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The ‘Health Freedom Movement’ Enters the Covid Era by Disseminating Medical Disinformation 

…values, but Good vs. Evil. However, the summit was cancelled by Kartra, a business software provider for webinars, which deplatformed the online event on its launch day. It was later republished by Patrick Coffin Media, LLC. Warrior moms battle invisible enemies What unites people, products, and practices under the banner ‘Health Freedom’? Broadly, opposition to what they define as ‘mainstream’ healthcare and policy, particularly regarding regula…

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How U.S. Conservatives Conjured the Jesus of Their Dreams

…s. Keddie argues that Arminianism was foundational to the formation of the classical liberalism that was then much advanced by John Locke, by far the most influential figure in the background of early American thinking about the social contract. It goes without saying that this kind of thinking was racist to the core, as proponents “wielded these ideologies in ways that marginalized Indigenous and communities of color who were taken in slavery.” F…

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Inevitable Megachurch Abuse of PPP Funds is Coming to Light — Private Jet Included

…llion. Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church is probably the biggest church in the United States, with 50,000 or so members. One estimate puts its annual budget at $90 million, with more than $25 million going to the television ministry. Osteen’s net worth is hard to pin down, but it’s probably around $50 million or $60 million. This isn’t a church that’s hard up for cash. And with sensible Americans worshipping at home, its massive televangelism empire p…

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WA Supreme Court: LGBT Discrimination No More About Flowers Than Civil Rights Were About Sandwiches

…p, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, courts have come down against business owners who refuse to provide goods and services for weddings between same-sex couples. Opinions in these cases have found that antidiscrimination laws are neutral, generally applicable measures that do not favor secularism over religion, or single out particular religious groups for ill treatment. The right-wing legal nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom represente…

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Alienating Even the Sadistic Trumpian Right, How Did Kristi Noem Miscalculate So Badly With Her Puppy Killing Story?

…tween keeping my family safe, I had little kids at the time, a very public business of inviting people out to come out and enjoy our hunting lodge and our business and I don’t pass my responsibilities off to anybody else, so that story’s in the book because I want people to know I’m honest and that when I have difficult jobs that I take responsibility of myself. A smiling Watters responded: “Alright, so you’re standing by the dog story.” The claim…

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The Antichrist Trap: Trump Isn’t the Whole Story

…Reconstruction was rejected as far too threatening to the really important business of white people making money within a reunified United States. Jeff Davis was gone; chattel slavery was gone; and that was plenty good enough for the white liberals of that era. Will this kind of ineffectual business-friendly whiggery be our default politics again, once we put an end to the scourge of Trumpism (a phenomenon that does, in fact, echo many Lost Cause…

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The “Batsh*t Crazy” Party’s Candidates Assume Their “Religious Liberty” Stances

……what I’ve said, Hugh, is that, look, where does it end? If you’re in the business of selling things, if you’re not going to sell to somebody you don’t agree with, OK, today I’m not going to sell to somebody who’s gay, and tomorrow maybe I won’t sell to somebody who’s divorced. I mean, if you’re in the business of commerce, conduct commerce. That’s my view. And if you don’t agree with their lifestyle, say a prayer for them when they leave and hop…

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What Does It Take to Fell a White Nationalist? (Hint: Pedophilia)

…ntract, Simon & Schuster made a business decision the same way they made a business decision when they decided to publish that man in the first place. When his comments about pedophilia/pederasty came to light, Simon & Schuster realized it would cost them more money to do business with Milo than he could earn for them. They did not finally “do the right thing.” Yiannopoulos is only the most visible part of the regressive movement that swept Trump…

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Where are the Mormon “Nuns on the Bus”?

…uthor Jeff Benedict promotes the image in his book The Mormon Way of Doing Business. Coverage of profit-driven LDS Church business practices (including the opening of a Church-owned luxury mall) in Businessweek and elsewhere this year have also contributed to the national imagination of the Mormon businessman. But is this image just an emerging Mormon stereotype? There are, after all, probably just as many failed Mormon businessmen as there are su…

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A Matter of Life and Debt: The Role of Religion

…The only exceptions to this rule of diminishment: (a) borrowing by shrewd businesses that can make a higher rate of business profit than the rate of interest they must pay on their debt, and (b) microcredit schemes that can sometimes nurture itty-bitty businesses in very poor societies. Question: Well, that’s all very nice. But take Americans’ credit cards away and watch how the economy collapses completely. Is that what you want? Answer: All tha…

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