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Watching Preachers’ Daughters Right After the Boston Bombings While Teaching a Class on Augustine’s Confessions

…should have been writing last week’s Preachers’ Daughters recap. I didn’t manage to write it, and anyway it seemed too soon.  But here, listen to me, starting what’s meant to be a lighthearted episode recap with a reflection on tragedy! Sorry. The thing is, I just can’t bring the snark this week, because I’ve spent the week thinking different versions of, “My God, the things we do to one other.”  This week’s episode of Preachers’ Daughters featur…

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Time To Call a Satan a Satan?

…ular? Energy/Climate: I’m not that hot—are you? We in the One Percent will manage to stay cool by any means necessary as the rest of you suffer.  Regulation More Broadly: You can catch up with our death-and-debt-dealing corporate friends AFTER the damage is done, OK? That’s the American Way. That’s the House Republicans. And on the Senate side:  Presidential Appointments:  It is our firm intention to thwart and destroy this president; effectively …

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Bishops More Welcoming To LGBT, But Not to Women

…ed about the extraordinary juggling act that families face today trying to manage even two children while working and maintaining a home and what an additional unplanned pregnancy might mean to them? Where was the woman talking about the delicate dance of fertility management for someone whose window for having a family falls sometime between when the last grad school loan is paid off and the first gray hairs appear? Even as they take tentative st…

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From Pastor to Harvard’s ‘Godless Church’ Planter

…ssional atheist, subsequently serving as the Public Relations Director for American Atheists and Executive Director for the Humanists of Florida. Recently, however, she moved to the Cambridge area to become Director of the Humanist Community Project (HCP), an initiative of Harvard’s Humanist Community. With a staff of six full-time and five part-time chaplains—including an African-American Southern Baptist and two fellows from the Netherlands—the…

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Elephant Orphans and Ecological Spiritualities: An Earth Day Reflection

…cute. And the crowd gasps and coos and takes as many pictures as they can manage. The orphaned elephants grab their bottles with their trunks, guzzling every last drop. They roll in the mud. They drink water. And their caretakers offer them leaves and their milk solution. They run along the rope and the tourists grow silent as they pet the curious pachyderms—a kind of awe at the ordinary life of these animals. One of the calves makes a grab with…

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Global LGBT Recap: Asylum for Victims of Homophobia Exports; Orthodox Church Sees Anti-Gay Campaign Turned Toward Itself

…ward, which provides a platform activists can use to create and manage petitions. On Monday, deleted a wildly inflammatory petition supporting the sodomy ban because it violated’s guidelines on hate speech.  The petition included links to anti-gay materials from American religious right groups and leaders including Paul Cameron, the Traditional Values Coalition and MassResistance. Other anti-gay petitions were also…

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Religion Comes to its Senses

…the broadest possible range of religious and cultural traditions, and yet manage to avoid universalism. You write that we can say all religions are the same “only if we remain in abstraction.” That was a major concern. Actually when I lecture about the book probably 50, 60 percent of the talk is on the similarities, and then I’m very clear about saying these things are also divisive: drums divide people, incense divides people, crosses divide peo…

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UPDATE: An Abrupt End to Quebec Separatist Plan to Ban “Ostentatious Signs” of Religion

…remains to be seen how the newly elected Liberal government in Quebec will manage these questions of religious identity and diversity, and whether they will end up entangled in the very same language of ‘liberal tolerance’ one finds at the root of previous government’s Charter initiative. To unearth the reasons why the animating force of Bill 60 might remain in play within Quebec politics, even in the wake of the recent election, we need to examin…

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Five Flood Stories You Didn’t Know About

…e in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and flood stories crop up in Hindu, American Indian, and African story-telling as well. The first known flood story comes from Sumer in the tale of Atra-hasis (19th century, BCE). This story sets the basic elements of the ancient genre: gods try to eradicate humanity, while a flood hero builds a boat to save the animals. A tragicomedy about polytheism starring petty gods who complain like tired parents annoye…

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The EPA and Evangelical (Anti)Environmentalism

…, to hesitate considerably at the notion that we know enough about them to manage them,” Beisner wrote in his 1997 book on evangelicals and environmentalism (published by the Acton Institute, a free-market think tank). Beisner was one of the earliest opponents to EPA limits on carbon emissions. In June 2012, Beisner penned a letter to the EPA opposing the agency’s classification of carbon dioxide as a harmful pollutant as well as opposing any limi…

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