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A Victory for Conservatives in Revised AP History Curriculum

…force American high schools to teach U.S. history from a perspective that selfconsciously seeks to de-center American history and subordinate it to a global and heavily social-scientific perspective. ​De-center American history? Heaven forfend! ​​Subordinate our glorious ​saga to a “global and social-scientific perspective”?​ Never! National Review’s Stanley Kurtz went further, accusing the College Board of effectively sapping national morale by…

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SoulCycle Looks to Sell its Soul

…o. The phenomenon has been described as a church, a cult, and, more cholerically, as “the most mindless version of being ‘spiritual but not religious.’” And second, SoulCycle has made money. A lot of money. This tends to happen when you charge people more than $30 for a single spin class, and still manage to sell out 60-person sessions. The spiritual and the financial can coexist, of course, and SoulCycle will be testing its model even more in the…

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Don’t Call It “Prayer Shaming”: Our Moral Failure Exposed

…non-religious alike debated the efficacy and appropriateness of prayer. A select set of Senate Democrats tried to foreground the issue of gun control but to no avail, failing to upend the National Rifle Associations’ lucrative death grip on the trigger conscience of the Republican Party. Republicans voted down expansions of background checks that would include stricter limits to online and gun show purchases and the prevention of firearm sales to…

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Watch John Oliver Satirize IRS’ Lack of Church Oversight

…liver’s TV church is a joke, but an in-depth report from NPR (posted, ironically, on April Fool’s Day 2014) noted how even a multimillion dollar television network like Trinity Broadcasting Network can be designated as a church by the IRS. Trinity Foundation (no relation to TBN), which assisted Last Week Tonight’s researchers, has been exposing religious frauds for over three decades, such as televangelist Robert Tilton, whose mail-marketing schem…

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Why Donald Trump’s Love Affair With Evangelicals (Probably) Won’t Last

…ers, Donald Trump is still earning the admiration of 20 percent of evangelicals, bested only by Ben Carson at 27 percent. Candidates once thought to be easy evangelical favorites are still, still lagging: Ted Cruz (12 percent), Mike Huckabee (7 percent), and Scott Walker (6 percent). Oh, yeah, and that guy Bush (4 percent). There was a moment last week, though, that really stood out to me in the litany of Things Donald Trump Does Not Understand Ab…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…arked, “no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism.”.While people will assume that statement was about ISIS, it also describes the current tenor of Islamophobia in America. From the Chapel hill shooting, to GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, to a Sikh American beaten and called a “terrorist” in Chicago—now more than ever is a time to consider the religious extremism that exists in the American context, not…

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Huckabee Says Obama is “Pretending to Be a Christian”

…Mr. Huckabee is a Southern Baptist minister, but rarely does he define himself as such. He belongs to a breed of radical Anabaptists who would sooner say they’re “just Christian,” in an aw-shucks sort of way, than admit any denominational allegiance. The allegiance is there if you press them. It’s rather sharply defined. They just don’t lead with it. On the face of it, the “just Christian” label sounds benign, even ecumenically tolerant. Yet, hid…

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Out of Options: Christians’ Losing Battle Over Equality

…and Ross Douthat have used the language of war, battle, and struggle as a call to retrenchment. If we just went back to what the Bible intended for marriage and sexuality, in their thinking, Christianity might be able to steer itself back toward a central place in American culture and morality. However, most conservative Christian thinkers are also aware that if this is a battle, it’s a losing one. And in fact, it has probably already been lost….

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Trump Smashing Religious Right Formula to Bits

…s stump speeches are not, as most are, the product of careful tweaking and calibration, a search for the sweet spot between animating one’s supporters and drawing in new ones. Instead, his speeches are a desultory, malicious accounting of winners and losers, and a call to often violent action against the latter. His rallies are, by design, a feedback loop of self-validation. Trump doesn’t care what everyone else thinks of his plan to bar Muslims f…

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How Obama Made Gun Control A Religious Freedom Issue

…requirements for background checks to purchase guns, President Obama today called for balancing the rights of gun owners with other constitutional rights. “Second Amendment rights are important,” Obama said, “but there are other rights that we care about as well. And we have to be able to balance them.” He then enumerated cases of gun violence in places of worship and people murdered with guns because of their faith. We have a “right to worship fr…

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