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Revelations from Family of Secrets (an addendum)

…Champagne Unit” of the Texas Air National Guard in order to avoid military service that might send him to Vietnam; how he failed to fulfill that service; and how his failure was systematically covered-up and politically defused. Also covered are the allegations of how W. was an abuser of illegal drugs in addition to his apparently drinking problems as a young man. One important story from W.’s past that has long been rumored is confirmed in this b…

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Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland

…ave performed exemplary deeds of service for the nation.” What of Colson’s service to the nation? He was an avid supporter of the Vietnam War, a willing architect of, and participant in, the Nixon administration’s attempted shredding of the Constitution. He spent seven months at Alabama’s Maxwell Prison for his involvement in the Watergate scandal, and he was an erstwhile co-conspirator, according to Senate Watergate testimony, in a plot to bomb t…

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Pope Backs Anti-Gay Referendum; Islamic State Executions Include Gay Syrian; ‘Conscience Clause’ Debated in Northern Ireland; Global LGBT Recap

…the face of legal advances – so much so that David Gibson of Religion News Service writes that it “reads like a declaration of war.” Among its assertions: “Christians who wish to remain faithful to the Scriptures and Christian tradition cannot embrace this falsification of reality, irrespective of its status in law.” Vatican: Pope endorses anti-gay referendum in Slovakia; Advocate looks at new cardinals Pope Francis this week used his remarks at h…

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Pop-Eye: Meat The Wrestler

…licitly religious venues—Christianity Today, Hollywood Jesus, Catholic New Service, and Plugged In—scarcely noted the religious symbolism teeming in the film. Catholic News Service seemed more concerned about the blood and pole dances than anything else, while Focus on the Family’s Plugged In review was also startling in its absolute devotion to the sex, violence, and drugs of the film. Christianity Today’s review makes one wonder why they even re…

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Contrary to Popular Narrative the Supreme Court’s ‘303’ Decision Gutting Civil Rights Laws is not About an Individual Standing Up For Her Beliefs

…. It never had. It had never been asked to when it sued. It’s never denied service to anyone. It’s not had the civil rights law enforced against it. In short, nothing happened. This case is artificial. Hypothetical. Manufactured. Or, to use the legal term of art: bullshit. ADF designed the case this way so that no party who’d been discriminated against would be able to put a face on 303 Creative’s bigotry. By erasing the true targets of the bigotr…

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About That “Pledge in Solidarity to Defend Marriage”

…he signers claim is “God’s law.” At the heart of the pledge is not a plea for justice, but a plea for a legal system that yields to their religious views. A plea, in other words, to subvert the Constitution in the service of subverting the Constitution; to undermine the Establishment Clause in the service of depriving certain citizens, deemed sinful by a particular religious view, of equal protection of the law….

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Seventh-Day Adventists & Gay ‘Cures’; Legal Victory for Kenyan LGBTs; Political, Religious Leaders Spar on LGBT Issues in UK; Global LGBT Recap

…Rick Estridge, the vice president for overseas finance for Catholic Relief Services, is gay and married. “It is increasingly difficult to take CRS seriously as a Catholic organization,” Lepanto Institute president Michael Hichborn said in a press release. Hichborn may be the organization’s only member; no other names are listed on the institute’s website, and posts to the organization’s Facebook page are written in the first person. Tom Price, the…

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Doonesbury Comic Waxes Eloquent on the Greatness of Jesus, Slams Old Testament God

…antha, the 17-year-old daughter of Boopsie and B.D.), reacting to a church service led by the venerable Reverend Scott Sloan. The reading of an “Old Testament” passage about the wrath of God leads Samantha into an extended meditation on the superiority of Jesus, the loving pacifist, over the vengeful deity of the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus “only really snaps once,” she concludes, and then it’s in response to “the moneylenders.” “Oh, right, what is i…

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‘No Room’ for Gays in Country that Worships God [Kenya] | Churches Fight to Keep Sexuality Out of Sex Ed [S. Korea] | Global LGBT Recap

…their status in the country’s many Catholic schools, hospitals and social services. The change came as the worldwide Catholic Church debates loosening its traditional rejection of remarriage after a divorce and of gay sex, reforms for which German bishops and theologians have become prominent spokesmen. “The new rule opens the way for decisions that do justice to the situations people live in,” Alois Glueck, head of the lay Central Committee of G…

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Vatican’s New Media Evangelizing Strategy Can’t Save it from All The Bad News

…e done when one’s pen reflects the greatness of the soul and is put at the service of truth and noble causes.” Since serving the truth and a noble cause is an admirable trait for a journalist, I can not help but point out that the day before, the Pope was continuing his “I’m sorry” tour before a crowd of people who perhaps needed to hear it the least. June 11 marked the end of the celebration of the “Year of the Priest” and the Pope marked it by c…

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