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Masculinity and Mass Violence: When Will We Acknowledge the Smoking Gendered Pronoun Hiding in Plain Sight?

…my own discomfort on the morning of the Oak Creek attack: The common denominator Others have seen religious intolerance as a central feature in many recent mass killings. Mark Juergensmeyer recently discussed the ways in which certain religious narratives meld seamlessly with notions of violence and war. The image of cosmic, religious war, he notes, can been seen at the center of both Isl…

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Pussy Riot Members Sentenced to 2 Years for Offending Russian Orthodox Church

…e Old and New Testaments, supports the search for truth and a constant overcoming of the self, overcoming what you used to be. Christ didn’t associate with prostitutes for nothing. He said, ‘I help those who have gone astray and forgive them’ but for some reason I can’t see any of that at our trial, which is taking place under the banner of Christianity. I think the prosecutor is defying Christianity. The lawyer wants nothing to do with the injure…

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Atheists Ignore Islamophobia at their Peril

…ic minorities is accessible—these issues impact many people in the atheist community. But what about people in other communities? If this is the case, then interfaith outreach and cooperation is imperative as it strives to decrease the distance between “others” and create opportunities for people to identify shared values and a sense of shared humanity—an understanding of identity that allows people to see another’s freedom and value as connected…

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Christian Media Battle Over Controversial Figure

…tion.” “The reasons for that were multi-fold,” he says, “but they were not compelling… not reasons that would have led us to postpone or kill the story.” Repeated requests for comment from the Christian Post went unanswered, though I was eventually informed that the Post’s editor, Michelle Vu, who authored the August 17 response, had “politely decline[d]” my request.  Instead, I was provided with a brief statement: “Christianity Today wrote an art…

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5 Take-Aways from the Newly Viral Romney End-Times Video

…n agenda interrogate what it really means to be Mormon. Mormon doctrine is complex and there have been subtle shifts in emphasis over time. Recently, I heard a top Mormon historian compare doctrine to a cloud: there are some fairly central points of Mormon belief and lots of more marginal ones. But the faith is actually more about orthopraxy than orthodoxy—living as an observant Mormon, showing up on Sundays, doing your Church-assigned job (since…

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Prosperity Gospel and Foreclosure

…tell the operator it’s the Passover offering, and “prosperity is going to come into your life, . . . and everything that has been stolen from you will be given back.” In TBN’s world, God is not compassionate to the poor, only to the faithful, and their faithfulness is measured by their offering. It doesn’t matter if the audience might need their money for the rent, for medicine, for food. Munsey says—to nods and murmurs of affirmation—that God is…

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History Channel’s The Bible Keeps Conservatives (Mostly) Happy and Jesus White

…some seen in loincloths. With a lineup like that, and with (a Christian dating site in the wake of some bad press), being a primary sponsor of the show, the audience seems clear, and the first night’s ratings were pretty good, if not off the charts. But so far the effect is far murkier than the intent, as I will detail in future posts.  Thus far, the show appears to take too many liberties with the text to satisfy the most bibl…

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Atheist Islamophobia… Again

…icle by Frans De Waal that seeks to understand why “Militant Atheism Has Become a Religion” seems relevant here. As an Emory psychology professor who conducts research on primate behavior, and an atheist himself, his criticism is directed neither at atheists nor Muslims. Instead he writes, “I consider dogmatism a far greater threat than religion per se.” Dogmatists “are poor listeners” who “pound their drums so hard that they can’t hear one anothe…

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Secular As Kids, Religious As Adults?

…nique Department of Secular Studies, and author of, among others, the forthcoming book, Living the Secular Life. Zuckerman told me he found the data “sort of bizarre” and that it “runs counter to all that I know on the topic.” In the upcoming book, Zuckerman notes that while there is a paucity of research on secular parenting, there are longitudinal studies on the future impact of a secular childhood on adult religiosity are out there, and they sh…

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No Room for Non-Theists at Boston Interfaith Service

…hed to help the Corcorans. Also, at the time of this writing,, the Boston Atheists, the Humanist Community at Harvard, and the Secular Coalition for Massachusetts have raised $26,856 to assist victims.  But though Epstein has considerable experience organizing memorial vigils—and has addressed over 45,000 people in attendance at these events during his decade of service as a humanist chaplain—he was not invited or included to part…

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