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Jesus in 3D: The Shroud of Turin Meets the 21st Century

…hroud during a public exhibition, with the intention to manufacture prayer cards for the pilgrims who would continue to flock to Turin after the exhibition had closed. Mr. Pia was so surprised by the images he captured, he nearly dropped his photographic plate in the developing room. He had not been expecting to see a man’s face staring so clearly back at him. Mr. Pia’s stark photonegative images of the Shroud spread to the far corners of globe. A…

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Religious Groups Counter Evangelical Opposition To Equality In Immigration Reform

…evangelical bloc also supports provisions, like biometric social security cards, that progressives reject.) The faith leaders supporting the UAFA are: African American Ministers in Action (a project of People for the American Way); Call to Action; Catholics for Equality; Church World Service, Immigration and Refugee Program; Clergy United; The Episcopal Church; Friends Committee on National Legislation; Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society; Religious Act…

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French “Burqa Ban”: It’s Not About Religion

…s. Just for your information, that includes for government-issued identity cards and passports. From the perspective of the public, there are innumerable factors to discuss, so I will take another anecdotal approach. The first time I took part in an interfaith retreat with hundreds of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian women, we had a weekend of personal encounters of the third kind. On the last day of the retreat, we sat in smaller sessions in smaller…

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Comparing Gender Transition and Surrogacy to War and Human Trafficking, Vatican’s ‘Dignitas Infinita’ is an Intellectually Embarrassing and Harmful Mess

…s moral reflection is needed. This is not it. The rest of the document, 66 numbered paragraphs, includes an introduction to the notion of human dignity which for the Vatican boils down to Natural Law, and a history of the concept of human rights as it has emerged in Catholicism and some global platforms. The second half is a catalog of what are considered by the writers to be “grave violations” of human dignity: poverty, war, injustice to migrants…

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Reading the Qur’an: Wherefore Art Thou?

…art of tajwid that deals with breathing, and holding a vowel for a certain number of counts. Sometimes you just need to catch your breath and complete the sentence the ayat, the passage. When he stops, and then repeats a portion it is always logical relative to the meaning as well. It would not do, (no, it) would not do, to just repeat, repeat, repeat. It matters how and when a certain phrase is repeated even if only technically in order to catch…

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Hajj Journal: The Journey Begins and Ends

…: be patient. I spot other members of our group by the telltale plastic ID cards hanging around our necks. I even try to attach myself to one couple, but it never gets synchronized; either they are done with one of the quasi-officials first or I am. Eventually, I just follow the steps relative to other hajjis getting off the plane. The first room was random, but at least I learned that the arrival card has six stickers, three of which should be at…

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War on Christmas, War on Schmistmas, Happy Holiday

…I love them enough during the rest of the year.) I send notes, emails and cards to people who have touched my life but are now spread throughout the world. I take food to someone who needs it and pay special attention to requests from those in need on freecycle. (If you don’t know freecycle check it out; it’s the coolest). In both cases, I reflect on the realization that I don’t do enough of that during the rest of the year. I donate money to cha…

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Will Women Priests Change the Church?

…e “unity of the church” will be broken, and various other theologically discredited notions. He does so with the patience and equanimity of someone who has been mouthing these same old ideas for some time, come what may. I can imagine that he might, at a later date, just as easily say, “As we have always and everywhere taught, in the fullness of revelation, women are called to the ordained priesthood” if so instructed by higher-ups.   That hierarc…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…apings of them, which junkies like me collect and argue about like trading cards. But I especially anticipated this one. Never before had these two crusaders faced each other. All the better that it was happening at a flagship Catholic school, lately accustomed to being a flashpoint in the culture wars. Weeks in advance, the campus lit up with controversy. Neither debater was Catholic, some complained, so the religion of Notre Dame and most of its…

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Mr. President, Your Papers Please: The Birther Inquisition

…ound with an ever expanding front: laws that require photographic identity cards for anyone who wishes to vote; laws empowering police to demand identity papers from persons they deem suspicious; laws empowering citizens near the Mexican border to arm themselves and protect the frontier of their homeland from foreign workers who are invading. All of this passionate anxiety about identity has been brewing just beneath the surface of a debate that i…

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