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In the Trenches with the HRC, Working for Transgender Inclusion

…ngs to Washington DC to speak about our experience as part of their Clergy Call for Justice and Equality. We did not hail from the obvious liberal bastions were you may expect to see such trainings, but from places like Alton Illinois, Jackson Mississippi, and Boise Idaho—places where transgender education rarely makes it into a congregation’s adult education program. Currently trainings are planned for Cherry Hill, New Jersey , Richmond Virginia,…

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Democrats Look to Conservative Evangelicals on Immigration

…leconference last month with a loose coalition of white and Latino evangelical leaders, Sen. Charles Schumer, the New York Democrat who had recently unveiled a legislative proposal for comprehensive immigration reform, pleaded with participants to bring Republican senators to the table to hammer out a bipartisan package. “You can play a vital role,” said Schumer. “You have great links to many of our Republican senators, they have great respect for…

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Americans Are Overtreated to Death

…of this piece is the most important: “Cancer that can’t be cured is often called daunting but not hopeless. So that’s what patients hear. Hope is the last thing to go. People don’t give that up easily.” Real hope, ministers and other clergy need to proclaim, isn’t that the therapeutic cavalry will coming riding over the hill at the last moment. That’s the false promise of the therapeutic script. Real hope, by contrast, is the belief that God’s pr…

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Will Kagan’s Jewishness Win Over Hatch?

…old mezuzah around his neck, and has mezuzahs on the doorways of his homes in Utah and Washington DC. Not that the eminently—supremely?—capable Ms. Kagan, who reportedly identifies as a Conservative Jew, needs to play the faith card. But just in case she’d like to swing for the fences, perhaps she might capitalize on Senator Hatch’s special Mormon brand of Judaphilia by offering to sing back-up on his 2010 edition Hannukah song, or by promising to…

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House Dems Confident Immigration Reform Will Pass—With LGBT Equality

…press conference, has reached out for the support of conservative evangelical groups, who say they are for immigration reform but will not support a bill that includes LGBT equality. When President Obama gave his immigration speech at American University earlier this month, the White House highlighted the presence of Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, Leith Anderson of the National Association of Evangelicals, and Samuel Rodriguez o…

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Ahmadi Muslim Community Doesn’t Speak For All Muslims

…lized leadership body for the Muslim-American community by positioning themselves as the leaders of the community. Unfortunately, their approach appears to be based on a Good Muslim/Bad Muslim dichotomy that actually ends up hurting the Muslim-American community. The Muslim-American community is represented by a wide variety of organizations that speak to various interests. Large umbrella organizations, like the Islamic Society of North America, h…

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“Soul Freedom” versus “Christian Nation”: Exploring the Legacy of Roger Williams

…who aren’t familiar with Roger Williams, why are you drawn to this historical figure? BL: Because he saw what so few in his day understood: that governments should not privilege one religious community or belief system over another. That the native Americans were the owners of the land and should be justly compensated for it, at the very least—that got him expelled from Massachusetts Bay Colony. He wrote an early primer on Native American languag…

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Overcoming Good Muslim/Bad Muslim Dichotomy

…you mention straw man arguments, as I believe you are generating a few yourself. Although my initial blog piece is short, I think you spend too much time on the title, rather than understanding the basis of the argument. Let me attempt to re-cap: 1. The AMC had a series of op-eds and a big ad buy. 2. The way the op-eds and website were argued implied that the AMC were good Muslims and the rest of the community was bad because of certain markers de…

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Quiz: The Outer Limits

…dead but book publishers have not gotten the memo. Test your fringe political savvy, and guess which ones of these are ACTUAL book titles. a. All in the Family: Playing the God Game on Capitol Hill b. Can America Survive?: 10 Prophetic Signs That We Are The Terminal Generation c. Going Jindal: Packing Heat and Praising Jesus d. Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul e. Glenn Beck’s Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Ins…

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Dangerous Religion

ses the greatest threat to American lives and security; a nefarious, fanatical religion that can bring death and destruction to innocent people, that disregards our laws and codes of conduct, and that is prone to acts of violence beyond the pale of civilized society. At least this is the message we are hearing more and more frequently in the news, especially in the wake of President Obama’s recent statements; views espoused by religious and politi…

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