For example, the number two person in the state broadcasting company – actually now he’s the number one person – hosted a show devoted to the question of whether it was enough to protect our children to ban homosexual propaganda or whether more needed to be done. He argued that more needed to be done. He said and we need to outlaw blood and sperm donations by them. And if they die in car ac…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…e “out of the closet”. What we were hearing – and it has snatched the microphone of homosexual life in the same unrepresentative way that Islamism has grabbed the public voice of Muslims – was the voice of a self-appointed moral policeman. If you are gay, Mr Strudwick seemed to assert, there are certain things you must believe. Nothing else is permitted under the gay rights sharia. Nigeria: Presidential candidate denies marriage-equality deal We r…

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When Is Hosni Mubarak?

…Mubarak issued yet another underwhelming and entirely inexplicable speech, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan issued his own remarks. Referencing the shared universe of Muslim eschatology, Erdogan reminded Mubarak that he would one day die and have to answer to God for his actions, indicating perhaps that now was a good time to go, not only for Egypt but for Mubarak’s soul. Those words came from the elected leader of the most secular democracy in the…

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Dispatches From the Site of a Massacre

…right-wing Serbs argued that Bosnian Muslims were Ottoman leftovers; with Turkish rule long since undone, overdoing the offspring of that “interruption” was long since overdue. Choice Words From a Post-Ottoman World  So I’ll be in Bosnia for the anniversary of the Srebrenican genocide. I have no idea what I’ll find or what I’ll feel. I have no idea how visiting Srebrenica, coming upon the war memorial and praying for the thousands of deceased, mi…

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On Zion’s Mount

…sexual oppression. They were variously likened to “Oriental,” “Asiatic,” “Turkish,” and “Mohammedan” peoples. In 1902, when the Utah legislature elected LDS Church apostle Reed Smoot as senator, the US Senate refused to seat him for four years while it conducted hearings and investigations on the question: Can a faithful Mormon also be a loyal American? Traces of these attitudes persist. The media routinely conflates the LDS Church with Mormon fu…

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Closing with Gospel in Morocco

…s. I am not sure why, but the Moroccan audience—and Bab Makina has a large number of upper-class Moroccans in attendance—really enjoy gospel. It’s an appreciation that appeared to cut across generations. Based on comments I heard, people are aware that many of the songs praise Jesus as the son of God, an idea that is anathema to Muslims. Unfortunately, I could not understand the appeal, outside of the aesthetic, but it was wonderful to see so many…

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Mormonism in 92 languages

…nhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Tahitian, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Yapese I’ll also be thinking about local translators sitting in their home countries, relaying translations back to the Conference Center to be combined with video for almost simultaneous rebroadcast in Aymara, Armenian, Cebuano, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Guarani, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Kekchi, Korean, Kuna, Mand…

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