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Why Bill Maher Gets a “C” in My Introduction to Religion Class…

…pages I’ll confine myself to Religulous.) This is the kind of thing a fair number of my students, raised in the Protestant-dominated United States (even Catholics and Jews have assimilated this definition), come to university thinking about religion; the two key components of which are “belief” and “God.” Religion is some cryptic interior, individual thing that exists in one’s own head, and is only understood in relation to a God. I don’t blame my…

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The Fusion Friendships of Rev. Barber’s Third Reconstruction

…within this country. While I may not exactly share Rev. Barber’s sometimes Southern-centric outlook, I’m aware that I can’t understand the United States apart from the South or apart from the Reconstruction(s). As someone whose roots are newer to the U.S. and whose roots go deeper south to the Caribbean part of Colombia, I’m aware that Rev. Barber raises problems and alternative possibilities that go to the roots of this country, roots that the No…

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Bree Newsome and the True Meaning of Civil Disobedience

…slaughtered from Emanuel AME Church, as at least six black churches in the south have been set aflame in what authorities believe are arsons, as the south is belatedly addressing its long-standing reverence for the flag used to support slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation—it is mind-boggling to see these activists compare their opposition to people who are in love getting married to the struggle for freedom and equality for black people in this coun…

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We Can Finally Put the Lie to Trumpism: 5 Myths Debunked By a Biden Victory

…raded the white working class for racially diverse voters in the South and Southwest. 2020 shows this was wrong. Biden won back Wisconsin, Michigan and (soon) Pennsylvania. Arizona and Georgia are on track. (North Carolina seems a longer shot.) This should scramble the conventional wisdom. It should lead to the following: while the GOP coalition is getting smaller, whiter and more regionally and ideologically homogeneous, the Democratic coalition…

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Global LGBT Recap: Ugandan Law Unleashes Vigilantes, Anti-Gay Americans Want to Boost Homophobia Exports

…ever. And nor is there any moral justification. Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa, among others, attest to these facts.” Museveni signed the legislation on Monday, and on Tuesday the tabloid Red Pepper launched a vigilante campaign naming “Uganda’s 200 Top Homos” and giving names and home addresses of both well-known activists and private citizens, some of whom may not even be LGBT. Attacks may have already left one dead. After Museveni sign…

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In ‘The Evangelical Mission to Spread The Gospel to Muslims’ a Journalist Tells a Global Story About Evangelical Missionaries and the Spread of Right-Wing Ideology

…ted States, the Vietnam War, apartheid, and the brutal military regimes in South America. Graham was also aware that the future of the Christian faith was no longer in America. In the 1970s, the gravity center of Christianity began shifting from the Northern Hemisphere to the South with the explosion of Pentecostalism in Latin America and Africa. Read Anthea Butler’s BILLY GRAHAM AND THE GOSPEL OF AMERICAN NATIONALISTIC CHRISTIANITY So the encount…

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Indonesian Clerics Issue Anti-Gay Fatwa; Anti-Civil Union Peruvian Lawmaker Cites Hitler; Is Christianity more ‘un-African’ than Homosexuality?; Global LGBT Recap

…nce. The Rev Jackson George Gabriel, the curate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan, tells me that he welcomes outside encouragement, confirming that the American branch of his church “are telling us to stand firm against homosexuality”. In a country where President Salva Kiir has said that homosexuality will “always be condemned by everybody”, and where the public shaming of gay South Sudanese by local tabloid media is growing, his s…

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Honey Boo Boo and the Sweet By and By

…target for this kind of elitist and unhelpful framing, it would surely be Southern Gospel music. Emerging from the postbellum South, the music swelled from its roots in amateur shapenote singing to become a professionalized industry centered, by the 1940s, on superstar quartets such as the Statesmen and the Blackwood Brothers. After dwindling in widespread popularity since midcentury, the tradition now flies under the radar of mainstream culture…

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