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Noah v. Kitschy Jesus: A Tale of Two Movies

…an’t quite pinpoint what all of these had in common, except that they were cheap, over-simplified, and kitschy. And thanks to Walter Benjamin, Clement Greenberg, the Frankfurt School, and a legion of writers and musicians allergic to the cliché, I came to reject kitsch and its quasi-fascistic associations. Feel this way, think this way, act this way—no! It took another several years before I really understood that some people, perhaps most people,…

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Lindsey Graham’s Lying “Eye-ranians”

fore it was burned. (Stops to recognize Terry Jones.) They don’t even celebrate Memorial Day… and who doesn’t celebrate Memorial Day except radical jihadists? But that’s not enough. No. While I am glad Mr. Graham has rightly informed us Iranians are liars, he hasn’t given us enough information. Does he know when they’re not deceiving us? Does he have a lie-dar? Can he ship American jobs overseas, build it for cheap somewhere else thanks to a trade…

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Dylann Roof Was Wrong: The Race War Isn’t Coming, It’s Here

…body, idea, institution, and company are rubbed away through the heat generated by life forces exposed in conflict. We could associate many names, schools of thought, life philosophies, or corporate policies with this confession, but its origins are irrelevant at this point. What is crucial is its embodiment, because it is poison. Europeans coming to this country began drinking this poison as they joined their bodies to a civilizing machine opera…

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The Moral Bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Asceticism

…his electricity-sucking appliances so that he could live off the power generated by a solar cell, but what does that say other than that he’s in the privileged position of making other people use his energy for him? Rhinehart certainly means well. Perhaps it’s more efficient to have a few people with cars do the driving, a few people with washing machines do the washing, and a few people with kitchens do the cooking (with Soylent for the rest). It…

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SoulCycle Looks to Sell its Soul

…nd I brought my Dad with me. We converted my Mom eight months later… I am grateful to have SoulCycle in my life; for me, it’s not just a workout studio. It is a community of people with “good vibes” and sincerity. It is a community where strangers become lifelong friends. That is why SoulCycle is special to so many people. Reading SoulCycle’s pre-IPO filing is a bit like paging through the Wall Street Journal in church, or finding Psalms in an Abe…

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Springtime for Ross Douthat?

…y now), Gustavo Gutierrez, Marcus Borg, James Cone, Sallie McFague, or any number of other thinkers and theologians that Douthat does not recognize. The only people who want to bring back Niebuhr are conservatives. (I’m an admitted fanboy, but that’s about coming from the same church background as Niebuhr as much as anything.) And that doesn’t even get to the worst of it. Douthat misunderstands Francis’ amazing, charismatic realignment of Catholic…

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An Open Letter to Black Clergy on the Disdain for Protest

…iritualize the material suffering of black people. Sermons and sonnets saturated with grace offered little solace to a terrorized people. Our hearts grieved. We were compelled to forgive the terrorist who unleashed a massacre in Mother Emmanuel. The greatest sermon preached this year was not preached in a sanctuary or by a wannabe Martin Luther King. While the President sermonized about cheap grace, a daughter of the church climbed a flagpole and…

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70th National Prayer Breakfast Made ‘Cosmetic’ Changes, But Biden Delivered the Same Old Tone-Deaf ‘Unity’ Message

…lunch together as friends. This anecdote was apparently intended to demonstrate that comity with racial supremacists is an example of “loving one’s neighbor” worth emulating. For my part, I’m a firm believer that some tents are too big. President Biden seems to think he can heal America by simply asking people like me, a transgender woman, and the screaming fascists currently passing laws to harm people like me, to get along. “Let’s just sort of,…

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There’s No Business Like the Bible Business: 200 Years of the ABS

…the ABS “also revealed its willingness to embrace the status quo of a ‘separate but equal’ America.” I would say “separate and unequal,” but the point is well taken. Another example comes from the passages in which Fea traces the various permutations the ABS has undergone as an organization. It has been all societies for all people at various times—a benevolent society in the nineteenth century, a service organization for much of the twentieth cen…

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The Problem with Christian Gentlemen: A Short Goodbye to Ted Cruz, the “Mr. Pecksniff” of Presidential Politics

…d self-congratulation. Dickens makes the most of Pecksniff by giving him a number of interior monologues, as here when Pecksniff is rationalizing his decision to pimp out his younger daughter at a rather cheap dowry price to a rich but grotesquely uncouth suitor: All his life long he had been walking up and down the narrow ways and by-places, with a hook in one hand and a crook in the other, scraping all sorts of valuable odds and ends into his po…

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