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Mitt Romney’s Best-Known Mormon Critic Tells it All. One Last Time.

…University and I fell in love with teaching. Suffolk was an iconic working-class university—in the 1960s that meant working-class first-generation-college white immigrant families. I had young men negotiating grades with me because if they didn’t get a C, they’d get drafted. I investigated how people avoided the draft and became very aware of class divisions in Boston and America at large. The war really turned me into a social critic, a thinker,…

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Is Mitt’s Mormonism Responsible for South Carolina Loss?

…g authentically with voters, his regional identity, his corporate past and class status, and so forth. 4. How religion intersects with economic class in voter behavior is an understudied but potentially important factor in 2012 and beyond. Social theorists often talk about “intersectionality” of race, class, gender, and religion. It would be very revealing, I think, to see data that focuses on the intersection of religion, class, age, and gender. …

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Phyllis Schlafly: Rick Perry Out to Undermine Traditional Marriage

…adwinner.” Schlafly, unimpressed by the Perry campaign’s insistence that the plan protects the middle class, responds with my favorite line: “Regardless of income, you can’t be middle class without respecting middle-class values, the most important of which is marriage.” So, I guess by definition, gays can’t be middle class….

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The End of Roe and School Prayer: America is Not Ready to Be a Christian Nation

…hristian nation where conservative white Christians are a special, favored class and all others are second class citizens. The separation of church and state is one bedrock that protects and enshrines equality in a way that too many of us do not understand, but which will be painfully obvious when it’s gone. That separation is what ensures that we all have freedom without favor, and equality without exception. That separation is America. And if th…

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New for Democrats: Non-Personhood for the Non-Rich

…six figures who now imagine themselves to be part of the struggling middle class. Meanwhile, the people who actually are part of the struggling middle class are being plucked like so many chickens, with their unions under assault, their kids in lousy schools, their shot any kind of retirement security being stripped away with the blessing of the Democrats. As I write this, I am hearing White House factotums and leading Democratic shills talking ab…

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Religion, Morality, and the Death of the American Soap Opera

…uely Midwestern city in an unknown state. The Hortons were an upper-middle class, apparently Episcopalian family; the patriarch, Tom Horton was a doctor. By the 1980s, they were increasingly overshadowed by the arrival of the working-class, Irish-American Brady family, but members of both of these families continue to play significant roles on the show. The show was first heralded for its realism, but like nearly every soap, came to embrace more f…

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Why Real Political Power Will Not Come From a Revived Religious Left

…ple’s Campaign was King’s solution for building the unity of the poor as a class as a prerequisite for building political power. Indeed, one of the most striking images from the first Poor People’s Campaign is a political cartoon that depicts several pairs of feet walking in unison, labeled as belonging to poor folks of many races — poor whites, blacks, Puerto Ricans, American Indians — and a pair of worried politicians speaking together in the ba…

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Shameful GOP Tax Plan Taxes Reality

…he Democrats and their allies are willing to call out a perfect example of class warfare waged by the overclass against the rest of us. In my view, far too many Democrats are entirely comfortable with neoliberal economics: they fully accept the thesis that a corporate-friendly regime of deregulation and low taxes is good for everyone. Far too many Dems depend on Wall Street and the 1% to fund their campaigns. Far too many are perfectly happy to ca…

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Soft Supremacy: When “Liking” Love Is Not Enough

…on to Robert Mercer, not Steven Bannon. Get a clue about the white working class rather than consigning all non-elite whites to a “deplorables” basket. Joan Williams’ brilliant short book, White Working Class, would be a good place to start. And here’s why: we will never realize King’s “revolution of values” in this country without overthrowing the rule of wealth—the corporate state—that lies at the heart of all social violence (not to mention apo…

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Critiques, Questions, and Sauve-qui-Peut: Looking Toward the Future of American Christianit(ies)

…not its future. The wild card in this scenario concerns whether the rising numbers of new immigrants steeped in charismatic Christianity will somehow give Christian-inspired culture wars another encore; I personally think this is doubtful, but I could be mistaken. Among the dwindling numbers of those whom we usually regard as religious moderates—the white bread Protestants and suburban Catholics—there is one issue that I believe could become trans…

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