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How (Not) to Understand What Mormons Believe

…what Fred Karger wanted. Karger first took aim at Mormons during and after California’s bitter Proposition 8 campaign. He used the internet to document the extent of LDS involvement in the Yes on 8 campaign, as well as to warn against potential Mormon involvement in other state LGBT equality battles. But his new site has nothing to do with redressing the damage from Proposition 8. It’s all about using the 2012 presidential campaign to make Mormons…

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Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t

…c Religion Research Institute found that a majority of Latino Catholics in California (57%) said they would vote to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry, compared to just 22% of Latino Protestants. This same Catholic-Protestant divide within the Latino community was evident across a wide range of public policy issues related to gay and lesbian rights. The Latino Catholic latitudinariansm on marriage tracks another almost-unreported finding, to w…

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Silver Bells and Atheist Billboards

en awash in a sea of religious erudition. It helped that it was in “sunny” California. When the train conductor on the BART system at SFO announced, “The train is about ready to close the doors. Those of you on the platform might want to start thinking about getting on board and taking a seat,” it was amply clear I was no longer in New York. As I watched a literal myriad of scholars of all stripes (and spots) mingle with only the occasional sour-t…

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Gingrich’s Anti-Secularism Greatest Hits

…lier reinvention effort, American Solutions.) The current chair of ReAL is California pastor Jim Garlow, a veteran of the Proposition 8 wars, and who, like Gingrich, claims to also be a historian. At Rick Perry’s August The Response, Garlow said the event was not about whether Perry became president, but rather “about making Jesus king.” To contrast his “godliness” to that of President Obama’s, Gingrich has claimed that the Obama administration is…

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Prop 8 Ruling a True Test of Liberty (Religious or Otherwise)

…that oppose marriage equality for gays and lesbians are ecstatic over the California Supreme Court decision granting legal standing to the backers of the state’s Proposition 8. That means the appeal of Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision striking down the ballot measure that reinstated a ban on marriage equality in the state. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is expected to issue its ruling on the appeal soon – setting the stage for a possible decisi…

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Personhood Shenanigans

…t Lila Rose, president of Live Action, is not from Mississippi. She’s from California. I mention this for two reasons. First, in this video from Yes on 26 – the group leading the charge for a fetal personhood measure in Mississippi – they make much out of the fact that one of the anti-26 groups, Mississippians for Healthy Families, “take no interest in healthy families, and they’re not even from Mississippi.” Because Mississippians for Healthy Fam…

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Bishop Minerva Carcaño Has a Nearly Impossible Job

…ich encompasses huge swaths of that region including southern Nevada, some California communities along the Colorado River, and Arizona. Relations with Mexico and immigration are major parts of her pastoral concern.  A Rock Star on Immigration   The Methodists have named her their official spokesperson for the Council of Bishops on immigration. As these issues take on national prominence, so does she as an outspoken advocate for the needs and righ…

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Scientology: All-American or Aging Hoax?

…convinced me that if enough people think they have a religion, then they have a religion. If that’s too circular for you, consider this: Hubbard may have died in 1986 but Urban tells us that at their Gold Base in Gilman Hot Springs, California, Scientologists have kept a mansion ready for Him. “The mansion is reportedly still staffed and preserved—complete with full water glasses, toothbrushes, and note pads—in the expectation that Hubbard will re…

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Catholic Conscience Over a Woman’s Life?

…ment saying “Nothing in this bill amends EMTALA”? Well, Rep. Lois Capps of California must be a Super Genius Challenge Brain Bonus Puzzler winner, because that’s what she did: offered an amendment that would continue the prohibition against using federal money for abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or threat to the mother’s life; but would simply require hospitals to follow EMTALA if a woman shows up needing emergency treatment. It failed,…

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Why Romney Won’t Stand up to the Bigotry of Bryan Fischer

…-Mormon evangelical Christians. Witness the 2008 Proposition 8 campaign in California. All across the Golden State, Mormons worked arm in arm with pastors and congregations that have a history of mocking Mormon beliefs. Not one of our proudest moments, to be sure, but a political fact. Finally, direct confrontation is not customarily a Mormon thing. Dr. Michael Stevens, a professor of Human Resource Management at Weber State University, has conduc…

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