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How To Contact Spirit Airlines 1 800-299-7264 By Phone

A desolate road in Israel lined with security fencing.

Decadence, Sickness, and Death: Mourning and the Israel-Hamas War

…with a sincere belief that coexistence was possible. Peace Now, founded in 1978 to promote a genuine and just peace between Israel and Palestine, was a real, forceful movement in the 1980s, with some political power. No more. In fact, it is today’s protest movement, a mostly centrist movement, which has taught us that Israel has transformed into a more ethnocentric, illiberal, even autocratic, right-wing society. Many are against this, but the me…

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Mike Johnson’s Porn-Monitoring isn’t Just ‘Creepy’ — it’s a Window to the Fascist Desire Driving the White Evangelical Will to Power

…e to fight alone. If getting started at Covenant Eyes feels like a battle, contact our Member Care Team, and we’ll join you on the battlefield.” The spiritual seeker is also GI Joe, a man ready to fight against porn for God. By priming this sense of embattlement, the micropolitics of fascism in its addictive, fleshy, intimate form, is interconnected to the macropolitics of fascism in its violent, dominionist, spectacular practice. White evangelica…

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The ‘Fake Christian’ Deflection and Contrarian Concern Trolling: How Not to Write about Evangelical Authoritarianism

…rica. To be sure, the megachurch model has exploded in popularity since the 1980s. But evangelicals’ “divisive, anti-government attitudes” both predate and transcend the rise of the megachurch. The sentence Conspiracy theories and political extremism have filled the gap left by churches’ preoccupation with market share and media reach could only be written by someone who knows nothing (or pretends to know nothing) about evangelicalism during the C…

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Will Religion Finally Give Peace a Chance? Rising to the Challenge of Nonviolence as Armageddon Looms

…campaigns often win, and where the sports we like best involve hard brutal contact. All of this is to say that there will be no saving turn toward a culture of nonviolence without also acknowledging and changing the violence we carry within. Then comes yet another step. Even when we stop ourselves from openly demonizing, we are still a long way from any kind of productive exchange. And that’s partly because it is still so very hard to acknowledge…

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Indie Catholicism is Real: Married Clergy, LGBT Ordination, and Sacramental Justice for All

…r group called the Ascension Alliance. The Church of Antioch was founded in 1957, precociously ordained women in 1974, and had archives, so I felt I could tell a rich story about its particular journey while also effectively sketching the big picture of U.S. independent Catholicism. However, that means I left out richness and depth about all the other fascinating independent Catholics I met. I wish I could have told many more stories! But I know o…

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What My Christian High School Taught Me About Being a Black Girl

…my teenage acne is on display. My head is turned to the side to avoid eye contact with the camera. I hated having my picture taken. Still do. I don’t remember the day this picture was taken, but I remember how I felt at fourteen: awkward, nervous, uncomfortable. My face is round and chubby and despite my baggy clothes, I can tell my body hasn’t left childhood behind. I look like a child. I was a child. * When I was fourteen my high school teacher…

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Fight the Power: How to Read, and Re-Read, the Book of Revelation

…h Dr. Pagels at the Palomar Hotel in Philadelphia on the Ides of March (the 15th) to discuss the book. __________ WG: I’m interested, as a scholar of prophecy, in your take on the book of Revelation as “interpretative” rather than predictive. EP: American Christians assume that what prophecy does is predict specific events to happen. And of course that’s the way the Book of Revelation has been read. I got fascinated with the way this book has live…

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Nonviolence, Muslim Style: From Ghaffar Khan to Tahrir Square

…o and his honor and stature was such that they couldn’t resist. Back in the 1930s and 1940s, women used to lead their marches! This is just incredible. What power and influence he must have had to convince them to allow that to happen! Did that lead to a large scale change in the way that women were perceived in Pashtun society? No, probably not. Did that perhaps lead to a small, tiny change? Hopefully yes.   If we leap forward to what’s happening…

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The Anglican and the Evangelicals: Insights from the Sudanese Genocide

…country director for Voice of the Martyrs, an evangelical agency that since 1967 has focused on helping Christians in restricted countries, emphasizing communist and Muslim countries. It functions as a hub for many other evangelical partner groups, and while it carries out humanitarian aid and support for people persecuted for their faith, evangelization is the core mission. (It has, for example, a project of prayer, seeking conversion of Muslims…

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Bachmann’s Law School Mentor Asserts Biblical Roots of American Political System

…in line between making too much of the ties among people because they have contact with each other and erring on the side of caution—thereby missing important influences . But Lizza’s essay gives us a solid starting point for exploring Bachmann’s influences: her law school mentor John Eidsmoe.  (“Solid” because Lizza quotes Eidsmoe saying he believes Bachmann’s views are in line with his own, and quotes Bachmann praising Eidsmoe.) What Lizza doesn…

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