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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…jects. Is there something similar with TQ emerging? BU: Not yet, just some contact with British Asian geezers like Asian Dub Foundation, Fun Da Mental and Alien Kulture. There are Taqwacore groups in Scotland and London, but no one has contacted us to do a tour. Most of them discourage us about setting foot in Bradford lest we become the biggest pariahs since Salman fucking Rushdie. SK: See BU. HR: Isn’t every good qalandar a pariah? BU: True. Q:…

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Haiti and the Push for Theological Questions

…nd here story of the two catastrophes differs drastically. In fact, between 1793 and 1801 the people we now call Haitian pulled off a successful slave revolt against nothing less than the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte. On an August evening in 1791, either before or during the revolution (depending on when you date the revolution’s beginning), slaves performed a voodoo rite, Robertson’s “pact with the devil.” That the dominant tradition existing alo…

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Feared Taliban Leader Killed, But Military Strategy is Not the Answer in Afghanistan

…ed Pakistanis regarded the United States as their principal adversary; only 14% considered it to be India, 8 % the Pakistani Taliban, and 4% the Afghan Taliban. A process of demilitarization will help to reverse the pervasive consequences of US military presence in political, economic, social, and cultural spheres, and the enormous antagonism this has generated among the local people of the region. 3. Recognize the religious and organizational div…

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Growing Up Cult: A Memoir of Life with Sri Chinmoy

…sed by it. I would be so interested to hear their true reaction to Cartwheels in a Sari because if they read it, they would see that the book explores the complicated realities that encompassed Sri Chinmoy and his mission. What is your spiritual life like today? I officially do not have a ‘spiritual life.’ In fact, even the word ‘spiritual’ is one that I cannot separate from my life with Sri Chinmoy. I am happily living a secular life. I don’t hav…

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Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence

…teaching is profoundly and dangerously wrong,” says Roberts, who tried to contact Saddleback twice after the teachings were publicized in early January, offering them her book’s findings that 1 Corinthians 7:15—a verse commonly interpreted as applying solely to an unbeliever deserting a believing spouse—provides the biblical grounds for abused wives to consider their union nullified. “The key question is not ‘who walked out’ but ‘who caused the s…

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‘Culting’: From Waco to Fundamentalist Mormons

…aths of a total of 74 Branch Davidians in the fire at Mount Carmel on April 19, 1993, self-examination by reporters in the print media revealed that the application of the term “cult” to the Branch Davidians helped created a social context in which FBI agents could wage psychological warfare against the community and carry out the tank and gas assault that culminated in the devastating fire. Reporters in the print media realized that they had not…

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…d up.” I know people who say they get 8 as a minimum, and can go as long as 10-12. I take this as hear-say. Not that I think they’re lying, I just cannot imagine what that must be like! When I’m not fasting I love to spend the night with my grandson, because I can pretend that is why I am awake. He sleeps all night but not without a human contact somewhere in there once or twice. As long as we cuddle him and give him the pacifier he’s good ’til mo…

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Do Space Aliens Need Baptism? The View From Gliese 581g

…hese outward steps. Tycho Brahe, a well-known Danish astronomer of the late 16th century, rejected Copernicanism not only because it contradicted the Aristotelian physics of his day, but because it increased the size of the universe by several orders of magnitude. In Brahe’s view, Copernicus’ Sun-centered model expanded the gap between Saturn (at the time the highest of the planets) and the sphere of the stars to outlandish proportions. God, he re…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…hose department has been the headquarters of Christian philosophy since the 1980s. Harris, however, spoke slowly, in catchy salvos alternating with silence, as if he wanted to ensure everything could sink in for the ordinary undergrad. At the end of one speech, for instance: Pause. “Please think about this.” Pause. Applause. He explained afterward, “This is just the way I speak.” The question-and-answer session had even more awkward moments than u…

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How Julian Assange Is Like A Televangelist

…power-hungry televangelists, who abuse their power financially, sexually, spiritually and otherwise — but don’t want to be questioned. (The last time I cited it here was in reference to the Eddie Long sex abuse scandal.) These televangelists claim to speak for God, to have a special authority to tell everyone else what’s righteous, but: watch an almighty condemnation befall anyone who challenges them. Such is the way of Julian Assange. His religi…

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