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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…ion of TQ bands. Do you believe that TQ is having an impact outside of the United States? If so, what? Why do you think it is having an appeal? If not, why? Is it the music (the genre being very particular to the Anglophone world)? the underlying thought of treating “Muhammad as punk rocker?”  BU: What an ignorant question. Anglophone world? Punk is ten times bigger in Kuala Lampur than it ever will be in the UK, France, or Germany. Or America. No…

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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…ho, being the victims of anti-Semitism, have little or no sympathy for the Arabs; whether citizens of Arab countries, Israeli citizens, or inhabitants of the West Bank. Finally, and most interestingly, the Haredim, or Ultra Orthodox. This group, mostly descended from Eastern European Jews, were traditionally (and confusingly to outsiders) actually anti-Zionist and not engaged in Israeli politics at all. The Haredi accepted that it was Zionism that…

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Dilemmas of American Empire: Can Obama Pull Off a Game-Changer in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan?

…out igniting a horrible civil war, one that Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia would not sit out. The best hope is that Iraqis will decide for integration and sovereignty, but it is up to them to decide whether they want a unitary state, a decentralized federation, three nations, or something else. I don’t want President Obama to make that decision or to commit U.S. troops to one of these outcomes. We must hold the Obama Administration to leave…

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RDBook: There is Nothing New About the New Atheism

…fluenced by once-fashionable Marxist ideologies that moved in parts of the Arab world. Though the Marxist option is dead as a political paradigm, suggestive remnants of the philosophy and its opiate theories still do their work to some degree. My atheist kin remain, in my view, hamstrung by carefully-worded tautologies of old Soviet vintage that once tried to promote national atheism through argument-manufacturing—not to mention demolition, near g…

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Is Obama Satan’s Warm-up Act?

…r the first time in world history the Russians are working openly with the Arab world; that kind of makes you think [the fulfillment of prophecy] could be very close at hand.” Asked about the impact of such thinking on government policies during the Bush administration, LaHaye began by claiming “I’ve never been asked that before.” He did go on to note that, no matter how much or little Washington politicians read Left Behind, all government action…

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Muslim Women “Warriors”

…ters in Islam (SIS). Zainah Anwar, the coordinator of Musawah (equality in Arabic) said: Musawah is in some ways a vindication of a long and difficult struggle to find liberation within my faith and to translate into action my utter belief in a just God. This is the last frontier in the feminist movement to break the theological stranglehold of the patriarchs that prevents Muslim women from enjoying equal rights. For Sisters in Islam finding liber…

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Why the Obama/Hillary Clinton Approach to Middle East Peace is Doomed to Failure

…onists who consistently support the militarist perspective in dealing with Arabs and Palestinians), has insisted as a matter of faith that American politicians promise not to deal with Hamas, just as in the 1980s and 1990s these same forces insisted that the U.S. not negotiate with the PLO. According to several Israeli analysts, the Obama Administration’s game plan is this: To call for a cease-fire that will freeze in place Israel’s commanding mil…

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RDBook: Is Zionism Anti-Semitic?: Zizek’s Violence

…en the philosopher insists on stating that the Holocaust remains “an incomparably greater crime” than most of the events it is compared to. Yet, the Shoah is not such an abstraction that it prohibits itself from being abused in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. To make this point, Zizek notes how often the Holocaust is appealed to when progressives issue standard platitudes concerning Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians. Stating that the pl…

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Gutless Americans: Religion-Baiting Heading into Election Day

…merica is ominously described as a “liberal advocacy group that ran ads on Arab TV apologizing for the actions of US troops”: See if this sounds different: Faithful America ran an ad on al Jazeera expressing regret for the abhorrent abuses that took place at Abu Ghraib—sort of similar to the way that George W. Bush (quite appropriately) apologized to Jordan’s King Abdullah at a Rose Garden press conference back in May of 2004: “I told him I was so…

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Republican Party: You Are What You Are!

…n when the crazy-haired lady in Minnesota referred to Senator Obama as an “Arab,” one could see a few attendees shaking their heads in embarrassment and shame prior to Senator McCain’s ill-worded rebuke. I admit now that I was just plain wrong. The “Obama Bucks” distributed on the Chaffey Community Republican Women of California newsletter [ironically created to parody the ideology of the people who ultimately took it seriously] and the “Waterboar…

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