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An Amicus Brief in Support of Gay Marriage—From Utah?

…e Court last week in preparation for its hearing of the legal challenge to California’s Proposition 8 was a groundbreaking brief signed by more than twenty-five “red state” LGBT advocacy groups, including the Campaign for Southern Equality. And where was it authored? Utah. By a team that included an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—a Mormon. I spoke to John Mackay, an attorney at the Salt Lake City firm of Ray, Quin…

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Protesting Yoga in Schools, But Welcoming Bible Study

…the threat of a lawsuit by a group of public school parents in Encinitas, California over a yoga class in a public elementary school. But the most compelling aspect of the controversy has nothing to do with the religious nature of yoga, or with the fears of parents. Rather, the case raises serious questions about the separation of church and school, and about the many religiously-driven programs that are already active in public education, even i…

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Former Opponent Invites Gays to the Wedding Party

…er Blankenhorn—he was one of the star witnesses defending Proposition 8 in California. In the trial, he argued that marriage should be between a man and a woman. His argument, he said, was not based in religion, but in anthropology. He also brought out the old saw that marriage was primarily for procreation. He angered the anti-marriage equality camp when he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times reversing his opinion. For me, the most important is…

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BSA: Gay, OK?!

…s efforts to push back against homophobia within the BSA organization, one California BSA Council is challenging the national organization’s policy against awarding the Eagle Scout award to an openly gay 18-year-old. Major donors including UPS and Merck have reportedly discontinued donations in view of the BSA discrimination policy, and it’s reported that internal lobbying by corporate CEOs on the organization’s national board is also playing a ro…

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Romney on Israel: More GOP Than LDS

…ve on the Middle East, said in an interview that growing up as a Mormon in California in the 1960s, most Latter-Day Saints were “very militantly pro-Israeli.” That stance has evolved, however, said Peterson, describing the evolution as a “mellowing” as people have gotten to know Muslims and discovered the conflict is “not as black and white as I once thought it was, that there are decent people on both sides. Good people have gotten hurt on both s…

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GOP, Gingrich, Perry Team Up to put Satirists Out of Work

…h now seem indistinguishable from an article in the Onion. Jim Garlow, the California pastor, has said, “Destroying the definition of marriage is not merely ‘left.’ It is wrong. It is sin.” Don Wildmon, the co-chair of Gingrich’s faux-faith effort and the founder of the American Family Association, says, “The homosexual movement’s promotion of same-sex marriage undermines the God-ordained institution of marriage and family which is the foundation…

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I Know Why a Rain Dance Won’t End The Drought

…partners occurring in cultures from Eastern Europe to Chumash of Southern California. I’ve seen a lot of Chumash rock art and at almost every spring there is a painted figure with the familiar crosshatched markings of the diamondback rattlesnake. So here is a suggestion for Secretary Vilsack about the rain dance he wants to do. Get half-naked, wear some feathers, put a live rattlesnake in your mouth and dance around outside. Likely it will not br…

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Blankets, Booties, and Jesus: Spiritual War on the Uterus in Rick Perry’s Texas

…s—replicated in a handful of other cities in Texas, as well as Sacramento, California—offer a distinctly new kind of organizing. In contrast to the Christian Coalition, which used churches to identify and mobilize voters and reach them with its vaunted voters’ guides, the pastors’ councils are focused on turning pastors into figures who scoff at the idea that politics shouldn’t be conducted from the pulpit, and who will encourage their flock to ge…

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LDS Church Calls on Members to back Minnesota Anti-Equality Initiative

…will be activated as volunteer and fundraising units, as they were during California’s Proposition 8 campaign in 2008. One Minnesota Mormon blogger reported, “The letter did not come out and say which way to vote but the underlying message was clear. We were advised to remember the family is a fundamental unit of society and to read the Proclamation on the Family and prayerfully consider how to get involved. It concluded with a reminder that chur…

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The New Disciples: Report from South Carolina

ent, endorsed Newt Gingrich just before the Iowa caucuses. Jim Garlow, the California megachurch pastor who campaigned vigorously for the anti-gay marriage Proposition 8 (who also heads Gingrich’s nonprofit, Renewing American Leadership) endorsed him as well. The day before Dalton’s prayer meeting, the Gingrich campaign touted the endorsement of Tim LaHaye, an early architect of the religious right and co-author of the Left Behind series of novels…

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