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When Religion Becomes a Trap Rather Than a Safety Net

…to marry a Mormon patriarch who will make decisions for her. And so, after dating him only a month, she agrees to marry Earl, a parasitic, abusive opportunist whom her children justifiably hate. Unable to find a press interested in publishing a Mormon memoir, Ricks self-published Hippie Boy in 2011. Shortly thereafter, Seattle-area teacher Margie Bowker gave the book to her at-risk high school students. They had no problem relating to Ricks’s prot…

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5 Lessons From an Ex-Gay Industry Defector

…x-gay” man when I was still single. I said, “No way. I have no interest in dating an ex-gay man. I don’t trust that they’re actually ex-gay.” My colleague said, “The Bible says people can change — ‘and such were some of you’ — so you have to believe it’s true. It’s incredibly defamatory of you to believe otherwise.” The particular “ex-gay” man who was to be my date was caught having sex with a man about a year later. We can just call that one the…

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The “Libertarian Moment” Wouldn’t Exist Without Religion

…have it, because the government should keep its nose out of your business. Dating back to conservative Christian red scares, anti-union and anti-New Deal ideology, and to Christian Reconstructionist framing of the proper role of government in relation to the church, the family, and the individual, these principles emerge from the idea that the secular state is the enemy of a proper Christian ordering of markets, social norms, and family and religi…

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Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old?

…tary and political policies to iron out. Supposedly this office of nuncio, dating to the 16th century, is the liaison between the Holy See (Vatican City State) and the local church. How odd that a Polish priest would be assigned to a Latin American country, though he had the same job in Bolivia before repairing to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and environs for another posting. All this leads me to wonder what could be done so readily in such disparate p…

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Morality Police, Jihadists, Religious Competition, Grindr, & Americans Abroad: Global LGBT Recap

…them, so we should be killed. We have a lot of dating applications and websites so I think it is very easy to find gay people and therefore to target them.” Reid Smith writes that there are ISIS supporters in Lebanon who would likely support any invaders. “As some LGBTI people in Beirut have lived open lives by the standards of the region, they will be known to their neighbors.” One activist noted ISIS is a threat to “any free human being…It is n…

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8 Bill Maher Statements For UC Berkeley To Consider Before Commencement

…ans, and women: Maher likened the sexual assault of reporter Lara Logan to dating and suggested that she ought to have expected it from Arabs: “Talk to women who’ve ever dated an Arab man. The results are not good. They have a sense of entitlement.” Maher again waxed misogynistic in 2014 when he Tweeted: “Dealing with Hamas is like dealing with a crazy woman who’s trying to kill u – u can only hold her wrists so long before you have to slap her.”…

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What Netanyahu Learned from Texas

…the United States…include elements related to Judeo-Christian philosophy, dating back thousands of years to Old Testament texts and Biblical figures such as Moses and Solomon.” The idea that the Constitution is based on the Bible comes straight from “historian” David Barton, known for his claims that the separation of church and state is a “myth.” In the early 2000s, Barton was vice-chair of the Texas GOP; he later served as an expert to the Stat…

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The Sisterhood Episode 2: Crying and Twerking

…she resents her father. Sister Maria Therese tries to comfort her. “I was dating this guy who really wanted me to marry him. He was such a great guy and I knew he deserved 100% of my heart… I never regret any of the relationships I had with men in my life.” Yet another instance of these sisters being the real deal. Most of the sisters I know look back fondly on their romantic relationships with men. Most had plenty of them. Some were even engaged…

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The Invention of a Corporate Christian America

…o rights coming from the Creator, the Constitution only invokes God in its dating “in the year of our Lord.” The other references all keep the state out of religion: no religious tests for office holders, no established national religion, no interference from Congress with individual religious exercise. More explicitly, the Founders made their feelings clear in the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli—begun by Washington, signed by Adams, passed unanimously by…

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What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

…rom its former master. Section 53 is an artifact of Belize’s colonial past dating to the 1880s. The British bequeathed similar “buggery” laws to all 11 other Caribbean countries once ruled by the crown. (The Bahamas has subsequently removed them.) Buggery became a criminal offense in the England of King Henry VIII in 1533. Of the 76 countries that still criminalize sodomy around the world today, most do so as a holdover from British colonial rule….

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