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Billy Graham and the Gospel of American Nationalistic Christianity

…ing the country together after the Kent State massacre and the toll of the Vietnam War. Graham led a prayer service on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Graham’s sermon included checking the “stitches” (on the US flag) of racism, poverty and foreign policy. While Graham and others promoted a strong America, part of the audience engaged in an “Honor America Day Smoke-In,” while white nationalists protested for the white man. While Graham would lat…

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*UPDATE*: Sam Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador? His Distinguished Predecessor Hopes for the Best

…tion in the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal provided the leverage for Vietnam to draft a sweeping comprehensive religious freedom law. But Saperstein is no cynic about these leveraged achievements: “We should remember that there are millions of people who are truly suffering and that the United States still plays a critical role in hewing to the idea that universal human rights are a real thing and not merely a ‘Western imposition’ that can e…

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Why Real Political Power Will Not Come From a Revived Religious Left

…dical revolution of values” that Dr. King called for in his famous “Beyond Vietnam” speech at Riverside Church in 1967. It is the poor and dispossessed as a class whose ethics and struggle must be centered if we are going to have a real moral revival — not the ethics of the “religious left” or of progressive Democrats. Luckily, doing just that — centering the leadership and unity of the poor in all our attempts to create change in this country — i…

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The Origin Story of the Evangelical Mindset: A Conversation with Frances FitzGerald

…he ‘60s—meaning against feminism, gay rights, student protests against the Vietnam War, and indeed, the Civil Rights Movement. But this wore off with evangelicals, and the one issue that became paramount for evangelicals was abortion. This was odd because Protestants and evangelicals had always favored what they called “therapeutic abortions,” which were acceptable in cases of incest or rape or harm to the mother. They interpreted “harm to the mot…

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Irony Repeats Itself: Reconsidering Reinhold Niebuhr in the Trump Era

…ate 1950s, and stunned many Niebuhrians, in the mid-1960s, by opposing the Vietnam War. Any attempt to capture his extraordinary life, thought, and career has to show how and why he changed so many times, and why he attained such a commanding stature in social ethics. Doblmeier pulls it off adeptly, mixing snippets of Niebuhr’s writing, archival photos, and interviews with Elisabeth Sifton (Niebuhr’s daughter), Andrew Young, Jimmy Carter, David Br…

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Alex Jones, Performance Artist, and the Duelling Meanings of ‘Sincerity’ in Politics and Public Life

…eage of “-gate” scandals but it also, following on a country soured by the Vietnam War, torn apart by race, and jolted by multiple assassinations, represented a sea-change in thinking about authority—including, perhaps ironically, the authority of the “mainstream media” that broke the story. Liberals who need their news media to be devout investigators, as with Saints Woodward and Bernstein, cannot understand the appeal—the perceived function of s…

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Storytime with David Brooks: In Which the Liberals’ Favorite Conservative Gets Lost in a Lily-White History

…ceived as a brutal and bloody imperalism manifesting itself in places like Vietnam and Iran. I mean, how can God’s anointed nation possibly be doing such awful things? Where white Americans complacently see their history “in an upward spiral” under special providential protection, nonwhite Americans, and almost everyone outside our borders, see this New Israel behaving more like Old Egypt in its worship of wealth and power. Brooks ends his column…

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Not God’s Army: The Front Lines of the Fight Against Proselytizing in the U.S. Military

…coming mostly from the red states, or extremely conservative states. After Vietnam a lot of clergy did not want to go into the military, and since nature abhors a vacuum we began to see this influx of extremely evangelical people coming into the chaplaincy as well as into the operations of the military. It really hit its stride in 1994 with the so-called Newt Gingrich revolution at the end of the second year of the Clinton presidency when we reall…

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Before Breitbart: How Right Wing Media Transformed American Politics

…onal Review as its publisher in 1957. By the mid-1950s, then, there were a number of conservative periodicals, publishing houses, and radio shows. And they weren’t just isolated outlets scattered across the country. They were intimately connected through overlapping donors, personnel, and relationships. Regnery was an early sponsor of the Manion Forum. Manion sat on the board of National Weekly, which oversaw National Review. Editors at Human Even…

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Tim LaHaye’s World: We’re Living In It

…ith the powerful. Despite how obvious it is that the emptied coffers after Vietnam, the disastrous slashing of the social safety net in the 1980s, the protracted legitimation crisis in American democracy, and the failure attend to the still crippling forces of racism, inequality, and political apathy are the big stories in this America, LaHaye’s fact-fictional writing constituted a kind of archive deflecting attention from these issues, instead gi…

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