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Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Flight Change Policy

Rent-Free Religion in New York’s Public Schools

…litical groups at public schools. The courts consistently upheld the DOE’s policy—until 2001. The Supreme Court’s 2001 ruling in Good News Club v. Milford Central School changed everything, opening up new possibilities for the Bronx Household of Faith to challenge the City’s policy, and the court proceedings began anew. The Good News Club decision created a new legal theory for opponents of church-state separation. The Court held that religion is…

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Study: US is an Oligarchy

…ally business groups—have the most influence. The lowdown is that American policy is indeed largely determined by securities and investment companies, oil companies and Big Pharma. A close second are professional organizations like the Association of Trial Lawyers, the Health Insurance Association and the (less-than-scary but apparently influential) Independent Insurance Agents of America. What does this have to do with religion? Well, the study a…

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Evangelicals Call Christian Zionist Uncritical “Support” for Israel “Appalling” and “Intolerable”

…d not be here today at the precipice of such a dangerous move if the Obama Policy in the Middle East wasn’t naïve, arrogant, misguided and dangerous,” he said. “It must be said, first, that Israel is our oldest and strongest democratic ally in the Middle East and has been for more than 60 years. The Obama Policy of moral equivalency, which gives equal standing to the grievances of Israelis and Palestinians, including the orchestrators of terrorism…

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Not His House: Archbishop Oversteps, Opposes Repeal of DADT

…certainly entitled to this view, but his views are irrelevant to military policy. Similarly the Vatican’s shifting views on condom use would be irrelevant to a military decision to promote safer sex. Said decisions have military readiness as their guiding principle, rather than the doctrines of a particular religious sect, even if that sect is as large and influential as the Roman Catholic Church.  The Archbishop is so concerned about his religio…

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What Pence and Kaine Reveal About Divides in Catholicism

…, however, asserted that he doesn’t “struggle” to balance faith and public policy like Kaine because the later springs from the former, and discussed how his pro-life stance infuses his policy decisions: …for me … the sanctity of life proceeds out of the belief that ancient principle that where God says before you were formed in the womb I knew you. … So for me, my faith informs my life. I try and spend a little time on my knees every day. But it…

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Abortion’s Not in Kansas Anymore?

…ake sure that women don’t get safe abortion care.” The NAF’s 2011 clinical policy guidelines are 55 pages long; longer than the new Kansas regulations. Like the Kansas standards for abortion clinics—and, for that matter, the Kansas standards for other outpatient surgery centers—the NAF policy guidelines cover various aspects of patient care. There are standards and recommendations for infection control, ultrasounds, taking a patient’s medical hist…

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“Moral Conflict” On Abortion A Result of Anti-Choice Advocacy

…es’ comment about millenials’ “eyes glazing over” when faced with detailed policy questions, the study actually provides more clues about why the anti-choice movement might be succeeding in legislating these restrictions, despite being out of step with the majority of Americans, than it does about the moral conflicts experienced by millenials. And of course not all millenials’ eyes glaze over. As Dawn Laguens, Planned Parenthood Executive Vice Pre…

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Douthat, Dionne Push Wrong Lesson on Religious Exemptions

…r to impose the church’s contraceptive ban on them. The firestorm over the policy resulted because liberal columnists like Dionne and the National Catholic Reporter’s Michael Sean Winters came into the conversation about religious exemptions—a conversation that women’s health and religious liberty advocates had been having for over a decade—in mid-stream. They were apparently unaware of the reproductive health policy issues at stake, the previous…

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A Letter to the Pope in Advance of the Synod: Why Must I Get My (Lutheran) Marriage Annulled?

…s—carried out by strangers who don’t know me or my full life story—is going to be helpful with my healing is not convincing. I am trying to live a good and loving life in the footsteps of Christ. I realize that any changes to church policy will not come quickly but I only hope that you can offer some small sign of hope, encouragement, and blessing. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely, Randall Wedin    …

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Selling the Idea of a Christian Nation: David Barton’s Alternate Intellectual Universe

…testations to the contrary notwithstanding. His game is to inundate public policy makers (including local and state education boards as well as Congress) with ideas packaged as products that will move policy. Historical scholarship moves slowly and carefully, usually shunning the public arena; Barton’s proof-texting, by contrast, supplies ready-made (if sometimes made-up) quotations ready for use in the latest public policy debate, whether they in…

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