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Romney’s Religion of Happiness vs. Gingrich’s Religion of Grievance

…te (38%) in Florida is virtually the reverse of South Carolina, where they comprised 65% of voters, and which is why, in part, Romney is headed toward victory here tomorrow. At the Romney rally, the verdict on Gingrich was mixed. Liz Reiman, a Romney voter from Jacksonville, said she had been “intrigued” with Gingrich, whom she called “stunning and sometimes disturbing.” But, she concluded, he was “too volatile.” Catherine Baum, who said she was n…

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Manhattan Declaration Asks: What If Jesus Had Been Aborted?

…al question is: What if Jesus had been a magic Woody Allen Zombie?… MT @SarahPosner What if Jesus had been aborted? — peter manseau (@petermanseau) December 23, 2011 Wait. Isn’t God powerful enough to find another incubator? #ifJesushadbeenaborted cc: @sarahposner — Mel. (@melballoons) December 23, 2011 @sarahposner Mary would have been forced into a dangerous, back-manger procedure thanks to thugs like the Manhattan dec…

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“Guerilla Warrior of Judeo-Christian Political Commentary” Stars in Anti-Newt Video in Iowa

…m and Michele Bachmann. Pastor Gordon, who previously supported former Ten Commandments judge Roy Moore before his presidential campaign fizzled, adds, “many Iowa conservatives don’t care who’s on top.”   Update: Via Brian Tashman, some more background on Molotov: @sarahposner Molotov also made anti-choice terrorist movie & backed Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill… — Brian Tashman (@briantashman) December8, 20…

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Eddie Long Takes Break from New Birth Pulpit

…ns in front of his Atlanta megachurch. According to the blog, a group of protesters were “Occupying New Birth” and demanding that Long leave the church he has pastored since 1997. At its peak, New Birth boasted 25,000 members, a figure that sank as Long was accused of sexual abuse and assault by young male congregants last  year, claims Long settled in secret in May. The Occupy group passed out flyers which read, “The People must…

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The War at the Values Voters Summit

…more outlandish antics. Charles Mitchell, who blogs at but is not formally affiliated with the Romney campaign, said, “We don’t just want you to get up there and pound your foot and say, ‘I’m pro-life!’ ‘Let’s go after gay marriage!’” He also said that evangelicals like him are frustrated by publicity stunts like Judge Roy Moore’s defiance of a court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from his courthouse. “Where di…

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Remembering Gil Scott-Heron

…torm as hip-hop music. Later, during an era of music videos and mainstream commercial rap, less and less that Scott-Heron produced made the transition to a mainstream lingua franca or commercial success. For a long stretch between the mid 1980s and 2010 he released only one record, and he battled drug problems. In 2005, on the record Beautiful Struggle, Talib Kweli commented on “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” in this way: I’ve heard it said…

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The Other, Forgotten Apocalypse of 2011

…silent on the incident, despite the fact that it involved violence from a communist government directed at a large group of Christians (a common theme of many of their stories). And then there was the conclusion of the Vietnamese government itself. Sounding a similar note to the American media response to Camping, the Vietnamese government stated that the uprising was the result of a group of people who were “duped by ‘bad elements’” into thinkin…

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Atheist Rock Fest, Buddhist Geeks, Megachurch For Sale, Church Bans Fried Chicken

…omehow brings Dolly Parton into it. From the file of new studies: people become more religious during hard times and are happier during periods of difficulty, restrictions on religious belief and practice are on the rise globally, and the more educated may become more religious. “Hello, Buddhist geeks!” In the Phillipines, officials at a state-run cultural center decided that Christian symbols and phallic objects don’t mix and shut down a controve…

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The Birth of Glenn Beck’s Nation

…coverage concludes that Beck is, at best, “bonkers.” Alex Pareene of, however, realizes that perhaps this is not “some sort of victory”; that leaving Fox is not the end of Beck, but rather that his legacy might not be as a talking head but as an amateur historian, the creator of Beck University, with a clear, and popular, articulation of nation. The tagline for BU promises, “learn history as it really happened” with David Barton responsi…

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Will Huntsman’s Mormon Mojo Work on the National Stage?

…by his washed-out looking website. Go to campaign headquarters at (which, by the way, doesn’t come up when you Google “Hunstman 2012” or “Huntsman for President”—ouch). The first thing you see is a long shot of a helmeted man riding motocross across the red sands of Monument Valley in southern Utah. And a single word: “Finally.” Really? Still, despite some less than convincing first campaign steps, the consensus take on Huntsman seems…

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