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Transforming Sports Culture: Sochi and the NFL

…ity and the establishment of law in a country that is now at the center of worldwide scrutiny as it plays host to the Olympics. More importantly, though, Larsoon’s response provides an opportunity to think about sports and religion as sociocultural systems that conspire in the shaping of sex and gender talk, and expression, globally. Indeed, it should be no surprise that both sports and religious institutions are often heralded as the “last closet…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…d probably should not be relied upon. There is indeed a loose coordinating international structure for the Muslim Brotherhood, but it has no real authority over the chapters.” But that hasn’t stopped Gaffney, who said recently, “It is now public knowledge that nearly every major Muslim organization in the United States is actually controlled by the MB or a derivative organization. Consequently, most of the Muslim-American groups of any prominence…

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Ramadan: Third Day is the Charm

…he intention was to eat it all, in addition to our family traditional fast-breaking fruit salad, the meal that followed prayer, and then the stash. But the stomach was NOT having it. There it was every chip, every cookie, every piece of cake, every bit of candy, waiting and now permissible, but the stomach just could not hold as much as the eye had coveted during the daylight hours. I don’t know if children who do not fast have this experience — y…

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Whatever COVID-19 Brings, This Chaplain Wants You to Remember That the Death Rate is Ultimately 100%

…link in the COVID-19 conversation: there’s ultimately no if in dying. Amid breaking news conveying the intricacies of epidemiology, public health policy, and economic implications to Americans hoarding Lysol wipes, the reality of human fragility is on mute. There have been few attempts to grapple with America’s belief in its own invincibility. Author and RD contributor J. Dana Trent wants to change that. Though we’d rather die than talk about dyin…

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Trump’s Easter Egg Roll: Inauthentic Christianity in a Bunny Suit

…President Trump!” (presumably for allowing them to visit.) But it was the truest of true believers, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kellyanne Conway, who best encapsulated the Easter message of the Trump White house by reading Christian Easter stories to their captive audiences. Kellyanne took her turn at the dais to read God Gave us Easter, by Lisa Tawn Bergren, a “delightful illustrated picture book for ages 3 and up” which “features the adorable pol…

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When the Science Guy Misses the Politics

…debate is a form of entertainment, and that entertainment thrives on human stories, presented testimonial videos from engineers and biology PhDs who hold creationist views. Nye, on the other hand, spent a lot of time talking about the “billions of people” who “are religious, and who accept science and embrace it”—because God knows that Americans love nothing more than conforming to the religious opinions of foreign nations. Nye said before the deb…

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Death of a Self-Proclaimed God-Man: Sai Baba’s Controversial Career

…s and influence so did his financial worth. In 1972 the Satya Sai Central Trust was set up. Today the trust is estimated to be worth at least $8.9 billion. It has funded water supply projects in poor areas of southern India as well as ashrams, hospitals, universities, and several schools across India and globally. Sai Baba was most famous for his miracles—mainly materializations of valuable objects. He is believed to have had the power to conjure…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…ifornia and Hudson Valley, New York. Meanwhile, federal investigators have ruled that a fire at a the construction site of an Islamic center in Murfreesborough, Tennessee was an arson. Elsewhere in the state, a Memphis pastor put a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” sign outside his church to welcome the new Islamic center being built nearby. And a new mosque has gone up in Lousiville, Kentucky quite peacefully. Is the BBC anti-Christian? The Florida p…

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Evolution ‘Doesn’t Make Any Sense’: A Scene From a Classroom

…g points of their parents. And so, the circle of life continues. The most frustrating part is that the students appear to have genuine confusion over evolution and are struggling to understand it. But the teacher, rather than address their misinformation and use his teaching skills to actually foster learning in the classroom, abdicates his responsibility and says, “How can I say to the student, your ideas are trash?” As if that would be his only…

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Anti-Gay Forces On Offense in Europe; ‘African Islam’ Challenged by Extremists; Irish Marriage Foes & ‘Sounds of Sodomy’; Global LGBT Recap

…exuality The Deccan Herald reports that at least 600 people were arrested under Section 377 of the penal code – the colonial-era anti-sodomy law – last year after the Supreme Court reinstated the law, which had been struck down in 2009. Russia: Putin Makes It Illegal for Trans People to Drive The government of Vladimir Putin has decreed that trans people and others who have “sex disorders” may no longer get drivers licenses….

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