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International ‘Pro-Family’ Summit Calls for New Anti-Gay Laws: Global LGBT Recap

…entertainment license. An attorney for the dancers told GSN: This decision comes at an important time in Hong Kong – not only for Hong Kong citizens seeking to exercise their right to demonstrate, but also for LGBT members of the community wishing to express their views free from police harassment. ‘Our highest court has now sent the police a clear message that they can no longer use this piece of public entertainment legislation to restrict the r…

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The Catholic-Evangelical (Non-)Coalition

…ligned with liberal values than Evangelicals.” But these numbers shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has bothered to looked at Catholic opinion polling for the past 30 years. The fact is, on most hot-button, sex-related issues, Catholic opinion has long been about the same as public opinion, and mainstream Protestant opinion, as a whole and significantly more liberal than Evangelical opinion. The turning point for Catholic opinion catching…

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On MSNBC RD Editor Discusses Trayvon Martin

…RD contributing editor Anthea Butler, who wrote about Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism this week, appeared on Melissa Harris Perry’s MSNBC program this morning to talk more about the tragic shooting and its aftermath.  Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy…

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Are Colored Eggs More
Easter-y than Cesar Chavez?

…y is the latest in an ongoing attack on their faith. In a post on titled “Ponder Christian Soldiers Google’s Smirking War On You,” Colorado State Senator Shawn Mitchell decries the choice of a Chávez “doodle”: “Sure, no Christian was mocked, defamed, arrested, or persecuted. And heaven forbid any believer needs internet graphics to help bolster their faith. But hundreds of millions of Christians received the clearly intended message t…

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Today We Pray for Women for Whom Pregnancy is Not Good News …

…ver forgive them or that they’ll go to hell, Kromenaker noted, “They still come for the abortion. Because they’re like, ‘I just can’t be pregnant right now.’” She added, “Every single abortion provider has had a woman who has come in and said, ‘I used to be out on that picket line.’” Some women are surprised that church teachings don’t match reality: the clinic floors aren’t covered in blood; the evil abortionist is kind and caring; abortion doesn…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…amily Research Council president Tony Perkins on April 30. Hoffman’s op-ed combines two common narratives about Chen and the Obama administration that have become popular on anti-abortion websites; that the Obama administration has betrayed Chen because it values economic cooperation over human rights; and that the administration is refusing to help Chen because it supports the forced abortions that Chen opposes. The Perfect Dog Whistle A bookend…

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Ugandan Bishops Push Notorious Anti-Gay Bill

…d that the death penalty would be removed in committee. “However,” notes a commentary on, “readers familiar with the legislation’s history will know that such assurances have been made before only for the bill to go to the voting stage intact and without the death sentence deleted.” Also still in the bill: A 7-year jail sentence for consenting adults who have gay sex; A life sentence for people in same-sex marriages; Extradition and pros…

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The Internets Own Your Religion

…onolith, and there is no universally recognized religious leadership, it becomes hard for someone to come forward to act as a gatekeeper. Even if there were Catholic-style hierarchy, you can imagine the type of games that could be played with granting access to use of the domain. For example, would nuns invested in social justice be allowed to register under “.catholic”?  In the case of Muslims, we don’t know who is registering these gTLD and to w…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

…the University of Colorado. Or he must have had a rough upbringing. Or the common refrain: he’s simply psychotic, and no verifiable reason for the shooting will ever be discovered. The responses from religious commentators, scholars, and pastors have a similar range. Shootings like this will continue because of our increasing desensitization to violent images, one Patheos blogger argued, while another evangelical commentator believes that this act…

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