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New Vatican Document Good News for Poor, Bad News for Tea Party

…the masturbators. Leave pregnancy decisions to pregnant women—women have a better track record on life issues. And leave those whom God has made gay free to bond in love. Back you go—as this document does—to “carry forward the work of Jesus,” which he himself defined as “good news for the poor” (Luke 4:18 ); when the Neocons in Nazareth heard that they wanted to throw him off a cliff. This document is true to that Jesus mission. Nowhere did Jesus…

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Hobby Lobbying: How Corporations Got Consciences

…r Frank Church, a leading liberal and one of the earliest opponents of the Vietnam War. But he came from a conservative Catholic family and was outraged by the idea that the Catholic hospitals of the Pacific Northwest might be forced to perform abortions. “How could anyone suggest such a thing?” he once demanded. When a package of public health bills, including the Hill-Burton Act, came up for reauthorization in March, Church warned Congress that…

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In Tea Party Senate Candidate’s Dissertation, A Nostalgia for a Populist Christian Nation

…to the religious right as a grassroots movement, emphasizing a “cleavage” between the religious and the irreligious, and leaning on the support of the evangelist Billy Graham to burnish his credentials. The GOP didn’t win over working class white voters by opposing civil rights and abortion, according to Sasse, but by highlighting a clash between religion and secularism. It wasn’t Reagan who turned the tide of white evangelicals to the Republican…

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Storytime with David Brooks: In Which the Liberals’ Favorite Conservative Gets Lost in a Lily-White History

…national story and portraying U.S. history as “a series of power conflicts between oppressor and oppressed.” Wow, just wow. For his own sake, Brooks needs to slow down lest he make an utter fool of himself with similar forays into fantasyland. The whole point of the kind of covenant that both the original Israelites and their Puritan epigones cherished was precisely its exclusivity: the fact that MY people, not your people, are anointed to be God’…

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Not God’s Army: The Front Lines of the Fight Against Proselytizing in the U.S. Military

…coming mostly from the red states, or extremely conservative states. After Vietnam a lot of clergy did not want to go into the military, and since nature abhors a vacuum we began to see this influx of extremely evangelical people coming into the chaplaincy as well as into the operations of the military. It really hit its stride in 1994 with the so-called Newt Gingrich revolution at the end of the second year of the Clinton presidency when we reall…

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Every Republican Candidate Should Have to Address Gay Rights Face-to-Face

…e nation, from Alaska and Hawaii to Maine. But after watching the video of Vietnam veteran Bob Garon (who is gay and married) having a direct conversation with Romney about gay rights in a New Hampshire diner, I want to see every single Republican candidate sit down with Garon and answer his question face-to-face: “You do not feel that everyone is entitled to their Constitutional rights?” Because then every candidate, from hardcore social conserva…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…ve been ignorant of and alienated from the main currents in American life. Bethany Moreton’s pathbreaking study, To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise is an invaluable asset for apprehending how we got here. Her new book chronicles Wal-Mart’s role in mainstreaming evangelical and free market values even as it became the world’s largest public corporation and the nation’s biggest private employer. A critical appraisal o…

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Republican Candidates Face Mythical Gays

…consternation. First, it was Mitt Romney who chose a stereotypical-looking Vietnam veteran to cozy up to at a diner in New Hampshire. Surprise! The vet was a gay man who quizzed Romney on why his spouse should be different from any other when it comes to collecting his military pension. Romney’s collegial tone changed the moment he realized he had encountered “teh gay” and suddenly realized he was late for some other appointment. Rick Perry was ne…

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Martin Luther King in the Era of Occupy

…ions linked this emergent scriptural framework to a movement politics that promoted nonviolent direct-action tactics in service of integrationist aims. This approach proved remarkably successful aiding in the development of a unifying movement culture as well as forging important coalitional ties. Acknowledging this important but often obscured labor is essential not only to an accurate understanding of past struggles but to the success of futures…

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Ross Douthat’s Rosy Old-Time Religion

…e churches on increasing political polarization (beginning with the war in Vietnam, not the Civil Rights Movement), the passions let loose by the sexual revolution, the development of a “global perspective” which brought the non-Western religions to the attention of Americans (oddly, he does not mention the changes in American culture brought on by the immigration act of 1965), the growing wealth of Americans, and the waning of the East Coast WASP…

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