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The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

…m and New Age spirituality appear to enable someone like Gafni to remain a spiritual leader. “One of the great cathedrals of the spirit” I strongly recommend that you read the following paragraph aloud, preferably with a friend who does not serve on the board of a Fortune 500 company: The world of business is becoming one of the great cathedrals of the spirit. Businesses are becoming places in which meaning can be created, in which mutuality begin…

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The Student Debt Crisis Is So Bad Even Clergy Are Packing Their Bags

…% of the 45 million Americans with student debt. The proposed student debt cancellation bill makes eligible any student debtor earning less than $250,000 a year. Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) unveiled a campaign promise to cancel up to $20,000 of student debt for Pell Grant recipients responsible for initiating and maintaining an entrepreneurial project for three years in underserved communities. Relatedly, the California Senator recently e…

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Two Former Nuns Get Civil Union in Italy; Kenyan Govt Partners with World Congress of Families; Mexican Activists Debate Outing of Priests; Global LGBT Recap

….) Montevideo celebrates September as Diversity Month. Haiti: Police force cancellation of film festival after arson threats Police in Port-au-Prince ordered organizers of what was to be Haiti’s first LGBT film festival to cancel the event after death and arson threats were made by phone and social media. According to Reuter’s Makini Brice, “A senator added to the pressure to cancel the Massimadi festival, saying it would promote homosexuality and…

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When Fundamentalism Follows You Out the Door: Transphobic Statement Exposes Exvangelical Trauma

…odd form of gatekeeping. I, for example, began deconstructing at the age of 16, some 14 years before RHE published her first book, and my major early influences in deconstructing were in fact singer-songwriters like Alanis Morissette, Dolores O’Riordan, and Adam Duritz. By the time RHE—whom I had come to respect, and whose tragic early death this year was a cause of sorrow for me—published her first book, I was well over trying to find solace with…

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Love the Scholarship But Hate the Scholar’s Sin?: ‘Himpathy’ for an Academic Pedophile Enables a Culture of Abuse

…oit and prosper. A common objection to this line of thinking is that such “cancel culture” starts us down a slippery slope. Do we have to stop reading John Steinbeck if he was a jerk too?! Aside from the logically fallacious nature of slippery slope arguments, as critics of “cancel culture” hysteria like Sarah Hagi and Danielle Butler have pointed out, such objections are really distractions. They function to shield those in positions of power fro…

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World Congress of Families Blessed By Georgian Orthodox Patriarch and George W. Bush; Global LGBT Recap

…ide behind colourful rainbow flags are preparing to have an event from June 10th to 18th, and before that they’re preparing to try and legalise faggot f**kery.” “Faggot activities aren’t legal. Let’s take the law into our own hands. If the police aren’t going to do anything about it our community is ready to do it ourselves. We will not let these mother f**king dogs to ruin our culture. Ladies and Gents of Sinhale, join us on the 28th to look at t…

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Poets and Preachers: How Black Literature Blurs the Lines Between Sacred and Secular

…he black aesthetic of the 1960s) as the title. While I ended up borrowing “Spirit in the Dark” from Aretha, I think “That Spirit Is Black” would have worked just as well, and I did at least use Stewart’s phrase as the title for chapter six. How do you feel about the cover? I’m very proud to say that the artwork for the cover was a collaboration between Oxford’s design team and my wife, who used charcoal on paper to make the image onto which [Oxfor…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…been clawing its way out. Activists say that two devastating hurricanes in 1989 and 1995, as well as the HIV/AIDS epidemic, contributed to “the end of this queer cultural renaissance in the Virgin Islands,” along with “the religiosity of the islands.” “They still have these preachers out there that preach fire and brimstone,” said one business owner. Anglican Communion: More disconnect between Canterbury and Africa The Archbishop of Centerbury an…

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‘Anti-Romeo’ Vigilante Squads Target Men Suspected Of Being Gay; More in the Global LGBT Recap

…lations will face a maximum sentence of 100 lashes or pay a maximum fine of 1,000 grams of pure gold or face 100-month imprisonment. The ICJR says it regrets the impact of the implementation of Qanun Jinayat in Aceh. This case will increase the stigma against LGBT people in the province, it further says. Tanzania: Profile of activist struggle with anti-LGBT crackdown NewsDeeply’s Women and Girls profiles Queen M, a transgender woman who is “fighti…

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Racial Justice Will Be Top Priority for New Prez of the United Church of Christ

…ample the best practices from a variety of Christian traditions, but their spiritual horizons will invite them into a larger spiritual field. If there is a way to encounter the sacred or the divine, a way to draw closer to nature, a way to engender compassion for humanity, they will give themselves over to it without rejection, judgment, or reservation. There will be less reliance on or need for religious experts: namely, full-time, seminary-train…

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