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London Calling: “Our Great War Is a Spiritual War”

…ent, the banks looted the nation’s wealth while destroying countless small businesses and brought the whole economy to its knees in a covert, clean manner, rather like organised crime… These kids would have to riot and steal every night for a year to run up a bill equivalent to the value of non-paid tax big business has ‘avoided’ out of the economy this year alone. They may not articulate their grievances like the politicians that condemn them but…

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Two Women and a Mosque: A Convert Community Grows in Panama City

…Panama City, where the Muslim community is starkly divided along race and class lines. Lebanese Muslims work predominately as businesspeople in the lucrative Free Trade Zone, one of the largest free trade ports in the world. In the city center, many residents are descendants of West Indian laborers on the Panama Canal throughout the twentieth century. The city has one of the highest rates of poverty in the country. Every year, a group of black Mu…

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Persecution of Ugandan Bishop Continues In United States

…ecutive director of Political Research Associates, has noted, “Just as the United States and other northern societies routinely dump our outlawed or expired chemicals, pharmaceuticals, machinery, and cultural detritus on African and other Third World countries, we now export a political discourse and public policies our own society has discarded as outdated and dangerous.” Rev. Senyonjo has been persecuted for his belief that fellow human being sh…

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National Association of Evangelicals Supports Immigration Reform, But Elsewhere Discord Reigns

…some extravagant, realistic creativity here, too. Start by recognizing the business interests that make us hire “illegals” for child care, elder care, restaurant work, and more. Those who think there are too many Mexicans here might want to rethink the United States’ trade and aid policies to Mexico so that it too could be an economically viable place for people to live. That would be an extravagant, realistic creativity. Religious people are also…

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Franklin Graham Defends Himself from Birtherism Charges by Engaging in… Birtherism

…t wow — why couldn’t Graham just say, “Land’s right. Obama was born in the United States, and is a Christian” and be done with it? No. He’s got to throw in a little shari’ah, because, you know, no discussion of Obama’s religion would be complete without it. But as Hussein and many others have shown, years ago, Graham is just flat wrong about the business about Islamic law and Obama’s father. I’ll let Hussein’s 2008 post explain: Although he [Obama…

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American Conservatives, Jewish Law, and Israel’s New Abortion Policy

…ird floor office. No one answered. It did not appear to be doing a booming business, or any kind of business at all. Be’ad Chaim’s website has a section on “Abortion in Jewish Thought,” which links to just one 2007 article quoting the Chief Rabbinate on the performing of abortions when the mother’s health is not in danger: “The rabbis believe that these types of abortions are a grave sin which may even delay the coming of the messiah.” Which of co…

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How Can You Exclude The NAACP and Liberal Protestants from Human Rights History?

…dependence for all colonized peoples. Their ultimate goal was to bring the United States’ systematic violation of black citizens’ human rights before the United Nations. This intense NGO lobbying took place in the wake of the 1941 Atlantic Charter. Originally issued by Churchill and Roosevelt, the Charter articulated Allied war aims and principles for a “better future for the world” to be realized “after the destruction of Nazi tyranny.” Among the…

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Gays Attacked in Uganda After Mag Publishes Info

…antly contribute to the billions of dollars that flow into Uganda from the United States. “Ugandans,” Sharlet suggests, “are only too happy to return the favor, providing for their American allies examples of the policies too extreme to be implemented in the United States.” The bill’s author, Member of Parliament David Bahati and the Ethics Minister, James Buturo are affiliated with The Family. Then there’s Rick Warren. The Saddleback megachurch p…

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Senators Can and Must Ask About Nominees’ Religious Beliefs

…of these nominees. As Senator Whitehouse said today, “It absolutely is the business of this committee to make sure that nominees who seek judicial office in the United State of America will leave their religious beliefs in the robing room and not bring them up onto the bench . . . Our courts are not temples to any god, but temples to law and justice.” In short, some nominees have made their religion the business of the committee. Cruz berated Book…

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Hiring of Accused Atheist Leader Is Reminder That #MeToo Is Still Needed in Organized Atheism

…an, to its executive director position is yet another indication that this business-as-usual rehab strategy also applies to movement atheism, which can be just as corrupt, cronyistic, and swaggeringly hostile to women as corporate America. Last year, Silverman was fired from American Atheists after allegations of sexual misconduct and financial impropriety were made against him. The claims leveled against Silverman by two female accusers were exte…

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