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Religion, Lies, and Videotape: Planned Parenthood and the Latest Fake Sting

…? Is that not a virtue, one broadly understood as such? Organ donors carry cards in their wallets. Isn’t it inconsistent the way the right argues for guns, which kill lots of children and grown people too—if Sandy Hook and Charleston are any indication of the national mood—while going all out on abortion? The word relativism comes to mind. The word distortion again rears its ugly head. If murder is wrong, then murder is wrong. When I make moral ar…

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Death Couture: Not For Halloween Only

…devotional paraphernalia have likewise crossed the border. Candles, prayer cards, t-shirts, and figurines dedicated to La Santa Muerte have shown up in most every border town and in major American cities. Idol Worship or Just Religion as Usual? So is Santa Muerte a saint? An idol? How does devotion to a well-dressed skeleton work its way into the religious culture of a Catholic country like Mexico? The anwer lies in the idea of sacred immanence, t…

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Excuses, Excuses: The Polite Regrets of Governors Bailing on Perry’s Prayer Rally

…group,” or Hallmark after it started producing same-sex marriage greeting cards, and which employs a radio host who compares gay people to Nazis and advocates for the deportation of Muslims. Indeed several Democratic governors have offered the excuse that they have hosted or are planning their own days of prayer (Minnesota’s Mark Dayton, New Hampshire’s John Lynch, and Washington’s Christin Gregoire), because official praying events now appear to…

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Numbers, Schnumbers, Why Evangelicals Should Worry About Trump’s Popularity

…achings of Jesus—now voice support for a candidate whose principle calling cards include chauvinism, nativism, misogyny, and outright incompetence. Smith ends his piece by claiming that evangelicals “look at Trump and see a man whose political positions, personal lifestyle, and bombastic rhetoric are not consistent with what they know their evangelical doctrine and theology teaches.” This may be true for many, and it very well may be true for more…

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The Oil Spill and “Real Deathliness”

…eed,        this narrative of economic growth,         this whole house of cards is based on lies and deception. This whole culture of consumption,        this whole empire of money         is based on self-willed ignorance. Creation proclaims a better way         because creation bears witness to a God of grace. But we have suppressed this truth,        engaged in denial and cover-up. Refusing to live a life of gratitude,        refusing to live…

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“The Call” Warns of Antichrist Legislation in California and Beyond

…, and Jesus is the bridegroom,” said Tombley, who was passing out business cards advertising a House of Prayer, unaffiliated with Engle, in Newport News, Virginia. “In Jewish culture, you had to spend a year or more in your father’s house before you could actually get married… So God will send back Jesus to get his bride as in Jewish custom, as Jews, as Hebrews did for thousands of years, that custom was the tradition that God is working in now.”…

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The Gray Lady’s Regard: Ritual and the Wedding Pages

…ostscript of these prestige genealogies: the wrong surname on the business cards, the dowager disinheriting from her Connecticut estate, or the child custody agreement deciding who will pay for St. Paul’s and who will pay for Princeton. It’s the cracks in the glass of the announcement photo, the one with faces looking out and grinning for the camera’s mirroring glass. “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face,” the auth…

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The Revolution Will Be Whispered: An Excerpt From Everywhere a Guest, Nowhere at Home: A New Vision of Israel and Palestine

…le who want to leave the bombings and curfews and checkpoints and identity cards and soldiers breaking into their houses any time of day or night, leave it all to anyone who wants to go on fighting over who came first and who has rights and who has suffered more, and who is more violent, and who has killed more of the other people. People who want to leave the whole mess behind because they want to start all over again, together. One of these days…

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Mauled by an Angel: Why Do Americans Need “God’s Secret Agents”?

…with heavenly helpers interested in providing “empowerment.” “Angel Tarot Cards” became popular, as did images, sculptures, and tchotchkes of angels for home and garden. Angels, thoroughly domesticated, became a spiritual accoutrement for prosperous yet troubled baby-boomers adrift in a suburban wasteland of McMansions and Lincoln Navigators. Then along came The Prophecy with its terrifying, I’m-a-gonna-rip-your-face-off angels. Not far behind wa…

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On Zion’s Mount

…d last, that only “card-carrying Mormons” (those with the church-issued ID cards called “temple recommends”) are allowed to do research at the Church Archives in Salt Lake City. Can you say more about Mormon sacred space? In the nineteenth century, Mormons—members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)—were essentially Christian Zionists. Their “homeland” mentality was quite un-American. True, many American groups, not jus…

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