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Will Anti-Gay Churches Have Their Tax Exempt Status Revoked?

…exemption supports marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Federal policy should also establish that no deduction for an otherwise qualifying charitable contribution will be denied or revoked on the ground that the contribution was made to or for the benefit of a group that supports marriage as one man and one woman. Revocation of churches’ tax-exempt status most likely not going to happen, but the claim that the IRS will crack down on ant…

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“If Every Church Said, ‘We Will Take Over Our Community'”: The (Christian Right) Revolution Starts Small and Local

…dmond (R-NM), a former top official of Citizen Link, now called the Family Policy Alliance). One session featured Jeff Johnston, a culture and policy analyst at the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, whose presentation was titled, “LGBT Agenda in the Public Schools, and What We Can Do About It.” Other featured speakers included Debbie Chaves, the executive director of Colorado Family Action (the state affiliate of the Family Policy Allian…

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Is it ‘biblical to enforce the law,’ as Trump Admin Claims in Defense of Separating Families?

…the law,” as he likes to say. Family separation is a Trump administration policy; it’s their interpretation of how to implement the law. It is not the law itself. To stick with the moral argument, though, Jesus is absolutely, 100%, crystal freaking clear that the law is made for humanity, not humanity for the law. (In this he is very Jewish.) When Jesus is challenged for healing on the sabbath, he asks: Suppose one of you has only one sheep and i…

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Paul Ryan’s Bible, Jim Wallis’, Or None of the Above?

…n social justice, the debate about the role of government should rooted in policy, not theology. As Peter Laarman has noted in these pages, in support of a robust defense of government, liberal and moderate Christian leaders “know in their heart of hearts that only government can take strong and decisive action to end poverty and mass suffering, but they are in some degree of denial about it, in part because. . . . They, too, rather fancy the idea…

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Opposition To DADT Repeal And The High Rate Of Evangelical Chaplains

…or the military. One bit there jumped out at me: the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy actually encouraged more evangelical chaplains in the military. Now evangelical chaplains are claiming repeal of the policy would inhibit them from doing what the signed up to do, apparently: feel free to evangelize that homosexuality is a sin. The 2005 Times piece made note of Gordon James Klingenschmitt, who was court-martialed in 2007, and is now a frequent religi…

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‘Almost Like Praying’: The Religious Work of ‘Hamilton’ Creator Lin-Manuel Miranda

…to Rico predated the storm, and is, indeed, the result of American policy; policy rooted in imperialism and its corollary racism; policy inconsistent with the basic legal ideals of democracy; and policy the result of which is radical injustice. Yet critique—like prayer—is not enough. What is required in the future is political action, both on the mainland and on the island, in Washington and in San Juan, to imagine a just, equal, and sustainable c…

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Rape and Richard Mourdock’s Semi-Omnipotent God

…omes pregnant from a rape. I think most don’t particularly care that their policy decisions can impact what control a woman does or doesn’t have over her own body. But if Mourdock believes that God creates all life and that to end a life created by God is murder, then all abortion is murder, regardless of the circumstances in which a pregnancy came about. But in her attempt to accuse liberal critics of misreading Mourdock, Sullivan misreads Mourdo…

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Brazilian Evangelicals Launch ‘Sin-Free’ (Read: Gay-Free) Version of Facebook

…13. European Parliament: LGBT issues made focus of ‘European Neighbourhood Policy’ This week the EP voted to put human rights, including LGBTI rights, “at the heart of the European Neighbourhood Policy.” The ENP organises relationships between the EU and its closest Eastern and Southern neighbours*, and has a budget of more than €15 billion (2014-2020), part of which goes to civil society. The policy was set up after the 2004 enlargement round, wi…

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Is Ken Starr ‘Pulling a Clinton’ on Jewish Studies Professor Marc Ellis?

…cit with Ellis out of the way. Selective prosecution According to Baylor’s policy for tenured faculty, grounds for dismissal include: “Failure to perform assigned University duties in a competent manner”; “Repeated failure to comply with University policies”; “Gross abuse of trust in faculty-student relationship”; or “Misconduct involving moral turpitude, conduct constituting a felony under state or federal law, intemperance in the use of alcoholi…

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Will Getting Rid of Bryan Fischer Get Rid of the AFA’s Problem?

…tts of companies that fail to meet its standards of “decency,” Fischer (no policy wonk, despite being director of “Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy”) has taken the public rhetoric to a new, ugly level. According to former employees of the AFA, the views represented by Fischer are not only tolerated within the organization, but any opposition to its anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant invective—including reliance on white nativist…

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