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Why America’s Whitewashed Thanksgiving Needs to Go: A Short Study in the Power of White Christian Mythmaking

these essential deliveries was shiploads of molasses for the distilling of rum in prodigious amounts—rum that then went to Africa as currency for the purchase of slaves. In this way the export of essential goods from stolen Narragansett lands to the cruelest slave drivers on the planet, and the subsequent shipment of rum to Africa in return for slaves, formed the foundation of Rhode Island’s considerable early wealth. It is anything but easy to ge…

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MIT, Facing Opposition to Extremist Speaker, Might Try Google Next Time

…a track record of making homophobic and anti-Muslim comments to one of the world’s most prestigious universities makes little sense. And, in the event that MIT was having trouble finding a conservative economist who hasn’t disparaged marginalized communities, perhaps it ought to think more deeply about that. In the end, the value of holding the India symposium at MIT will likely be drowned out by the presence of someone who should have never been…

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On The Kerry Apartheid Comment and the Cycle of Chutzpah

…y, that Israel “has no other choice,” is the betrayal of Zionism. Israel’s rule of force over a civilian population threatens our democratic integrity, moral character, and international standing — in short, it threatens that future. . . . The testimonies portray a system of control and expropriation of land that is founded on the use of military force. Arbitrary violence is of the essence of military rule, which cannot rely on democratic legitima…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…uman dignity,” called for an anti-gay propaganda law strikingly similar to Russia’s in February 2016. The conservative Muslim organization has since built strong ties with the Jokowi government. The president, who meets frequently with NU members, once called the group the “vanguard” of Indonesia. Italy: National federation of Christian LGBT groups forms At New Ways Ministry’s blog, Francis DeBernardo writes about LGBT religious organizations in I…

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Dear Amazon Prime, I’m Not a Racist, But Why Are You Destroying My Precious Middle-Earth With Black Hobbits?

…series of riddles? Do you have any idea that he borrowed that from an Old English riddling tradition? Does it truly matter that the aforementioned Hadrian had brought the whole riddling tradition to pre-Conquest England from Africa? You disgust me. Tolkien was a man of his time. He had probably never seen a Black or Brown person until 1972. In fact, he’s likely turning in his grave at how WOKE these new adaptations are given that he famously said…

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For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…g Trump administration to continue to support LGBT human rights around the world. Unfortunately, Trump’s cabinet choices include a number of stridently anti-gay figures, and his rumored pick of Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State is sounding alarm for Tillerson’s close ties to Russia’s Vladimir Putin as well as the company’s historically poor track record on LGBT issues. C-Fam, the US based organization that is helping to lead an a…

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Call it ‘Christian Globalism’: A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation, Part III

…nd Jews. He also believes that “the creation of nations was God’s idea.” Cyrus-type rulers of sheep nations are needed to ensure that Christian values are protected and that the modern State of Israel would be respected. Of course it should be noted that their reference to the modern State of Israel is clearly bound to their view of ancient Israel as depicted in the Bible, and their portrayal of Jewish people is far removed from the contemporary r…

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No, CNN, Saudi Arabia and Iran Have Not Been Fighting For “1,000 Years”

…different ways profoundly odious influences on the Middle East and Muslim politics, or that their involvement of America and Russia, respectively, in their clash of religious authoritarianisms, might contain the ingredients for the next World War. Certainly all of us should be paying close attention. But there’s no reason to become hyperbolic. This feud has lasted 38 years now, which is significantly less than 1,000 years. For one thing, the mode…

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Anti-LGBT Culture Warriors On The March; More in Global LGBT Recap

…it. A social media campaign using the hashtag #WeNeedToTalk to promote the World Youth Forum being held in Egypt November 4-10 was hijacked by activists to draw attention to the country’s crackdown on LGBT people and on civil society in general: The conference’s organizers had hoped the hashtag would encourage interaction among the participants ahead of the forum and promote Egypt as a safe tourist destination. Instead, the activists posted images…

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From Organized Religion to Organizing Religion: Brian D. McLaren Wants Christians to Be Better

…say clearly enough that it is not just mindless consumerism but the very structure of finance capitalism itself that needs to be abandoned for the sake of planetary survival and human thriving. Over the years, Brian McLaren has been willing to sacrifice many former affiliations and put many friendships at risk on his personal journey toward a new understanding of his Christian calling. He may feel that breaking entirely with capitalism would be go…

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