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Not Peace, But Division? Evangelical Vaccine Refusers Divide Families

…aim to believe the pernicious nonsense that they can somehow get sick from contact with vaccinated people. It’s a bit odd, undoubtedly, to hold that belief alongside the equally false but somewhat contradictory belief that Covid is “no worse than the flu,” but then consistency has never been fundamentalists’ strong suit. I followed up with several other people who were willing to share their stories of vaccine-related family strife on the record….

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Bishop Finn-dicted For Protecting Pedophile Priest

…was allowed to continue priestly duties throughout the diocese, including contact with children, even though hundreds of photographs of children were discovered by the Bishop on Ratigan’s laptop. The pictures including upskirt pictures of girls and pictures of a young girl naked from the waist down. While Kansas City priests tiptoed around the news in masses on Sunday, there is no doubt that the indictment is another warning shot aimed at the enc…

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Romney: Don’t Expect a Second Speech on Faith

…igration of Mormon pioneers across the plains to Utah from 1847 through the 1850s. But if his ancestors once struck out boldly from Council Bluffs, candidate Romney’s remarks there last week plot a far more cautious path to the nomination, once which avoids the issue of Mormonism as much as possible—if not completely. Criticism, ridicule, antipathy and antagonism towards Mormonism that has come out into the open during the last few weeks will sure…

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How Many Ways to be Mormon and Gay?

…attraction,” while adhering to a code of morality that forbids all sexual contact outside the bounds of heterosexual marriage. Others claim and openly affirm a gay identity while carefully negotiating a path to maintaining church activity and membership. All of these paths entail profound risks, costs, and consequences. All require a level of conscious deliberation on matters of sexuality and spirituality that heterosexual Mormons take for grante…

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Time to Get Rid of “Gay Christians”

…es writing with one particular hand. “Clinging” is like putting in colored contact lenses because the church and society only approves of one eye color, or coloring your hair because the church and society only approves of one hair color. “Clinging” is when you’re so afraid to live into the reality of how God has created you that you insist on putting on the mannerism of whatever way of living the church says is acceptable. So, you can “cling” to…

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I Was Wrong About Occupy

…gical as they articulated a need for communal, inspirational, face-to-face contact in which they could “appear” to one another. Secondly, they talked about the nearly complete privatization of municipal public space in a way that made a deep and tragic sense. Where can you go if you don’t own something? Does a public even exist if it has no space? The great irony is that they have been called the virtual demonstration, and here they were talking a…

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The New York Times Sunday Review has a Mormon Problem

…whiteness than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yes, since 1978 the church has allowed blacks to become priests. But Mormonism is still imagined by its adherents as a religion founded by whites, for whites, rooted in a millenarian vision of an America destined to fulfill a white God’s plans for earth.” Fact check, anyone? The LDS Church’s regrettable denial of the lay priesthood to men of African descent is a matter of historical…

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An Open Letter to Rabbi Dov Linzer on Modesty and Jewish Law

…and women in Judaism, both in law and custom, the Talmudic sages and their spiritual progeny are stricter regarding women’s modesty as a way to minimize unleashing male desire. The reverse is simply not the case. Thus it is women who must sacrifice comfort for that desire—even though the Talmud argues, as you say, that male control of their desire rests on their shoulders. One legitimate argument against the ultra-Orthodox in Beit Shemesh that cat…

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Is Romney Gaining Ground among White Evangelical Voters?

…vangelical social conservatives endorsed Rick Santorum in Dallas on January 17. And the strength of the anti-Mormonism narrative is likely to fade as the race heads out west into regions where more voters are able to moderate their judgments of Mormonism with actual contact with LDS people. In Nevada, it is estimated that 20–25% of GOP voters are LDS. If Romney stays on course, the real loser in this primary contest may be Mormons’ persecution com…

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