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Vatican’s New Media Evangelizing Strategy Can’t Save it from All The Bad News

…rd,” and you begin to understand that the Roman Curia is really in its own world, a world that increasingly behaves like North Korea with its lauding of a corrupt system, and the treatment of those who have been harmed by ineffective, dodgy administration over abuse cases. In the fantasy world of Vatican City, you can tell priests that it is good to use new media to bring the youth into the church, while bitterly complaining that the press has rep…

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Saudi Activist Manal Al-Sharif Freed from Prison

…ile, SaudiWomen2Drive has established its own YouTube channel with several videos of Saudi women driving. The Twittersphere dances with reports: Women spotted driving in Riyadh! Women spotted driving in Jeddah! The original video of Manal and her camerawoman Saudi feminist Wajeha al-Huwaider are now available with English subtitles. In it, the women dialogue about the practical impossibilities and blows to dignity the driving ban means for the dai…

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Meet the ‘Bronze Age Zionists’ — Far-Right Jews Embracing Fascism in the Wake of October 7

…age, share their memes, repeat their slurs, and embrace their culture war crusades. They circulate with pride videos of rabbis and Jewish academics delivering anti-immigrant speeches at conferences of American Renaissance, a White nationalist organization which has welcomed Jews (though not without controversy). One image shows Israeli and Confederate soldiers bound in ‘one struggle,’ while another caricatures a friendly embrace between a Jew and

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Seen Andrew Sullivan’s Expose-Style Footage of the LDS Temple? Now Read This.

…ance religious obligation with the demands of everyday life in the secular world.   In this, Mitt Romney’s own example is instructive: his promises to consecrate his life to his religion have not prevented him from pursuing what is by all accounts an aggressively secular business career and accumulating his own fortune, even if he has earmarked a fraction of that fortune for donations to the Church. Nothing in his career as governor and nothing in…

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I Grew Up Evangelical and the Christian Nationalist Insurrection Did Not Surprise Me

…n I was five, my father became a born-again Christian and a follower of RJ Rushdoony, the founder of Christian Reconstructionism, the modern Christian nationalist movement. Christian Reconstructionists believe America was founded as a Christian nation, with no separation of church and state, Dr. Julie Ingersoll explains in her seminal work, Building God’s Kingdom. They believe the Bible is literally true and dictates every aspect of Christian life…

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Capricology: Week 2: The Soul of a Robot

…y, depicting a teacher/spiritual leader who lives in a polygamous family structure and who uses drugs. We can not yet make many assumptions about how wide spread or normative either practice is in this world, since the series is asking us to suspend stereotypes we might use to make sense of our own everyday realities. One last theme struck me as interesting in this episode: the ways victims of terrorism are expected to be participate in public rit…

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WikiLeaks’ October Surprise: With “Spirit Dinners,” Conspiracy Goes Mainstream

…rs are a culmination of the conspiratorial platform of GOP nominee Donald Trump. Trump has used conspiracy as a motivational tool for his supporters, but most importantly to these individuals he has brought their beliefs to the mainstream. In many ways he has provided validation for them by giving their beliefs a public, mainstream voice. As Franklin Graham stated in July, the nation needs to repent, and Christians need to vote for the nominee who…

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Vatican Council on Women Would Be Funny Were it Not So Insulting

…Decades of gender analysis that has offered alternatives to socially constructed binaries and produced a wide spectrum of ways human beings understand themselves gender wise is completely ignored. Oddly, the first issue raised is plastic surgery, as if the Vatican were gearing up a campaign against it akin to its anti-abortion efforts. Oh, that pesky matter of choice again. There is much to critique about the medicalization/commercialization of w…

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South Park Meets the Sacraments at Class for New Catholics

…ey take their seats at the wooden tables Father Shea finally wins in his struggle with technology; dozens of thumbnailed videos pop up on the TV. The students spend most of the next hour watching video clips on topics like baptism and the Eucharist. Between clips Father Shea might say a few words, but nobody responds. This is a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) meeting—part of the process of becoming a fully confirmed adult member of t…

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Racist Ramtha Tirade: The Questions We Aren’t Asking

…ha School of Enlightenment (RSE), is suing former members who uploaded the videos of Knight’s racist statements to the Internet in 2012. In the state of Washington, the leaked videos also embarrassed democratic candidates who have accepted $70,000 in campaign donations from Knight (much to the delight of The Freedom Foundation, a libertarian think tank). Knight claims the statements were satirical and taken out of context, though it’s difficult to…

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