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The Ghosts and Illusions of the Occupation

…n, “by the fact that there is a total lack of will by the Israeli state to promote co-existence and to educate the Jewish population about the national minority within them, that they too have a legitimate right to the Land. In fact, while the current government plans at allocating money to strengthen Israeli ties with the Jewish diaspora, there are none for creating a safe haven for its non-Jewish citizens.” Ghosts. Israeli political commentator…

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The Return of Government as “Idolatry” and the “Second Amendment Remedies”

…arly presidential primary states (South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa) promoting a creationist film called The Genesis Code, and holding fundraising receptions. The moralistic film follows an unbelieving hockey player and a Christian journalism student who struggle with “reconciling their scientific studies and what’s taught in the Bible” as he falls for her and she uses their relationship to “guide” him “toward God.” You can read a “pro-famil…

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U.S. Bishops’ Silence on Guns and Gays

…sympathy with a not-to-pointed reminder that ultimately it believes homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism are lifestyle choices that can be rejected, and indeed must be rejected, to be fully accepted by the church. Similarly, Kurtz’s official statement, with it’s reminder of how “precious life is” and call for “protecting the life and dignity of every person,” is a not-so-subtle reference to abortion. Nothing like using a national tragedy…

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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

…y 2016 when it was brought to light that more than 100,000 residents were exposed to toxic levels of lead in the city’s drinking water. This type of environmental neglect isn’t just happening in Flint. For decades, chemical companies have been using poor areas in Missouri as dumping grounds for radioactive and nuclear waste. Missouri State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, an environmental activist, has long been a voice in the wilderness regarding this…

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Status Updates at the End of the World: The Religious Imagination and Our Latest Apocalypse

…examples of such, from ancient times to the present. As Stetzer virtually excommunicates Christians with whom he disagrees, experts employed by watchdog groups perform another kind of excommunication, dismissing fellow citizens as either duped victims or predatory leaders of so-called “doomsday cults.” A recent piece by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization intent on separating dangerous (and therefore false) religion from kindly (and t…

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Public Shrines to Treason: Charlottesville and the Cult of Confederate Memorialization

…gainst the United States is essential to an understanding of post-Appomattox existence as, rather than one of surrender and defeat, a state of ongoing truce. This Confederate civil religion, crafted during Reconstruction and continuing to the present day, has served to keep the country tenuously united. But as this Confederate civil religion has allowed the Civil War to continue in a state of détente, this détente allowed for Confederate desires a…

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Christians of Color Are Rejecting “Colonial Christianity” and Reclaiming Ancestral Spiritualities

…c transfer of trauma helps prepare descendants for similar scenarios. For example, experiments with mice report that when trauma is associated with a specific smell, the next two generations of their offspring inherit that olfactory trigger. For pregnant women during 9/11 who developed PTSD, their offspring mirrored their stress hormone profile. A 2015 study out of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York found similar altered genetic profiles among desce…

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GOP “Stealthcare” Bill Reveals Catholic Bishops’ Priorities

…ing to get the Dolan-Kudlow faction of the church’s leadership to oppose tax cuts for the wealthy, even if it comes at the expense of health care for the poor. And in an implicit rebuke of the political priorities signaled by a freestanding Religious Liberty Committee, Newark Cardinal Joseph Tobin questioned why the work of the committee couldn’t be folded into the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development. But in the end, he was voted d…

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Are We Living Through World War III?

…k fundamentalist movements on the ground, preferring the more religiously extreme. Afghanistan has known war, occupation, starvation, extremism, and hardship, for some thirty-seven years now, and there appears to be no end in sight. Much more happened beside, but the nadir might have come with the Bush administration. Secular, democratic, modern. And violent. In 2003, the United States invaded Iraq on the obviously false pretext of weapons of mass…

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#NamaSlay, Or How Black Women Are Using Trap Yoga as a Mode of Spiritual Resistance

…developed the practice in 2014 while on retreat at a wildlife preserve in San Diego County. Despite conflicting claims on ownership of the term “trap yoga,” the only existing trademark is registered by Jones, according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Asia Jones, creator of trap yoga She began practicing vinyasa yoga while still a college student in 2010, and became a certified instructor in 2014. Feeling out of place as the only…

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