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Civil Unions Battle Heats Up in Italy; Church Leaders in Malawi Defend Criminalization of Homosexuality; Report on LGBT Student Group Sparks Backlash in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…ugees and migrants in the wake of reports of violence, including rape, against migrants from Iraq and Syria, “where ISIS militants are targeting or killing homosexuals.” Afghanistan: Petition Calls for Legal Protections for Religious, Sexual Minorities A petition is calling for changes in the laws of Afghanistan to protect the rights of both apostate (defined by petition organizers as “agnostic, atheist, freethinker, humanist, skeptic”)…

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Alums Speak Out Against Anti-Gay Christian College

…because, for once, they get to hear they are ok—not sick and sinful.” Any policy that lists homosexuality—practice or otherwise—alongside other “sins” like “drunkenness, theft, and profanity,” will do nothing but reinforce the lie that these kids are “sick and sinful.” Asking forgiveness is a first good step. But, you don’t fix something this harmful by simply apologizing—you fix it by repealing the policy altogether, and affirming these students…

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What’s Behind a Conservative Mormon’s Call For “Religious Freedom” Advocates to “Stand Down” on LGBT Rights

…out of public politics extends to his own hesitance to prescribe specific policy solutions to the current stalemate between “religious freedom” and LGBT rights. During a two-hour conversation with RD, Mero repeatedly sidestepped requests to clearly identify the dividing line between these two camps, suggesting that state and local governments should navigate these issues independently, ideally without the interference of faith-based groups. “I wo…

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Stop the Coup 2025 Founder on the Dangers of the Heritage Foundation’s Authoritarian Playbook

…n. It also specifically calls for making both our domestic and our foreign policy reflect what some refer to as “traditional family values.” But here the interpretation of those family values is kind of a fringe religious position. In law, it not only reflects what some people call “originalism,” but it reflects more and more another theocratic interpretation of law. A lot of the laws now being challenged in court focus not only on things like abo…

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Transforming America’s Israel Lobby

…Jewish Americans who share their goals and could add political impetus for change? It is time for the anti-occupation wing of the pro-Israel community to wrest control of the conversation from those who cling to outworn assumptions about America’s Middle East policy and what it means to be pro-Israel. The political elite should not be blamed for assuming that even tepid statements that favor robust American diplomacy or take exception to Israeli p…

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Trump Order A ‘Death Sentence’ For Some LGBT Refugees? Global LGBT Recap

…se: “Our hope is to spark dialogue and hopefully get the church’s policies changed. The aim is not to fight or antagonise, but rather to make people think and remind the church that there are passages in the Bible that promote love.” Part of Kotlolo’s artillery in this bid were posters scrawled with Biblical text such as “Love thy neighbour as you love yourself” and “But he who loves God is known by God”. Another protester, Geoffrey Ogwaro, a huma…

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The Fragility of Our Reality: A Conversation with the Brain Behind PBS Miniseries on Neuroscience

…stroke or a tumor or a traumatic brain injury—what you see is that they’ve changed. They can change entirely: their decision-making, their risk aversion, their personality, their capacity to name animals or see colors or understand music. That clarifies the whole picture about the relationship that we have with our brains. Philosophical arguments are always subject to debate, but the scientific observations just are what they are. You’re talking a…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…hi be removed from the panel of commentators. Howell noted that “it is the policy of editors not to remove articles; they equate that with trying to change history.” Arun Gandhi resigned three weeks after posting his essay. He told the Rochester City Newspaper that he resigned in order to protect the institute, which he feared would have been closed down if he remained at the helm. Responses in the English-language international…

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Marriage Equality Coming To Taiwan In Spite of Religious Objectors?; Anti-Gay Ruling Sought By Indonesian Islamists Threatens Women & Poor Couples; LDS Church Launches New ‘Mormon and Gay’ Site; Global LGBT Recap

…riage and LGBT advocates have been involved in a long campaign to demand a change in the law. While Gareth Lee, whose order was cancelled, welcomed the Court of Appeal decision, Ashers general manager Daniel McArthur expressed his “extreme disappointment”. “If equality law means people can be punished for politely refusing to support other people’s causes, then equality law needs to change,” he said as he emerged from court surrounded by his famil…

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Dieting, Sex, Jesus: The Body as Moral Battleground

…oses of losing weight can really backfire when people stop making positive changes in their lives because the number on a scale doesn’t change. In terms of ex-gay ministries I think it is the perception that people who engage in these ministries are in deep denial and are self-deluded. Some probably are. But many whom I spoke with who have been in these ministries for years or decades foster no illusions about having become heterosexual. What they…

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