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A Startling Number Believe You Can Be Jewish Jesus Follower; Why It’s Not As Crazy As It Sounds

…that number seems staggeringly high. A full third? Once you delve into the numbers, though, 34% doesn’t seem quite so high. Really, Pew has asked an excellent question—a question that reveals the full tangle of ambiguities and inconsistencies that surround the topic of Jewish identity. First, some background: when the researchers at Pew set out to conduct this survey, they quickly ran into a problem that’s been under discussion for at least two th…

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Kanye West’s Critique of Prosperity Preaching

…y. No longer was the voice of “the hood,” as a stand-in for the black underclass, dominant. The College Dropout effused the anxieties of a particular black bourgeois sensibility, and the album put the lie to the myth that hip hop and middle-class identity are mutually exclusive. In fact, on the track “All Falls Down,” Kanye performed an overdose of the proverbial “conspicuous consumption” as he rapped: I wanna act ballerific like it’s all terrific…

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What Can Fascination With ‘Sister Cindy’ Teach Us About the ‘None’ Generation?

…ew I’d say yes. It was a beautiful spring day during the last full week of classes at the end of the great Covid school year coop-up. More importantly, the course considered issues of religion, (in)tolerance, and free speech, and we had discussed Cindy’s bombastic preaching earlier in the semester. Fully vaccinated, I offered, in lieu of class, to livestream the sermon for the few students who didn’t plan to attend. Around two hundred people came…

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The Irony of Moral Panic over Surplus Men

…arge enough supply of working class men with stable jobs to entice working class women to marry them. Many working class women correctly calculate that it’s better to be a single mom than to support both a child and an unemployed or sporadically employed husband. The fact that there’s no crisis of family formation among the college educated proves it’s not a matter of cultural influence—or even religiosity. In the end, it’s not a matter of morals,…

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Was Student Who Claims She Was Suspended For Saying, “Bless You” Mimicking God’s Not Dead?

…y Shane Harper) resists, rhetorically humiliating Radisson in front of his class, and inspires non-Christian classmates to convert. The film, an over-the-top piece of anti-intellectualism, portrays educators as modern-day Pharisees who promote ideology rather than critical thinking. So it’s hardly surprising that some Christian students began performing this script in the first week of classes. By equating educators with the villains of the New Te…

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Marianne Williamson and Me

…alifornia’s 33rd District Congressional seat. Williamson’s visit to my USC class on American spirituality was a boon for me, but it also served her purposes. District 33 cuts through some of the state’s wealthiest communities including Malibu, Beverly Hills and Palos Verdes, and Williamson would be speaking here to potential voters if not volunteers. Meanwhile, I’d have a 21st century incarnation of the 19th century New Thought and Theosophy teach…

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Millennials Invent New Religion: No Hell, No Priests, No Punishment

…st as “feel good” about the religion as the original founders. I asked the class after the presentations why they all chose to eschew the idea of hell. “Religion today is so … judgmental,” one student offered. “Yeah,” another agreed. “We don’t need some church telling us what to do when they don’t practice what they preach.” Here they were utterly consistent with an oft-cited poll of a few years ago, in which many millennials said they found the c…

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A Reluctant Millennial On The State of Church

…. It should go without saying that he doesn’t look like most of the middle class North American young people this conversation is really about. It’s easy to leave church looking for, or to create, a community in which Jesus does look like us, though. That is the age old human problem from one generation to the next. We are always creating God in our own image, when it is supposed to be the other way around. We try to shape the church around our ge…

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The Racial Politics of Atheism

…t confront white families and white children—atheist, evangelical, working class, middle class or otherwise. Brilliant white youth who want to be oncologists—unlike my 12th grade mentee Karly Jeter, who identifies as Christian—are not told that they come from a dysfunctional culture that only excels at sports and making babies. And they are not excluded from gatekeeping Advanced Placement science courses because their counselors didn’t believe the…

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Creationism Makes Its Mark

…st Amendment’s Establishment Clause by permitting religion to be taught in class, and for failing to protect their son. Federal law allows such civil liberties cases to be filed anonymously. Freshwater has filed a countersuit, citing defamation of character. In July, the school board suspended Freshwater without pay based on the investigatory report, saying he had misused the electrical device, taught religion in his science class, and failed to f…

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