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Shari’ah ≠ Islamic Law: Misunderstanding the Role of Islam in Libya

…d perhaps have no easy answer. But all the same, it is unlikely we can see Arab democracies emerge where Islam, liberalism, socialism, nationalism and other trends do not overlap. Finally, Libya’s political system is quite a muddle right now. It’s not clear what power the NTC has in deciding Libya’s future governance—but there are some signs of concern (why are issues like polygamy raised during the country’s liberation day?), as well as some rath…

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Tibet is Burning: Is the Freedom Movement Entering a New Phase?

…ion inside Tibet is pretty grim. And it has been bad for a long time. The “Arab Spring” has galvanized freedom movements around the world and Tibet is no exception. If things could change so fast in Egypt or in Libya, then why not Tibet? Even as China has been clearly intensifying its crackdown on religion, Tibetans are ramping up their campaign to raise awareness and bring attention to their predicament. And of course, the participation of monks…

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Confusion Reigns on Cairo Streets

…f leaders. This was and is a leaderless and rudderless unrest, who are not united on a vision for the future past a very few basic demands. They’ve made a number of strategic errors, and will probably continue to do so. As I left, I thought that eventually, they’d all just go home, and then we would see how the coming months would unfold. That the next nine months would be a time of transition for Egypt, and that at the end of it, Mubarak would re…

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Cain’s Twirling Ideas

…orld for that matter. But really, could a guy who claims to be in sync with the Republican base not realize there are a few end-times theories about Libya and the Arab Spring? Because if you’re going to go down in flames, you might as well, you know, go all out….

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Violent, Genocidal Anti-Palestinian Rhetoric Moving to US?

…lians, damning them to death along with the militants in their midst. Anti-Arab racist rhetoric is common in Israeli politics. Recent comments by a Member of Knesset and whip of the religious Jewish Home party – key members of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s governing coalition – were especially heinous. In a Facebook post published a month ago, Ayelet Shaked advocated for the killing of “the entire Palestinian people… including its elderly and its wom…

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No, CNN, Saudi Arabia and Iran Have Not Been Fighting For “1,000 Years”

…n fought a war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, which was backed by the Gulf Arab monarchies, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Now, it is not inaccurate to claim that the Saudi Arabian-Iranian rivalry is one of the most toxic in modern Muslim history, that both regimes are in different ways profoundly odious influences on the Middle East and Muslim politics, or that their involvement of America and Russia, respectively, in their clash of reli…

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No Virginia, There’s No “Clash of Civilizations”

…rd!”; the sorrow of Yehuda Amichai “everything in three languages/ Hebrew, Arabic and death”; and the strength of Langston Hughes, “Don’t be discouraged, builder.” What’s your next book? Usually one book shows me the way to another. I wanted to make it clear in this book that Islam is not “the other of democracy,” hostile to democracy or working against it. As I wrote, the Arab Spring came. Watching the people of Cairo, I remembered something I ha…

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Can Interfaith Dialogue Cure Religious Violence?

…when we consider widespread abuse directed at people profiled as Muslim or Arab—a response that began before the second bomb had even exploded.  But I think we should be cautious about attempts to frame the Boston bombings, or for that matter any profound act of violence, mainly as a failure of (or an injunction toward) “interfaith cooperation.” There are four questions worth raising: 1. What other dynamics of power move out of focus when celebrat…

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Watching Man of Steel in Istanbul

…lly, it is how we have tried to force Turkey’s Gezi Park protests into the Arab Spring. (Imagine the average American in Superman’s spandex.) Indeed Gezi Park’s a cause for celebration: thousands of Turks are vigorously protesting in favor of decentralization, a greater say in urbanization, a rollback of Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian tendencies, and the preservation of green space, the spark which lit the fire which would have probably igni…

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Don’t Call it a Turkish Spring

Arabic for utilitarian Latin, then erasing as much evidence of Persian and Arabic as he could. Going through the dictionary with a black highlighter. Even snipping out subversive letters. There is, for example, no ‘q’. But there would be, if he’d faithfully transliterated from Arabic. So a Shari’ah-compliant lounge called ‘Huqqa’? With fantastic views of the Bosphorus, situated on the far edge of Europe and facing the far edge of Asia—not some geo…

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