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No God but Country: The Religion of John McCain Has Something Important to Tell Us

…cCain had made some claims about a born-again experience, and he allied himself with the “Christian faith.” Yet there seemed something missing in the middle of this talk. When I began researching, I didn’t think of the work as investigative. I thought that I would review the alignment between the American military and American religions, a subject on which Jon Ebel has written eloquently. Instead I found something else. That “something else” is as…

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Kavanaugh Hearings Are a Commentary on Mormonism

…re than a third of the Republicans (4 out of 11). On September 25, a group called Mormon Women for Ethical Government issued a letter asking those four men to: [Insist] on a full, independent investigation of these charges before a confirmation vote takes place… As your constituents, your neighbors, and your sisters in the gospel, we ask you to give sincere consideration to the message you are communicating through your participation in the Kavana…

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Trump’s Pathological Devotion to Border Walls Isn’t Political, It’s Theological

…ning families at the southern border of the United States was indeed “biblical.” The understandable outrage of decent humans across the world sent them flocking to to prove the claims ludicrous, mostly by referring to The Sermon On The Mount, pitting the words of the apostle Paul against the words of Jesus as some sort of moral mic drop. But Huckabee Sanders and Sessions were right. It was decidedly not Christ-like, merciful, piou…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…onizing of accusations of antisemitism. In a piercing essay on the categorical confusion surrounding the term, “Away from a Definition of antisemitism,” David Engel, Maurice Greenberg Professor of Holocaust Studies at NYU, traces the way that it originated in the mid-19th century as a label for a very local and limited position among a group of anti-emancipation Germans who held that the rights granted Jews were threatening to the vitality of the…

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‘America First’ and the Origin of the Modern Jewish Conspiracy

…i-Semitism seems to be resurgent once again. How do you situate this political moment within that larger history? That’s an interesting question. Conspiracy theories flourish in times of political and social turmoil. The Judeo-Bolshevik myth was born amid a general crisis in Europe at the end of World War I that saw revolutions, labor unrest, and in places civil wars. For many people, it seemed a way to explain the breakdown in social and cultural

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2018: Wave Goodbye to Another Year in Religion

…us faith. Surprisingly or perhaps not, American youngs are leaving evangelical Christianity more quickly than other Christian brands, perhaps because of its full-throated embrace of conservative politics. The trend has been good for at least one segment of the religious ecology, though. The Ex-vangelical movement, in part led by Religion Dispatches contributor Christopher Stroop, has been receiving media attention, including a profile in a CBS new…

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Senators Can and Must Ask About Nominees’ Religious Beliefs

…eking to graft this rule of etiquette onto the Constitution. The new political attack is just that. And it’s inelegant: If a senator mentions a nominee’s religion in anything other than glowing terms—even if the nominee has written extensively about how religion influences their work in regressive ways—that senator is accused of religious bigotry. The goal? Suffocate hard questions to get more conservative religious officials in office. The politi…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…November 2, 1853, Louisville, Kentucky. A student, Matthew Ward, bought a self-cocking pistol in the morning, went to school and killed Schoolmaster Mr. Butler for excessively punishing his brother the day before. Even though he shot the Schoolmaster point blank in front of his classmates, he was acquitted. An April 30, 1866 editorial in the New York Times argued against students carrying pistols, citing “…pistols being dropped on the floor at ba…

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Why Did Vandals Try to Destroy a Holy Tree?

…hese acts might be an anomaly, but together they form a pattern. One might call them, “crimes against creation.” Unlike normal environmental damage, they are motivated not by greed but by sadism. The apparent goal is to spite humanity by destroying something that can never be replaced. Natural wonders also possess sacred significance and, because of they are completely irreplaceable, their destruction is the closest a single person can come to att…

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Down to the Wire for Marriage Initiatives

…of deceptive ads by the National Organization for Marriage as well as robo-calls recorded for NOM by Republican rising star Senator Marco Rubio.  NOM made a last-minute plea for cash for its GOTV effort, saying “your contribution will mean the difference between God’s definition of marriage and ‘one man and one man’ as the law of the land” and warning that failure would mean persecution: If enough Christians, marriage supporters, and people of fai…

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