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Still Trying to Get Creationism into Science Classes

…itute unveiled its academic freedom campaign, in 2008, complete with a web site providing sample legislation for interested state lawmakers. The institute’s John West made sure to stress that the bills never mentioned intelligent design. But as DI’s past actions clearly indicate, the goal was still to pry open the door for sympathetic teachers to teach intelligent design and creationism. Louisiana, Alabama, Michigan and Missouri all introduced sim…

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Park 51 and RLUIPA, Or, Conservatives Hoisted On Their Petard

…s. So: “If the City of New York denies the zoning approval sought for this site, it will blatantly violate [the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act] and expose the city to one whopping lawsuit that is extremely likely to succeed,” as Chicago attorney Dan Lauber told Chicago Sun-Times columnist Lynn Sweet. “A federal law adopted by a Republican Congress makes the denial the Republicans seek blatantly illegal.” Several high-profile…

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Gen X, Gadgets, and God

…ple in. (Indeed, I’m aware of a number of churches whose social networking site pages are closed to outsiders. Hmmm?) A modestly tech-savvy minister will eventually come to the conclusion that engagement with believers today has to be both digital and mobile. Thus, I wasn’t surprised to read about an Anglican priest in Nova Scotia who offered a “grace for gadgets” service over Labor Day weekend during which the faithful had to opportunity to have…

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Seek and Ye Shall Find… Anti-Gay Views

…is designed “to promote what we believe to be biblical truth” and excludes sites that don’t meet that standard. Houdmann says a search on his site would not turn up pornography. If you search “gay marriage,” you would get results that argue against gay marriage. And if you type in “Democratic Party,” your first search result is a site on Marxism. But SeekFind isn’t the only search engine carving a niche market among religious Internet users. There…

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Reason for Cautious Optimism in the Mauna Kea Telescope Standoff

…ii. The mountain’s protectors (kia’i) blocked the road to the construction site of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). Their legal suits against the project had finally ended and the court had allowed construction to proceed. The governor, David Ige, met the protectors with a police presence called from several of the islands, while the kia’i adhered to their praxis of kapu aloha, or peaceful resistance. Hawaiians who favored the TMT project staged…

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Dialogue or Demonization? Where Gays are Concerned, Focus on the Family Wants it Both Ways

…y has tempered their language about LGBT persons on the Day of Dialogue website, it only takes three clicks of the mouse to navigate directly from the Day of Dialogue site to the ADF “Marriage and the Family” page quoted above. This certainly doesn’t seem to be language conducive to genuine dialogue and does little to increase the credibility of the organizer’s newly visible anti-bullying stance. But it begs another question: What exactly are we t…

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Tearing Down Evangelical Icons: Why Penn’s Decision to Remove George Whitefield Statue May Be Good for American Evangelicalism

…forgotten, but that gazebo in Savannah’s Whitefield Square is an important site not only for evangelicalism but also for Black history in America. A burial site for formerly enslaved persons, it is hallowed ground. Even if a decorative white structure has all but erased that harrowing memory, their story and their blood still cry out for justice. Similarly, the statue of Whitefield in Philadelphia has also served to obfuscate the history of evange…

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The Battle for the Bible Against Christian Nationalism Seeks to Continue Historic Campaign

…ng a documentary on the Apache struggle to save their people’s most sacred site from a rapacious mining company. Later, during the evening plenary, Nosie spoke further about the effort. In the Apache tradition the waters at Oak Flat, about 65 miles east of Phoenix, Arizona, are the source of all life. A holy site for thousands of years where Apaches come to pray, it’s now threatened by corporate interests that want to dig a massive open-pit mine f…

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Intolerance in Indonesia Extends to Religious Minorities; Lutheran Church in Norway OK’s Same-Sex Marriage, But Not in Finland; Catholic Church Warns Australian CEOs to Back Off Marriage Equality Support; Global LGBT Recap

…entation and gender identity. The Sexual Rights Initiative has launched an online National Sexual Rights Law and Policy Database it describes as “a one-stop shop for national Constitutions, laws and policies related to sexual rights, including reproductive rights and sexual and reproductive health.” Indonesia: Anti-LGBT Campaign Tied to Rising Intolerance Toward Religious Minorities Murray Hiebert and Norashiqin Toh at the US based Center for Stra…

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Worse Than Madoff: Amway Launches Domestic Revival

…ar and their Motivational Organizations—available free on the author’s Web site—told me that the controversies stalking the company continue to this day. Scheibeler said that he had “worked with local victims and initiated a UK government investigation in which the DTI/BERR (Department of Trade and Industry/Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform) took legal action against Amway and is waiting for an appeals court decision to potentially ban them…

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