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Atheists are Americans Too, Vuvuzelas, Etc.

…ork on scripture memory?  There’s an app for that.  You can even use your iPhone to tweet the latest execution news, like the Utah Attorney General.  But for others the internet is a place for anti-religious rage. Over at the Huffington Post, they have debuted a new discussion between religion and science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science continues to seek dialogue between science and religion. University of Colorado psyc…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…, Caldwell admits, but Christianity is still the essence of Europeanness: “Spain is less concerned that its immigrants be white than they have similarities of worldview with the people already established there, starting with knowing what the inside of a Church looks like.” While Caldwell makes much of Islam’s anti-Semitism, his argument for a Judeo-Christian Europe depends on events that run back only six decades or so. His idealized Europe is fa…

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Imagine No Religion: Sustaining Morality Without God

…as true of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, Puritan Massachusetts, Catholic Spain, or Christian Rome. In reality, despite all the tragedies that occurred in the Soviet Union, it was a deeply moralistic society where each individual was expected to contribute to the common good and endure sacrifices for the benefit of future generations. The arts, the media, the education system, and the youth leagues all served to communicate a clear moral message…

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Call it ‘Christian Globalism’: A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation, Part III

…ims of the groups themselves. We have no way to independently verify these numbers, so they should be used advisedly. Simply put, the global vision of the NAR is based on their understanding of the Great Commission text of Matthew 28:18-20, with an emphasis on “discipling nations” (28:19). International apostolic networks are therefore necessary for the apostles to lead the five-fold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher) whic…

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Pariah or Charmed Hero: America’s Obsession with Jews and Israel

…n/Palin ticket has said they would not sit down with the prime minister of Spain, a member in good standing of NATO. And yet, they go out of their way, as do the Democrats, to meet with Israel’s surrogates in Washington regularly (each candidate spoke at a zealously pro-Israel AIPAC meeting and of the five groups Palin met with on a recent trip to Washington, one was AIPAC) and to reflexively support billions of dollars in aid for Israel’s militar…

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The Conservative Christian Case for Separation of Church and State

…ghtered by its theological opponents. The Pope used his political power in Spain to launch the Inquisition. Bloody Mary earned her moniker by burning 300 dissenters of Roman Catholicism at the stake. The Calvinists and Lutherans used their influence over the German princes to commit near genocide of Catholics all over Europe during the 30 Years War. Catholics in the third Crusade almost exterminated the Orthodox church in Constantinople. Anabaptis…

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Vatican: Gay Rights Opponents are Real Victims

…rriage for same-sex couples has been ratified in the Catholic countries of Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Argentina, and Mexico. Acceptance of LGBT persons is not just an American phenomenon, it’s a broadly international one with a strong Catholic character. Of course, is precisely these trends that are most disturbing to the Vatican, especially as younger Catholics around the world are even more accepting of homosexuality and the legitimacy of sexual…

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Palin Cries ‘Blood Libel’: Can Words Harm Us?

…rucified. The stories that circulated as the accusations spread to France, Spain, Germanic territories, and beyond, claimed that the Jews “crucified” the child (almost always a young, pre-adolescent boy), torturing and cursing him, and eventually either drinking his blood or using it to bake the matzoh they ate on Passover. Groups of Jews were subsequently arrested, tortured, and put to death. The difference, of course is clear: the false charges…

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Shari’ah Creeps into Outer Space

…to secretly hide navigators on Columbus’ ships by allowing their empire in Spain to be destroyed. Now they can claim they discovered America. The plan is 500 years old. Anchor babies are only the back-up plan. Now that Muslims are bringing shari’ah into America by advocating for equal rights for homosexuals, they are attempting to push it out into space. The supposed discovery of arsenic-based life forms is the trigger to activate the nefarious pl…

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‘Atheizing’ the Dead, Religious Doughnuts, & Tax-Free Witching

…find its representation of a pregnant nun offensive. And a discotheque in Spain named “Mecca” has decided to change its name because the owners realized it was a bad idea to name a nightclub after the holy city. Hordes of dirty tourists may be ruining the the Sistine Chapel’s priceless artwork. Two stories on extreme sports and Islam: A skateboarder foiled an attempted Qur’an burning in Texas. As he put it to the book burners, “Dude, you have no…

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