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Body of Work: Remembering Daniel Berrigan, 1921-2016

…and that year I also began to read newspaper pieces, for school, about the Vietnam War. It was 1971. I got an “A” on a literature project in which I used Bob Dylan’s “Masters of War” as a poem. In one lesson, while introducing the concept of “pacifism,” Sister dropped the name of a priest called “Berrigan.” She recounted a story she’d heard from one of the Fathers Berrigan. I wish I remembered it all more exactly. It might have been Daniel: “What…

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Time to Face Facts: White Evangelicalism Has Always Been Right Wing

…ave always veered to the right, often to the extreme. From Civil Rights to Vietnam to abortion to gay rights, from national defense to tax policy to climate change to health care and on and on, white evangelicals have solidly and consistently championed the most conservative positions. Where some white evangelicals have at times been found on the other side of these issues, they have only served to highlight the enormous evangelical majority that…

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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…Freedom Summer, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the Movement’s stance against Vietnam or the Poor Peoples’ Campaign. But we also cannot understand why there was a violent backlash, the development of the white Southern Strategy, and how “cutting taxes,” “entitlements” and “states’ rights” became such potent, racialized language to persuade people to vote against their own self interest. Because we don’t know this history, we don’t understand how publ…

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Perhaps Islam isn’t the Only Reason Donald Trump Didn’t Recall Muhammad Ali

…in Ali’s famously defiant line about the draft and his refusal to fight in Vietnam: “No Vietcong ever called me a n—-r.” Sociologist Harry Edwards referred to Muhammad Ali as the “patron saint” of black athletic revolt. Indeed, Ali’s religiously-inspired sociopolitical stance had interfaith resonance. He was an inspiration, for example, to African-American Christian athletes John Carlos and Tommie Smith, who famously bowed their heads and raised t…

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Forget the Pope—We Need a New Caliph!

…and celebrities of all time. On moral grounds, he refused to fight in the Vietnam War and was stripped of his boxing license for three years. He lit the torch at the ’96 Atlanta Olympics and made Bill Clinton cry. He was a gifted pugilist, a brilliant interviewee, sharp-tongued, and a rapper who rapped before rap was even named. The Fresh Prince played him in a movie. He’s from Kentucky, which is a red state, which gives him playing power in the…

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The Protestant Mainline Makes a (Literary) Comeback

…ich detail the involvement of the National Council of Churches in the anti-Vietnam War movement. Sociologists Christian Smith and Patricia Snell, building on an argument by sociologist Jay Demerath, contend in Souls in Transition that liberal Protestantism contributed to its own decline by winning “a decisive, larger cultural victory.”  Religious historian Leigh Schmidt paved the way for the latter argument and its research agenda in his book, Res…

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Excommunicated For ‘Grave Scandal’ of Ordaining Women

…ourth year, having become a naval officer, I volunteered for shore duty in Vietnam which would become a turning point in my life. Never had I experienced such violence, suffering, and fear. In the madness of war, my faith became more important and I felt God was calling me to be a priest. I talked to a Catholic Army chaplain about my calling, and he recommended that I join the Maryknoll Missionary Order who worked with the poor around the world. I…

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State Department Finds Religion, But Whose?

…pment of US policy toward Sudan, which IRFA-associated groups named as the Number One violator of religious freedom for five years in a row, as US policy evolved to support the country’s division into Sudan and South Sudan in 2010. But the law plays virtually no role in US policy toward Saudi Arabia, given that, for 15 years, the president has waived sanctions on the basis of US national security interests.) More recently, people generally mean th…

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Yes, the Navy Yard Shooter Was a Buddhist

…e moral force of his convictions, and Buddhist monastics in both Tibet and Vietnam chose to burn themselves alive in protest rather than take up arms against their oppressors. In fact, the promise not to kill another living being is the first of five precepts enjoined on all Buddhists. (The other four are to refrain from stealing, lying, sexual misconduct and intoxication.) If someone cannot even keep the precept not to kill then what business do…

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Why Did So Many Black Women Die? Jonestown at 35

…sco during the turbulence of the post-civil rights, post-Black Power, post-Vietnam War era. A self-proclaimed Marxist who fetishized black liberation struggle, Jim Jones actively courted the support and approval of the Bay Area liberal political establishment. He skillfully mined the language of social justice, racial equality and anti-sexism in an era in which disillusion with the possibility of freedom from institutional oppression ran high. He…

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