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How To Contact Spirit Airlines 1 800-299-7264 By Phone

Facebook Doesn’t Kill Churches, Churches Kill Churches

…ed social media have not replaced the main draw of the traditional church: spiritual connection in social context. But they have made it more difficult to mask the modern, broadcast-era practice of social and spiritual disconnectedness that plays out as much in generic coffee hour chitchat about football scores and the latest lame Seth Rogan chucklefest as it does in Facebook pages that enable participants (really, the old Facebook “fan” terminolo…

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Gay Marriage Measure Dies in Maryland

…holic bishops in the state have also stepped up pressure on their flock to contact delegates in opposition to the measure. It seems the pressure has given some delegates reason enough to push the pause button and not make Maryland the sixth state to recognize marriage equality for its gay and lesbian citizens. It could be seen as a defeat, or a cowardly display by supporters—but Equality Maryland sees the move as an opportunity to do more educatio…

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Recounting (Again)
The Role of American Religious Activists in Uganda Anti-Gay Violence

…cluded Kato’s name in the list of prominent gay rights activists and their contact details, with a banner over the photos calling to “Hang Them.” A notable supporter of this “initiative” was David Bahati, the Ugandan parliamentarian who achieved international notoriety for introducing the “Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009,” a bill that sought to introduce the death penalty for certain same-sex consensual acts. Commenting on the Rolling Stone articl…

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Former Navy Chaplain Worries Ending DADT will End “Gay Exorcisms”

…worthwhile thing to do in these cases? Klingenschmitt: Well, it’s the only spiritual solution to a spiritual disease. I looked into her eyes and said “You foul demon of lesbian homosexuality, come out of this woman in Jesus’ name” she began to weep and she loved Jesus. She began reading her Bible, became the best evangelist in our church. She got baptized and started dating boys. It’s a story Klingenschmitt has told before to Peter Labarbera, only…

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Religious Conspiracy Theories About Giffords Shooting Emerge

…r’s website since October 25, 2010, suggests that the two may have been in contact more recently. As this case unfolds, you certainly need to know these facts.” Will this half-baked conspiracy theory about a Giffords-Loughner connection (which appears to be promoted in an effort to dispel any notion that Loughner was in any way influenced by right-wing rhetoric or ideology), and the addled contention that gun control causes genocide, radiate furth…

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What Do We Mean By ‘Judeo-Christian’?

…; that by now the term would have fallen out of use. On the contrary—by the 1980s presidents were using the phrase, and by the 1990s presidential campaigns were depending on its appeal. As essayist Sarah Deming noted recently: “the insidious thing about words is that the act of decrying them promotes their usage.” Being that the term is now ubiquitous, perhaps a look back at the history of “Judeo-Christian” is in order. Popularized by Liberals The…

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For God or for Fame? The Making of a Teenage Bomber

…citizen from a highly educated family that fled the civil war in the early 1990s. According to his arrest warrant, Mahamud complained about American Muslims, who “reside amongst the [infidels]… What has stopped you from fighting in the cause of Allah?” He even complained about his parents to undercover FBI agents for preventing his “passage from the lands of the polytheists.” The New York Times reported that in recent months “he dropped out of sc…

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Top 10 Reasons Mormons Should “Take It Down a Notch for America” This Election Season

…LDS people should “take it down a notch for America” this election season: 1. The Holy Ghost gets a contact rash from extremist political rhetoric. 2. There’s no need to freak out over politics when you have a year’s supply of rice, beans, wheat, and texturized vegetable protein in your garage. 3. No matter how socialist President Obama allegedly gets, he’s not bringing back the United Order. 4. It’s called the “plan of happiness,” not the “plan…

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Hajj Journal: Visiting the Kingdom is Not the Same as Visiting the King

…from Saudi, that the normal drive from Jeddah to Makkah is one hour. It was 1:10 a.m. So in my head, I start calculating the possibility of going straight to the Kaabah to perform my umrah. I figured if I got started, then I might be done by fajr salah. Then I could sleep and be ihram-free. Mr. Mansour said that fajr was at 5:10 a.m. He also said we would be required to make one check point stop, where we would “pick” our mu’allim. Well, I guess h…

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Hajj Journal: Makkah as the Most Romantic City

…g in the shops, or jammed in the tight lines to get food at the local restaurants. Nobody says to women to stay behind, keep out, or keep away. There is so much bodily contact a person could be mistaken for being at one with all humankind, and not a measurement of one’s gender….

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