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Republican Scandals Drag Secretive ‘Family’ Into the Big Time

…oes not compartmentalize but which seeks power (intentionality, obedience, service and control) for God. The “genius” of the Protestant Revolution was to break apart this unitary system and its divine focus, substituting it with spheres of influence (with greater or lesser degrees of divine penetration depending on your theology) that gave man (gender-specific indeed) his due. That this Protestant notion is completely naturalized among 21st centur…

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Religious Opposition To LGBT Equality Softening

…njoying equal rights in every area of life from housing, to employment, to service in the military, to marriage rights, has come from religious quarters. Recent trends, however, show even religious opposition is softening. The UK-based religious think-tank Ekklesia is claiming that a growing number of Christian groups are now identifying as supporting gays and lesbians than in previous years. In a press release, Symon Hill, associate director of E…

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DREAMing of Faith

…new Washington Post poll finds that 70% of white evangelicals support open service by gays and lesbians in the military (although this poll shows a wide differential from a Pew poll which found only 43% of white evangelicals support open service). Still, though, there are plenty of religious people and religious leaders who support repealing DADT. You could make just as strong a moral argument about that as about immigration or nuclear nonprolifer…

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Citizen Speech in an Age of Data: Or, Why I’m Transcribing My Tweets Into Cuneiform

…ite to join the ranks of Mail A Spud and Send Your Enemies Glitter— a cute service designed to make easy profit. Yet Dumb Cuneiform seems somehow different. The profit margins can’t be high on hand-stamped cuneiform tablets (they sell, shipped, for $20— only twice the cost of a mailed potato). Dumb Cuneiform is also making a sly bit of commentary about online speech. It juxtaposes tweets, which are effortless to write, with a labor-intensive writi…

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The Democrats, The Gays, And The Evangelicals

…t. As I’ve written before, “The only group that has more opponents of open service than supporters is white evangelicals.” Even Republicans support it by 47-43% margin, according to a recent Pew poll. One of the head-scratchers of last Tuesday’s exit polls was how the Republicans increased their share of the gay vote from 19% in 2008 to 31% this year. On LGBT issues, there can be only two factors worrying the White House: religion and religion, or…

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Sarah Palin’s Freedom Cookie

…was. The real message of Palin’s talk was her linkage of faith with public service, and that American exceptionalism, founded upon the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, was based on Judeo-Christian values, which which are superior to civil laws. Palin is carefully crafting a stump speech that will gather together conservative Christians who like her, but are not quite ready to accept her as a viable presidential candidate. Question…

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Will Internet Kill Mormonism Too? Or Just Missionaries?

…missionaries convert, on average, six people during their 18- to 24-month service, the online apostles in Provo have averaged around 30 converts per missionary per year, says [BYU Professor Gideon] Burton. And these people stick around. Ninety-five percent of the Internet converts have kept active, a retention rate more than triple the norm…. The idea that a “self-selected cohort curious enough to reach out directly” yields better teaching contac…

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Mormon “Martin Luther” Causes Stir by Uploading LDS Church Handbook of Instructions to Internet

…of status in the community. (In Mormonism, the demands of lay ministerial service do convey certain privileges as well.) So imagine how LDS web crawlers felt last week when we found ourselves staring at a blog published by a self-described Mormon “Martin Luther” who had scanned the entire CHI into two giant PDF files and put them on the internet. For just anyone. For free. A few hours later, a fully-searchable edition of the CHI started to make t…

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

…cts the image of God. Excerpts from Josephine McKenna of the Religion News Service: “When a man and a woman celebrate the sacrament of marriage, God is reflected in them,” the pontiff told an estimated 45,000 pilgrims who gathered in St. Peter’s Square.  “As ‘one flesh’, they become living icons of God’s love in our world, building up the Church in unity and fidelity,” he said. “The image of God is the married couple — not just the man, not just t…

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As Hobby Lobby Heads to SCOTUS, Let’s Ditch Kosher Butcher Analogies

…r (1985), another unanimous decision – a religious exemption would require customers, employees, or competitors to bear a heavy cost in the service of another’s religion, something the Court has understandably been loath to sanction. That said, though, it’s hard to imagine (a) the government requiring kosher butchers to sell pork, except in the conservative imagination where the government persecutes religious believers and (b) in any case, why th…

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