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Two people on a podium with a board that reads "Project 2025 kills democracy"

Project 2025: How Trump Loyalists and Right-Wing Leaders Are Paving a Fast Road to Fascism

…tage-announces-2025-presidential-transition-project-hiring-paul-dans-direct-new. [12] Peter Montgomery, “6 Ways the Heritage Foundation Makes America Less Free, Less Just, and Less Safe,” Right Wing Watch, April 21, 2023, [13] Heritage Foundation , “2025 Presidential Transition Project Forms Advisory Board with Leading Conservative…

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The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

…l to the arch-capitalist set. For one thing, it jibes with an entrepreneurs-as-social-heroes mentality—only instead of being “winners” or “job creators” they’re creative minds unlocking a better world, their ideas transforming the texture of reality. For another, it affirms, rather than polices, the expression of desire (sound familiar?), and it does so within a pleasingly vague moral framework that doesn’t offer much by way of fixed ethical deman…

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Mitt Romney’s Prosperity Gospel

… no longer the world’s most mathematically-inclined nation. We’re a scratch-to-win nation. We’re a roll-the-dice people. And our god is that God: the one who makes water flow from the rock (Numbers 20:11); who surprises us all the time by blessing us in the least likely circumstances. Mr. President: You need to understand this. You need to work with this, but very, very carefully. Because, like it or not, the endgame in this election is going to b…

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“Hey You! Anti-Semite!”: A Jewish Krewe does Mardi Gras

…ts of jest. This approach is analogous to that of the traditionally African-American Krewe of Zulu. Scholars of American Jewish humor often draw parallels with traditions of African-American humor, and the comparison between Krewe du Jieux and the Krewe of Zulu is an easy one. Zulu has a longer and deeper history in the city, originating in a social aid and pleasure club, which is a form of social service organization that emerged to serve the nee…

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Too Hot for Shul: Rabbis Seek Healthy Israel Dialogue After Gaza

…the people of my generation or older do,” said Zimmerman, who is 40. In one-on-one conversations, she said, younger Jews are “questioning the assumption of Israel being connected to Jewish identity.” Last year’s Pew Research Center’s Portrait of Jewish Americans, a major survey of American Jews, found declining attachment to Israel among younger generations, while older Jews are more likely to see “caring about Israel” as an “essential part” of be…

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On Eve of Sudan Split Clashes Continue

…ed as refugees will have to leave Israel as a result of the Jewish state’s new anti-immigration bills, which are as harsh as those of Arizona and Alabama here in the United States. Thousands of illegal African workers will lose their jobs before being detained in the desert until deportation. When I saw William in January, he was hoping to go back to Sudan with the assistance of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. He was planning to…

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…of course, if you’re in Dubai, you’re here to shop. Or you, as per typical American geographic know-how, meant to fly to Duluth and arrived somewhere else entirely. Considering how unaffordable Dubai is for folks like me, you’d need a credit card. But, of course, you have to know your audience. This oversize sample inadvertently gives away the credit card number of some eight-five million men, most of whom live in Egypt.   ⬆ Earlier on this day, I…

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The Christian Roots of the New Age: The Aquarian Gospel

…y and the harrowing story of Herod’s attempt to murder this newborn messiah-to-be. Luke adds a few poignant tales from Jesus’ childhood, most notably the Christmas story with the shepherds, and the story of a precocious twelve year old arguing circles around the Temple priesthood in Jerusalem (Dowling likes that one, naturally, and expands on it in chapter 19 of The Aquarian Gospel). John sets the whole thing in a cosmic framework, telling us firs…

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2022 American Values Survey Offers Some Good News — And Some Bad

…began, then, the good news here is that most people in the US share a more-or-less tolerant perspective on social issues—and to a lesser extent, on racial questions. The bad news is, the people who aren’t on board with that perspective not only make up a significant part of the population, but they’re very fired up and in just under two weeks they could very well ride a wave of dissatisfaction with the economy to control vast portions of American

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…ith service of remembrance. It was a mini Parliament of Religions from the New York area, with over 600 interfaith leaders in attendance: Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists Muslims, and Christians participated, with reflections offered by Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove and Imam Khalid Latif. All were invited to pray with and listen to the pope, who emphasized the importance of dialogue and diversity. The Pope remarked “In opposing every attempt to create a rigid uni…

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