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Global LGBT Recap:Culture War Exports, Mob Violence and Kidnapping as Weapon of Homophobia

…ve also protested remarks by a newly-named cardinal, Fernando Sebastián of Spain. Colegas, an LGBT rights group, has filed a complaint charging that Sebastián’s comments violate Spanish law against acts that provoke discrimination, hate or violence against groups based on their sexual orientation. In Málaga, pro-equality activists protested the cardinal-to-be’s comments with a kiss-in at the cathedral. Russia: Orthodox Church Pushing for More Anti…

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Muslim Stowaways
on the European
Titanic: “Eurabian” Alarmism 2.0

Spain, Greece, Italy—these are where we fear Europe’s failures will be revealed. There is no denying the European south is suffering, but if the Eurozone dies, there may be worse consequences, a revenge of a Europe we had thought buried. Though not as long as you might think. Already, the Eurozone’s crisis has overturned Serbia’s government, bringing to power a new leader who wasted no time denying that genocide took place in Srebrenica in 1995 (…

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Islam=Peace: What’s in a Slogan?

…ends had gone to the club to watch the World Cup final between Holland and Spain. Then an al-Shabaab cell launched the organization’s first terrorist attack outside of Somalia. Two blasts were set off, one in front of the screen where the match was being broadcast. Ndugwa and his friends felt the blasts. Injured, but not mortally so, they ran to the nearest hospital. He explained what took place in the aftermath: When I left hospital the following…

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London’s ‘Big Gay Iftar’ And More in Global LGBT Recap

…ted States and Brazil, than Catholic ones, such as Argentina, Ireland, and Spain. Decidedly less noted, and therefore less understood, are the political roots of the gay backlash. By openly embracing anti-gay violence and extremely homophobic legislation, many autocratic regimes across the world are doing what such regimes have done for centuries to groups as varied as Jews, heretics, and various ethnic minorities: scapegoating a socially despised…

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With This Largely Overlooked Shakeup is the Russian Orthodox Church Looking to Westernize? Yes and No

…ian Orthodox Church set up rivals to the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Spain and Portugal and in Southeast Asia. At the time, Metropolitan Hilarion explicitly stated that with the creation of the new church bodies, the Russian Orthodox Church would “act as if they [i.e. the Patriarchate of Constantinople] do not exist at all,” a sort of declaration of war against the Ecumenical Patriarch and a clear indication of the Russian Orthodox Church’s…

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How Far Will White Christians Go to Maintain Power? An Interview with Robert Jones

…me that Columbus sailed the ocean blue. The Doctrine was set up to justify Spain’s claim to the Americas, and it explicitly states that European Christians have the right to dominate and subdue any non-Christian and non-white peoples they “encounter.” It declares that they are free to conquer by any means necessary and with the full blessing of God, church, and king. And of course the idea here was that the benefits of bringing “civilization” to t…

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Rick Santorum Breezes Past the Genocidal Foundation of White Christian Nationalism

…ing Columbus planting a flag on what is likely Hispaniola, claiming it for Spain. In describing this painting, the video narrates a racial origin-story of the Americas. Through framing Columbus as the first bearer of Christianity to the Americas, the narrator portrays the ensuing genocide and colonization as Godly work. While the historical record is clear that Columbus engaged in extreme acts of violence, the narrator describes Columbus as having…

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Why America’s Whitewashed Thanksgiving Needs to Go: A Short Study in the Power of White Christian Mythmaking

…quanto, was kidnapped by an English raiding party and sold into slavery in Spain along with other captives. Buddies of marauding Captain John Smith did this deed. Note that slavery lies at the foundation—in this case enslavement of the original inhabitants. Squanto eventually made his way to England, learning English, before returning to home ground in 1619 and learning that his entire tribe had perished of a disease most likely spread by some of…

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The ‘Spiritual Warfare’ Worldview of Trump’s Conspiracy Doctor is Part of a Transnational Movement

…(164), mainly in the UK (124), Ireland (14), Germany (12), France (8) and Spain (6). In the United States one can find 33 MFM churches scattered among the cities of Atlanta, Baltimore, Berkeley, Chicago, Fresno, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Oakland, Sacramento, and San Jose, just to name a few. Dr. Immanuel’s blog contains numerous references to DKO’s ministry, books and teaching. To summarize briefly, DKO’s teaching emphasizes the idea of destiny a…

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The New Normaal: “Black Pete,” Muslims and Whiteness in the Netherlands

…lk tradition. Each winter, Sint and his Petes come to the Netherlands from Spain per steamboat, carrying candy and gifts. While Sinterklaas rides his white horse from roof to roof, the Petes climb down the chimneys to fill the shoes children have put out for that purpose. The holiday ends December 5th, when children find a coarse jute bag full of presents in an unexpected place. Although Sinterklaas is dressed as a Catholic saint, the tradition is…

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